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Begin by drawing a rough sketch of how you imagine the main   If your poster is focused on field photos and measurements, you
         figure(s) will look, since the attention of most poster viewers is   might split up the central part of your poster into boxes for regions
         drawn in first by the figures. It is also a good idea to run your   or categories like rock units of your field area, sized based on the
         ideas by your advisor early and often in the planning stage before   amount of data you have for each. These could be arranged around
         you get too far into designing your poster, because they will prob-  a map of the field area in the center of the poster—so essentially,
         ably have great suggestions for a more effective way to illustrate   the map can be used to organize your data, which is consistently
         the data and concepts.                                labeled as figures or results.
          One effective way to organize a poster is to divide it into three   Carefully select the most important parts of your project that
         sections in a left to right sequence like a brochure—an introduc-  you want to discuss with people and that contribute to a clear under-
         tory section, a middle “results” or data-rich section that also may   standing of your work—do not cram in too much detail. For the
         include methods, and a discussion/implications section, from left   most part, people only have a few minutes to spend talking to you
         to right. The middle section or center of the poster may be the   about your project, so less is more.
         widest because it is where the data and figures that are the bulk of
         the project will appear. Make sure to clearly label each section.

                           10–13 Oct. GSA Connects 2021

                                VOL. 31, NO. 6  |  JUNE 2021
              S S I  0   N  0 9  7 - 1  6  1    3  J U N  0 2   E  2   1   VOL. 49  NO. 6    P. 609–752
                          Jurassic to Neogene
                         Quantitative Crustal Thickness
                         Estimates in Southern Tibet

                                   Success in Publishing:

                                 Navigating the Process

             Are you an early-career author looking for help with   •  frame and structure your work for publication,
             putting together a successful research article?
                                                              •   create well-thought-out figures and tables that
             GSA’s popular Success in Publishing workshop is just   communicate your ideas,
             what you need to turn your research into a well-prepared   •  write an attention-getting cover letter,
             manuscript ready for submission to a scholarly journal.
                                                              •  choose the right journal for your work,
             Led by experienced GSA science editors (and GSA
             Distinguished Service awardees) Rónadh Cox and Nancy   •  and more!
             Riggs, this workshop focuses on the process of preparing   This highly successful, free workshop for early-career
             your research for submission and navigating the editorial   geoscientists will be held for its ninth year on 30 Sept.,
             process. You’ll get advice on what to include, what to   noon–1:15 p.m., PDT. To sign up, go to
             leave out, as well as how to avoid frustrating your paper’s
             reviewers. You’ll learn how to:                  Pubs/WritersResource.aspx.

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