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tional service, including academic advising of Check out the available Research Oppor-
undergraduate students, after the first year. tunities [ HAVE YOU SEEN THE GEOLOGY
Research is a cornerstone of undergradu- mendenhall-research-fellowship-program/
ate education at Hamilton. The candidate will research-opportunities?utm_source=gsa -ad IN THE RED MOUNTAIN CUT IN
be expected to maintain a robust scholarly &utm_medium=external&utm_campaign=ss BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA?
research program in hydrogeology. Strong -mendenhall-2022 ] for more information. If so, we want to hear from you. The cut
candidates will be able to demonstrate their The postdoctoral fellows are appointed to through Red Mountain, opened in 1969,
ability to effectively mentor undergraduate the USGS for two years and receive full salary exposed a complete stratigraphic succes-
students as part of their research. All Hamilton and benefits at the GS-12 level, step 1. Men- sion from Upper Cambrian to Middle Mis-
students complete a Senior Project and com- denhall Fellow appointments are time limited, sissippian, including many scientifically
monly participate in research during the aca- not to exceed two years, and are full-time. interesting details, such as marine inverte-
demic year and over the summer. Under certain circumstances, the appointment brate fossils of several ages, volcanic ash
Candidates with a Ph.D. are preferred, may be extended up to an additional two years. beds, and the famous Birmingham hema-
although ABD applicants will also be consid- Applicants are encouraged to contact the titic iron ores. The beds dip southeastward
ered. Candidates must submit the following at Research Advisor(s) for the Research Opportu- from the late Paleozoic Birmingham frontal 1) a cover nity of interest to coordinate the development ramp anticline, and two steep normal faults
letter, 2) a teaching statement that describes of a research proposal. break through the stratigraphy. One of the
your teaching philosophy, 3) a research state- Open – Thursday 9/1/2022, Close – Tuesday faults has abundant evidence of fault move-
ment that describes your research plans in the 11/1/2022 ment during deposition of the Upper Silu-
context of Hamilton’s undergraduate setting, Specific application requirements can be rian beds, including soft-sediment slumps
4) a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement found on the Mendenhall Program website and flows, followed by later displacement.
that addresses how you would further the Col- [ Initially, a scientific walkway was con-
lege’s goal of building a diverse educational research-fellowship-program ]. structed on one bench of the deep cut and
environment through your teaching, scholar- For more information, contact the Menden- displayed these geologic features for geol-
ship, and/or service, 5) a complete curriculum hall mailbox at ogists, students, and the general public.
vitae, and 6) names and addresses of three The U.S. Geological Survey is an Equal Unfortunately, over time, the walkway has
professional referees. Questions regarding the Opportunity Employer. deteriorated and is now inaccessible. Plans
search may be directed to Dr. Catherine Beck, are under way to clear the cut and build a
Search Committee Chair, at ccbeck@hamilton new walkway entirely through the cut, along
.edu. Our review of applications will begin on OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS with geologic displays and explanations.
October 17, 2022. The work has already begun with clearing
Hamilton ( is a residen- M.S. and Ph.D. Opportunities in Economic dense vegetation, which grows rapidly in
tial liberal arts college located in upstate New Geology, Colorado School of Mines. The Alabama. Planning and design are under
York. Applicants with dual-career consid- Department of Geology and Geological Engi- way for construction of the walkway and
erations can find other Hamilton and nearby neering at the Colorado School of Mines for geologic displays, and the new plan
academic job listings at https://www.hercjobs seeks students interested in pursuing gradu- includes funds for maintenance to ensure
.org/regions/higher-ed-careers-upstate- ate degrees (M.S. and Ph.D.) focused on min- the future of this geologic educational
new -york/, as well as additional informa- eral exploration, economic geology, and the resource. A foundation is being established
tion at geochemistry and petrology of ore deposits. to manage the project and to seek grant
-development/resources-for-prospective-or- Motivated applicants could enter our gradu- funds. You can help by sending letters of
new-faculty/opportunities-for-spouses-or ate program in January or August 2023. Suc- endorsement that we can use in support of
-partners (Opportunities for Spouses or cessful students will be embedded into the our grant proposals. In return, we offer you
Partners). Hamilton College is an affirmative NSF-supported Center for Advanced Subsur- an opportunity to visit a unique geologic
action, equal opportunity employer, and is face Earth Resource Models (CASERM) with resource in the near future. We would like to
committed to diversity in all areas of the cam- funding provided by industry partners. Suc- have testimonials from as many states and
pus community. Candidates from underrepre- cessful students will gain significant experi- nations as possible. Please write to:
sented groups in higher education are espe- ence and preparation for a booming mineral
cially encouraged to apply. industry sector over the course of their study. By mail:
Mendenhall Postdoctoral Opportunities are also available through the Red Mountain Cut Foundation
5724 Highway 280 East
parallel Professional Master’s degree in Min-
Research Fellowships, Various eral Exploration, a one-year non-thesis study Birmingham, AL 35242
Locations, U.S. Geological Survey program. For more information, please contact Attn: Mary Jane Webb
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is seek-
ing candidates for Mendenhall Research Fel- By email:
lows. The Mendenhall Research Fellowship TO: Mary Jane Webb,
Program provides an opportunity for postdoc- Hiring? CC: Carla Burnham,
toral fellows to conduct concentrated research Find those qualified geoscientists to fill Bryson Stephens,
in association with USGS scientists. Current vacancies. Use GSA’s Geoscience Job Board
postdoctoral opportunities span topics rang- ( and print issues of GSA
ing from advanced computing, programming, Today. Bundle and save for best pricing All letters of support are welcome.
and modeling, to ecology, water resources, options. That unique candidate is waiting to We suggest:
energy and minerals, and natural hazards. be found. • Content speaks to the educational value
the Red Mountain Cut and the importance
of long-term access.
• Expresses support for the efforts of the
“Red Mountain Cut Foundation.”
• Be in color on letterhead and be signed. 49