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         BOOKMARK THE GEOSCIENCE JOB BOARD    Appointment to this position may be on a Senior   interested candidates at the GSA and AGU meetings
                                             Executive Service (SES) Career, SES limited-term   or virtually if needed.
         ( for up-to-the-  appointment (1-3 years), or Intergovernmental Per-  Occidental is a nationally ranked liberal arts col-
         minute job postings. Job Board ads may also appear   sonnel Act (IPA) assignment. The salary range is   lege recognized for its diverse student body and out-
         in a corresponding monthly print issue of GSA Today.   $174,225 to $194,516.   standing undergraduate research program. The mis-
         Send inquires to, or call   Announcement  GEO-EXEC-2021-0011,  with   sion of Occidental College is to provide a gifted and
         +1-800-427-1988 ext. 1053 or +1-303-357-1053.  position requirements and application procedures,   diverse group of students with a total educational
                                             is located at  experience of the highest quality—one that prepares
                                             ViewDetails/606683400. Applicants may also   them for leadership in an increasingly complex,
                   POSITIONS OPEN            obtain the announcement by contacting David   interdependent and pluralistic world.
                                             Smith, 703-292-2142. Hearing impaired individu-  Occidental is an EEO employer and does not
         Assistant Professor in Applied GIS,   als may call TDD 703-292-5090. Applications must   unlawfully discriminate against employees or appli-
         Department of Environmental and     be received by September 10, 2021.  cants on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual
         Ocean Sciences, University of San Diego  NSF is an equal opportunity employer commit-  orientation, gender identity, gender expression,
         The Environmental and Ocean Sciences Depart-  ted to employing a highly qualified staff reflecting   pregnancy, breastfeeding or related medical con-
         ment at USD invites applications for a scholar who   the diversity of our nation.  dition, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age,
         uses geospatial analysis (GIS) within the field of                     marital status, physical disability, mental disability,
         environmental or ocean sciences with a program   Assistant Professor, Hydrosphere,   medical  condition, genetic characteristic or infor-
         of scholarship that is connected to one of the fol-  Occidental College  mation,  military  and  veteran  status,  or  any  other
         lowing cluster hire themes: (1) Climate Change   The Department of Geology at Occidental College   characteristic protected by state or federal Law.
         and Environmental Justice, (2) Borders and Social   invites applications for a tenure-track faculty posi-  Individuals advancing the College’s strategic equity
         Justice, or (3) Technology & the Human Experi-  tion at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning   and justice goals and those from groups whose
         ences   August 2022. We seek a colleague with expertise in   underrepresentation in the American professoriate
         -equity-inclusion/hiring.php. For further details and   the hydrosphere, broadly defined as including inter-  has been severe and longstanding are particularly
         to apply go to  actions between water (including snow and ice),   encouraged to apply.
         job/494597/assistant-professor-in-applied-gis.   climate, ecosystems, and surface processes. Prefer-  A  comprehensive  benefits  package  is  available
         (Priority deadline: 10/10/21).      ence will be given to candidates that apply innova-  (
                                             tive and quantitative approaches to investigate water   resources/benefits-information). All qualified appli-
         Division Director, Division of Ocean   systems across temporal and spatial scales, through   cants will be considered, including those with crimi-
         Sciences, National Science Foundation   some combination of fieldwork, computational   nal histories, consistent with applicable state and local
         (NSF), Alexandria, Virginia         modeling, remote sensing, large datasets, and con-  laws, including the City of Los Angeles’ FCIHO. If
         The National Science Foundation, Directorate for   trolled experiments. The successful candidate will   you need a reasonable accommodation because of a
         Geosciences (GEO) seeks candidates for the posi-  have teaching and research interests that comple-  disability for any part of the application or employ-
         tion of Division Director in the Division of Ocean   ment those existing in the department and that can   ment process, contact
         Sciences  (OCE).  The  mission  of  the  Division  of   strengthen departmental connections with other
         Ocean Sciences is to enable fundamental research   science programs across campus and at institutes in  Faculty Position in Paleontology,
         in most areas of the infrastructure, and education to   the greater Los Angeles region. The successful can-  University of Michigan
         advance understanding of all aspects of the global   didate will engage with motivated undergraduate   The Museum of Paleontology and the Department of
         oceans and ocean basins, including their interactions   students as both a teacher and mentor, teach courses   Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University
         with people and the integrated ocean system. These   related to their specialty and introductory geology,   of Michigan are searching for a full-time tenure-
         activities provide knowledge critical to address-  and engage undergraduates in research projects in   track faculty candidate in the field of Paleontology
         ing many of our nation’s most pressing challenges   the earth and environmental sciences.  at the assistant professor/assistant curator level. This
         involving ocean processes. OCE supports and pro-  Applications should include statements of research   is a university year appointment with an expected
         motes collaboration and facilitates the development   interests in the context of a liberal arts college and   start date of August 29, 2022. The Museum of Pale-
         of a diverse scientific and educational community,   teaching philosophy that  includes a  discussion of   ontology has recently relocated its internationally
         including international efforts. The Division works   demonstrated commitment to, past evidence of, and   significant  collections of plant, invertebrate, and
         with the U.S. Ocean sciences academic community   future plans for creating equitable opportunities for   vertebrate fossils to the new Research Museums
         to direct funding towards advancing the frontiers   learning and mentoring especially for underrepre-  Center [ ]. Paleontology
         of knowledge, developing  the  next  generation  of   sented students. Appointment at the rank of Associ-  faculty labs and offices are in the newly completed
         researchers, and enhancing the public’s understand-  ate Professor or Advanced Assistant Professor   Biological Sciences Building, [ https://lsa.umich
         ing of ocean sciences. Additional information about   may be considered for candidates with particularly   .edu/ummnh/about/biological-sciences-building
         the Division’s activities may be found https://www   advanced experience and a demonstrable ability to   .html ], which houses biology units (Ecology and     contribute to the College’s mission as it relates to   Evolutionary Biology [ ];
          The Division Director provides leadership and   diversity, inclusion, equity, and justice. Candidates   Molecular,  Cellular,  and  Developmental  Biology)
         management to the Division’s programs and assists   should specifically address their ability to (1) teach   [ ]; and the Museum of
         the GEO Assistant Director in carrying out Direc-  in a socioeconomically, ethnically and culturally   Natural History [ ].
         torate-wide responsibilities such as the preparation   diverse environment, and (2) engage students in an   We seek applicants who have broad research
         of  budget  submission  for  Congress,  oversight  and   innovative and externally funded research program.   and teaching interests within developing areas
         management of Division budgets, and recruitment   Submit cover letter, research and teaching statements,   of evolutionary or environmental paleontology.
         of scientific staff. The incumbent also supervises   curriculum vitae, 1-3 representative publications,   The Museum and Department invite applicants in
         and provides leadership and guidance to adminis-  and arrange for the confidential submission of three   fields including, but not restricted to macroevolu-
         trative and support personnel within the Division.   referees to Christopher Oze, the Search Committee   tion, interactions between developmental biology
         Externally, the Division Director represents OCE   Chair, at A Ph.D. is required.   and evolution, extinction dynamics, paleoecology,
         in a variety of NSF-wide and interagency activities   Review of applications will begin October 10, 2021,   organismal paleobiology, and biotic responses to
         related to research and education, and in interac-  and will continue until the search closes on Decem-  global change. We will consider outstanding appli-
         tions with the community.           ber 20, 2021. Search committee members will meet   cants in any of these areas, and are particularly

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