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Why GSA is Important to Me
The Geological Society of America has consistently supported
me throughout my career as a geoscientist and has been my
“home” Society since 2015. During the most formative years of
my career, GSA provided me with invaluable experiences that no
doubt shaped me into the geoscientist I am today. Some of these
include a GeoCorps America and Geoscientists-in-the-Parks
internship in Rock Creek Park, Washington, D.C., and my first
conference experience. It was these opportunities that helped me
uncover my love for geoscience and passion for research.
More recently, GSA has supported my graduate career with
graduate student research grants, both of which funded fieldwork
in the Sierra Nevada and Santa Catalina Island, California. My
first grant also provided me with hands-on experience working
with MicroCT during my M.S., a mode of analysis that I’ve con-
tinued to use during my Ph.D. because it hosts a unique geoscience community, works hard to
Annual GSA conferences, many of which I have been fortunate improve membership experiences, and supports a diverse group of
enough to attend, allow me to catch up with old friends and backgrounds and career levels.
network with new colleagues. By serving as a member of the
Membership and Fellowship Committee, I am able to support Justine Grabiec
fellow members and give back to the Society that has helped and GSA Member since 2015
continues to help strengthen my career. GSA is special to me
Part of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping
Program, EDMAP offers funding to universities for 1-
year undergraduate and graduate geologic mapping
and data synthesis projects.
Application period: early October - early December, 2022
*Applica�on Period is tenta�ve; subject to internal USGS approvals.
To apply: visit, select "Grant
Opportunities", and search for keyword "EDMAP".
For more informa�on, please contact or
44 GSA TODAY | October 2022