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At the Nexus of Earth Science and Civilization:
                        GSA’s Geology and Society Division

         Jim Heller, Chair                                      As with all Divisions, G&SD may support other GSA commit-
                                                               tees; however, the Division has a standing obligation to partner
          “We’ve learned …that over the history of our planet, Earth and life   with the GPPC. As the Society’s principal editorial “voice,” the
          have co-evolved. Changes in the environment affect life, and   GPPC produces important position statements and white papers on
          changes in life can transform the environment. This is a lesson to
          ponder as we think about our future as well as our past.” —Andrew   a number of pertinent science policy issues. G&SD augments the
          H. Knoll, Ph.D., 2014, Cambrian Ocean World: Ancient Sea Life of   GPPC’s mission by cosponsoring special policy forums, promot-
          North America (Life of the Past)                     ing its publications to the membership, and, beginning in 2022,
                                                               sponsoring a GPPC student representative to GSA’s Congressional
          To summarize the focus of a membership comprised of geoscien-  Science Visit Days on the Hill.
         tists of broad interdisciplinary interests—such as GSA’s Geology   G&SD promotes student engagement by sponsoring a best
         and Society Division—is challenging. The above quote, possibly,   student paper competition at GSA Connects. A diverse panel of
         touches on its essence. Recent history, illuminated through science,   judges, recruited from the GSA membership, reviews student pre-
         has demonstrated mankind’s remarkable capacity to alter global   sentations germane to areas of geoscience and societal matters.
         conditions. Humanity, even in its infancy, has depended on geologic   One winner (and on occasion, two) is selected for a cash prize and
         resources to maintain its presence on Earth. The archaeological and   recognition by the Division.
         historical records, for example, demonstrate profound change in the   G&SD, as of 2017, is the principal administrator of the GSA E-an
         acquisition of natural resources—beginning with the origins of the   Zen Fund Supporting Geoscience Communication. This important
         earliest hominids and their manufacture of stone tools to our pres-  grant supports outreach projects designed to convey geoscience to
         ent-day industrial economies and their comparatively enormous   the lay public. Two grants in the amount of US$1,500 are awarded
         demand for minerals, energy, land, and water. Moreover, sustaining   annually to GSA member applicants who offer the most relevant
         human existence (i.e., societies) necessitates engineering the natural   and innovative strategies.
         habitat. This entails integrating the built environment onto, and   The Division sponsors a number of technical platforms at GSA’s
         within, Earth—and to do so in a way that maximizes efficiency of   annual and Section meetings—often partnering with other GSA
         resources, promotes security, and maintains stability. This becomes   Divisions when we share similar interests. In addition to important
         more challenging when communities attempt to adapt (not necessar-  topical sessions, G&SD organizes or endorses Pardee Symposia,
         ily by choice) to marginal circumstances—an increasingly common   Noontime Lecture sessions, short courses, workshops, and field
         problem in our modern age of anthropogenic climate change,   trips. In 2021, the Division management board began to promote a
         diminished environmental quality, and competition for the neces-  solely Division-sponsored session at GSA Connects, organized by
         sary tangible assets of even basic living.            the G&SD officers.
          Earth scientists belong, arguably, to a small number of profes-  Want to learn more about becoming a Congressional Science
         sions that can truly appreciate and understand this critical nexus   Fellow or a Science Policy Fellow? Interested in Scientists in Parks
         between societal interests and geology. The Geology and Society   or GeoCorps  America? Want to engage with representatives of
         scientific Division (G&SD), established in 2003, is a home for   GPPC or G&SD members? Then the “New Terranes” social may
         GSA members who are interested in this nexus. At its core, the   be just the ticket. This evening event offers the opportunity to net-
         Division promotes the interests of its diverse membership on a   work and find out more about GSA’s amazing programs and sci-
         broad number of topics where geology intersects with social, eco-  ence policy groups (first round compliments of the host!)
         nomic, and science-policy matters. This is accomplished through   G&SD will celebrate its twentieth anniversary next year. Please
         several avenues: partnership with the GSA’s Geology and Public   join us for GSA Connects 2023 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA,
         Policy Committee (GPPC), student engagement, outreach grants,   to commemorate this occasion.
         technical sessions, and a popular and festive GSA Connects social
         known as “New Terranes.”

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