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         KEYNOTE SPEAKERS                                                 PRF 2022
          These scientists are aiding the Penrose Conference conveners in
         identifying diverse attendees, providing keynote addresses, and   Progressive Failure of Brittle Rocks
         acting as mentors.                                              A GSA Penrose Conference
         Professor Erik Eberhardt, University of British Colombia.
         Recipient of the Canadian Geotechnical Society’s 2013 John A.
         Franklin Award for outstanding technical contributions to rock
         mechanics and the 2017 Thomas Roy Award for outstanding con-
         tributions to engineering geology.
         Dr. Stephen Laubach, University of Texas at Austin. Distinguished
         lecturer for the American Association of Petroleum Geologists
         (2010–2011) and Society of Petroleum Engineers (2003–2004) and
         GSA Fellow (2016).
         Dr. Jill Marshall, University of Arkansas. Winner of the 2018
         American Geophysical Union (AGU) Luna B. Leopold Young
         Scientist Award for significant and outstanding contributions that
         advance knowledge about earth- and planetary-surface processes.
         Professor Phil Meredith, University College London. Winner of the
         2016 European Geophysical Union Louis Néel Medal for his contri-
         butions to rock physics and geomechanics and for his role in stimulat-
         ing international collaboration and interdisciplinary research.
         Dr. Seulgi Moon, University of California Los Angeles. Recipient   June 20 - 24
         of the Gabilan Stanford Graduate Fellowship at Stanford University,
         and holder of an NSF Career Award for her work on fractures and   Design by Ken Lambla, Marek Ranis, Missy Eppes—
         landslides.                                                   an art-science collaboration funded in part by NSF
         Professor Laura Pyrak-Nolte, Purdue University. President of
         the International Society of Porous Media (InterPore; 2019–2021);
         president of the American Rock Mechanics Association (2017–2019);   Applications will require a provisional presentation/poster title
         recipient of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists 2020   and/or a brief summary of research interests and work related to
         Reginald Fessenden Award; fellow of the American Association   the conference themes. Attendees are not required make a presen-
         for Advancement of Science, AGU, and American Rock    tation to participate. Successful applicants will be notified 15 Feb.
         Mechanics Association.                                2022, and registration—which will require an abstract if present-
         Professor Heather Viles, University of Oxford. Co-director of the   ing—will close 15 Mar. 2022.
         Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Centre for   A key goal the conference is to maximize inclusion and diver-
         Doctoral Training in Science and Engineering in Art, Heritage and   sity. We encourage participation from, and will provide some
         Archaeology; honorary professor at the Institute of Sustainable   financial support for, a range of international, gender, BIPOC,
         Heritage, University College London; leader of the Oxford   LGBTQIA, early-career stage, and other underrepresented groups.
         University Heritage Network.                          To further foster a sense of belonging and a welcoming and inclu-
                                                               sive atmosphere, we will be implementing a mentoring scheme for
         LOGISTICS                                             any attendee who wants a mentor. An artist in residence will also
          This Penrose Conference plans to host ~75 in-person partici-  attend the conference, and resultant artwork will provide a key
         pants. Attendees will make their own travel arrangements. The   communication tool with the public and among scientists. All
         anticipated registration fee (~US$1000, but possibly less depend-  participants will be expected to observe the GSA Code of Ethics
         ing on additional sponsorship) will cover all meals and lodging   and the Events Code of Conduct throughout the meeting.
         (nights of 19–23 June) and pre-arranged transportation from
         (19 June) and to Charlotte (24 June).                 REFERENCE CITED
          An application form link will be available via the GSA Penrose   Eppes, M-C., and Keanini, R., 2017, Mechanical weathering and rock erosion
         Conference website ( and the   by climate-dependent subcritical cracking: Reviews of Geophysics, v. 55,
         meeting website ( starting in October 2021.   no. 2, p. 470–508.

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