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interested in candidates whose work bridges sub-  and other interdisciplinary centers including the   mountains, deserts, coast and ocean - most within
         disciplines within paleontology and Earth sciences.   Berg-Hughes Center for Petroleum and Sedimen-  a  few-hour drive. CSULB is  also located in  the
         Taxonomic expertise is expected, with preference   tary Systems and the Center for Tectonophysics.   vibrant Los  Angeles-Long  Beach-Orange  County
         for areas that add new curatorial strength.   Texas A&M University is a land-, sea-, and space-  metropolitan area, rich with universities and col-
          The successful candidate is expected to establish   grant university, located at the center of the Bryan/  leges, government agencies and local industry that
         an externally funded research program and con-  College Station metro area with its dynamic and   provide many opportunities for collaboration.
         tribute to excellence in undergraduate and gradu-  international community of over 270,000 people.   Please follow this link [
         ate teaching. Applicants must have a Ph.D. at the   Texas A&M University is an Equal Opportunity/
         time of appointment and should submit: (1) cover   Affirmative Action/Veterans/Disability employer   professor-of-geological-sciences-geoscience ] for
         letter; (2) CV; (3) statement of current and future   committed to building a culturally diverse educa-  a detailed position description, list of required and
         research plans; (4) statement of teaching philosophy   tional environment for all visitors, students, fac-  preferred  qualifications, and explanation of  the
         and experience; (5) evidence of teaching excellence   ulty, and staff by promoting a culture that embraces   application procedure. Review of applications will
         (e.g., evaluations, awards), if available; (6) a state-  inclusion, diversity, equity, and accountability.   begin October 18, 2021.
         ment of activities contributing to diversity, equity,   Diverse perspectives, talents, and identities are
         and inclusion in academia; (7) up to four publica-  vital to accomplishing our mission and living our
         tions; and (8) names and contact information for at   core values. The TAMU College of Geosciences   Assistant Professor Position in Petrology/
         least four references.              Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan can be found at   Geochemistry, Macalester College
          Information about the Museum and Department  The Macalester College Geology Department
         can be found at   action-plan/index.html. Applications from mem-  invites applications for a tenure track position in the
         and To apply please go to   bers of minoritized groups are strongly encouraged   broadly defined areas of petrology, geochemistry,   to apply and will be actively sought.  volcanology, and/or planetary geology, to begin in
         complete the online form, and upload the required   The University is aware that attracting and retain-  Fall 2022. Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in Earth
         application documents as a single PDF file. If you   ing exceptional faculty often depends on meeting   Sciences or a related field. The successful candidate
         have any questions or comments, please send an   the needs of two careers and therefore implements   will teach a course in mineralogy or “earth materi-
         email message to  policies that contribute to work-life balance, includ-  als,” and will be encouraged to develop additional
          The application deadline is October 1, 2021, for   ing the Dual-Career Program (  introductory and advanced courses related to their
         full consideration, but applications will continue to   Faculty-Resources/DUAL-CAREER-PARTNER-  interests and expertise that diversify and expand cur-
         be reviewed until the position is filled. The Univer-  PLACEMENT).     rent curricular offerings. Existing strengths in the
         sity of Michigan is supportive of the needs of dual   Applicants must have a Ph.D. in geology, geophys-  Macalester geology curriculum include structural
         career couples and is an Affirmative Action/Equal   ics or a related field at the time of appointment. Post-  geology and tectonics, surface processes and paleo-
         Opportunity Employer. Women and members of   doctoral experience is desirable but is not required.   climate, paleobiology, and sedimentary geology.
         minority groups are encouraged to apply.  Initial review of applications will begin on September   The successful candidate will be expected to main-
         Two Tenure-Track Assistant/Associate   15, 2021 and continue until the position is filled.  tain their scholarly work and conduct research with
                                              To apply, please submit a cover letter, CV, state-
                                                                                undergraduates. Demonstrated success in teaching
         Professor Positions in Geology and   ment of research vision, statement of teaching inter-  and advising at the undergraduate level is desirable.
         Geophysics, Texas A&M University    ests, a separate statement that demonstrates evidence   The department is committed to increasing and sup-
         The Department of Geology and Geophysics in the   of a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion,   porting equity and diversity in the geosciences.
         College of Geosciences at Texas A&M University is   as well as names and contact information for at least   More information about the Macalester Geol-
         conducting a search to fill two tenure-track positions   three references to   ogy Dept. can be found at
         with 9-month academic appointments at the Assis-  Informal inquiries or requests for more informa-  geology/. Macalester College is committed to stu-
         tant or Associate Professor rank. We seek creative   tion may be sent via email directly to the Search   dent and faculty diversity, equity, and inclusion.
         faculty members who will lead vibrant, cutting edge   Committee Chair: Dr. Mark E. Everett, Chair, Fac-  As an Equal Opportunity employer supportive of
         research programs that can leverage the strengths   ulty Search Committee, Dept. of Geology and Geo-  affirmative efforts to achieve diversity among its
         of Texas A&M and the Department of Geology &   physics,  Texas  A&M  University,  College  Station,   faculty, Macalester College strongly encourages
         Geophysics, while expanding our reach into national   TX 77843-3115, email:  applications from women and members of under-
         and international-scale initiatives. We particularly                   represented minority groups. Questions should be
         welcome applications from individuals with demon-  Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) of   directed to Dr. Raymond Rogers, Chair, Geology
         strated commitment to diversity, equity and inclu-                     Department (
         sion. This is an open-discipline search, and we seek   Geological Science, California State   Applications will be considered beginning Sep-
         applicants with backgrounds that strengthen or com-  University Long Beach  tember 1, 2021. To apply and submit required docu-
         plement research within the Department of Geology   The Department of Geological Sciences, Califor-
         and Geophysics. For more information, please refer   nia State University Long Beach (CSULB) invites   ments, please visit:
         to This position has an   applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor   ajo/jobs/18851
         anticipated start date of August 1, 2022.   in Geophysics or in any other Geoscience discipline   Assistant Professor of Lithospheric
          The successful candidate will be expected to   that substantially employs geophysical methods in
         establish and maintain an independent and exter-  research to start Fall 2022. A qualified candidate   Dynamics & Evolution, Utah State
         nally funded research program, contribute to trans-  should be dedicated to teaching at the undergradu-  University
         formative teaching and mentoring at the under-  ate and Masters level and committed to developing   The Department of Geosciences at Utah State
         graduate and graduate levels, and participate in   an externally funded research program that will   University (USU), Logan, invites applications for
         departmental and college activities.   involve students. As part of a campus that serves a   a  9-month tenure-track  position in lithospheric
          The Department of Geology and Geophysics   very diverse community, the Department of Geo-  dynamics and evolution. We seek candidates who
         is part of the College of Geosciences, which also   logical Sciences seeks candidates who, through   combine geophysical, geochemical, and/or geologi-
         includes the Departments of Atmospheric Sciences,   previous experience supporting diverse students or   cal observations to conduct innovative, interdisci-
         Geography, Oceanography, the interdisciplinary   their own lived experience, will be committed to the   plinary, and quantitative investigation of solid-Earth
         Environmental Programs and Water Management   successful teaching and mentoring of all students.   system science. Research interests may include but
         and  Hydrologic  Sciences  degree  programs,  the   Southern California abounds with world-class   are not limited to physics and physical-state proper-
         International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP),   geologic exposures for teaching and research in the   ties of Earth materials, geophysical observation of
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