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         Bookmark the Geoscience Job Board at   please send the following required materials to   criminal histories, in a manner consistent with for up-to-the-         the requirements of applicable state and local
         minute job postings. Job Board ads may also   • Cover Letter in which you respond to the   laws, including the City of Los Angeles’ Fair
         appear in a corresponding monthly print issue   required qualifications  Chance Initiative for Hiring Ordinance. Occi-
         of GSA Today. Send inquiries to advertising@  • Curriculum Vitae       dental College is committed to working with, or call +1-800-427-1988 ext.   • Research Statement (include research inter-  and providing reasonable accommodations
                                              ests in the context of a liberal arts college)
                                                                                to applicants with qualifying disabilities. If you
         1053 or +1-303-357-1053.
                                             • Teaching Statement (specifically address   need a reasonable accommodation because
                                              your ability to 1) teach in a socioeconomically,   of a disability for any part of the application or
                                              ethnically and culturally diverse environment,   employment  process,  please  contact  Human
                                              and 2) engage students in an innovative and   Resources (
                 POSITIONS OPEN               externally funded research program)
                                             • 1–3 representative publications  Assistant Professor of the
         Two Assistant Professors:           • Candidate Statement on Commitment to  Practice in Environmental
         Hydrosphere and Structural           Inclusive Excellence              Geology, University of Kansas
         Geology, Occidental College          This statement provides your unique per-  The University of Kansas Department of Geol-
         For a full description of these positions, please   spective on your past and present contribu-  ogy seeks an Assistant Professor of the Prac-
         visit  tions to and future aspirations for promot-  tice in the field of Environmental Geology in
         positions                           ing diversity, inclusion, equity, and justice in   support  our growing environmental geology
          The  Department  of  Geology  at  Occidental   your professional career. This should include   master’s programs, to begin January 1, 2023.
         College invites applications for two tenure-  your demonstrated commitment to, past evi-  The position is a non-tenure track, full-time,
         track faculty positions at the rank of Assistant   dence of, and future plans for creating equi-  academic-year appointment with a 3-year,
         Professor beginning August 2023. We seek   table opportunities for learning and mentor-  renewable contract. Given the primarily online/
         colleagues with expertise in 1) the hydrosphere,   ing  especially  for  students  from  marginalized   hybrid nature of our programs, a commitment
         including but not limited to the interaction of   and minoritized groups. The purpose of this   to excellence in online/on-campus hybrid
         water (including snow, ice, and oceans) with   statement is to help the department identify   teaching is essential. We seek an instructor
         climate, critical zone and atmospheric, litho-  candidates who have professional experience,   with the ability to teach six courses per year
         spheric and surface process, or 2) structural   intellectual commitments, and/or willingness to   from the following courses or subjects: Intro-
         geology and tectonics, especially the defor-  engage in activities that could help the College   ductory, physical, and chemical hydrogeol-
         mation of continental crust. Preference will   contribute to its mission in these areas.  ogy, environmental site assessment, soil and
         be given to candidates that apply innovative   • List of three references with relevant contact   water remediation, hydrogeophysics, envi-
         and quantitative approaches to investigating   information.            ronmental microbial geochemistry, or other
         water and structural/tectonic systems across   If you advance to the finalist phase, we will   relevant topics. For complete information and
         temporal and spatial scales, through some   ask each of your three references to submit a   to apply go to
         combination of fieldwork, computational mod-  letter of recommendation. Do not submit these   academic/23308BR or visit us at GSA at booth
         eling, remote sensing, analysis of large data-  letters with your initial application.  #2918.
         sets, and laboratory analysis. The expertise   Please direct all questions about the posi-
         of a successful candidate will complement   tion to: Darren Larsen at geosearch2022@oxy  Assistant Professor of
         departmental strengths and have potential to   .edu or call (323) 341-4041.  Geosciences (Hydrogeology),
         enhance departmental connections with other   To be assured full consideration, application   Hamilton College
         science programs on campus and across the   materials must be received by October 14th,   The  Geosciences  Department at Hamilton
         greater Los Angeles region.         2022.                              College invites applications for a tenure-
          Review of applications will begin October   Upon receipt of a complete application   track position at the rank of Assistant Pro-
         14th, 2022. Department members will meet   package, you will receive a preliminary ques-  fessor, beginning July 1, 2023. We are seek-
         interested candidates at the GSA meeting or   tionnaire. You must complete this question-  ing a broadly trained hydrogeologist who can
         virtually; please email the Search Committee   naire to move forward in the search process.   effectively teach the fundamental concepts of
         Chair to make arrangements.          The Department and College. Occidental   hydrogeology in the classroom, lab, and field
         Required Qualifications             is a nationally ranked liberal arts college rec-  and who can contribute to our college’s inter-
         • Ph.D. in Geology with an emphasis in the   ognized for its diverse student body and out-  disciplinary program in Environmental Studies
          Hydrosphere or Structural Geology and Tec-  standing undergraduate research program.   by teaching courses and mentoring ES stu-
          tonics                             The mission of Occidental College and that of   dents on issues related to water resources.
         • demonstrated commitment to excellence in   the Geology Department is to provide a gifted   We are especially interested in candidates who
          undergraduate teaching             and diverse group of students with a total   can demonstrate their experience in working
         • a strong record of scholarly accomplish-  educational experience of the highest qual-  with or teaching diverse student populations.
          ments appropriate to the level of appointment  ity—one that prepares them for leadership in   Annual teaching responsibilities will include a
         • experience in working collaboratively with   an increasingly complex, interdependent and   topical introductory geology course and a core
          colleagues                         pluralistic world.                 course in hydrogeology, both with labs and
         • demonstrated potential for effective integra-  Occidental is an EEO employer  and  does   field trips, plus an elective course of the can-
          tion of technology into instruction  not unlawfully discriminate against employees   didate’s choosing. The candidate will regularly
         • demonstrated commitment to working effec-  or applicants on the basis of any characteris-  help lead department field trips and will have
          tively with students from minoritized and   tic protected by state or federal law. Individu-  an opportunity to teach during the summer in
          marginalized social groups         als whose work can advance the College’s   the College’s Higher Educational Opportunity
         • demonstrated  commitment  to  the  four  cor-  strategic goals in these areas and those from   Program.  The  position  also requires  institu-
          nerstones of the mission of the College:   groups whose underrepresentation in the
          excellence, equity, community, and service  American professoriate has been severe and
          Application Submission Materials.  You   longstanding are particularly encouraged to
         must submit a complete application pack-  apply. All qualified applicants will be consid-  “… the GSA job board is THE job board for
         age electronically to be considered. To apply,   ered for employment, including those with   geologists.” –Mount Holyoke College

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