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GSA Publications


                                                Geology continues its reign as the   Both the impact factor and five-
                                                #1 ranked geology journal for the   year impact factor soared for
                                                sixteenth year in a row. According   Geosphere, reaching 3.944 and
                                                to Journal Citation Reports*, it had   4.284 respectively.
                                                a 2021 Journal Impact Factor of
                             ISSN 0091-7613   APRIL 2022  ■  VOL. 50  NO. 4  ■  P. 385–528  While Clarivate does not produce
                                                6.324 and a five-year impact factor   impact factors for book series, it
                       GEOLOGY, VOLUME  50,  NO.  4
                                                of 6.456.                       indexes GSA’s Special Papers,
                                                The Geological Society of America   Memoirs, and Reviews in Engineering
                                                Bulletin’s impact factor jumped to   Geology in its Book Citation Index,
                                                5.41, with a five-year impact factor   which is part of the Web of Science.
                  ISSN   0016-7606   VOL.   134   NO. 3/4  March/ a pril 2022
                                                of 5.25.                        *Journal Citation Reports™, Journal
                                                                                Impact Factor™, and Web of Science™,
                                                                                from Clarivate, 2022.
                       APRIL  2022
          THE  GEOLOGICAL  SOCIETY  OF  AMERICA  BULLETIN, VOLUME  134,  NO.  3/4,  P.  545–1088
                                                Explore GSA’s journals and books at

          MARCH/APRIL  2022

          Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation                                         Actual No. Copies
                                                                                            Avg. No. Copies   of Single Issue
                        (Required by Title 39 U.S.C. 4369)                                   Each Issue in   Published Nearest
                                                           Item No. from PS Form 3526       Past 12 Months  to Filing Date
            GSA Today (Publication No. 1052-5173) is published monthly by The
          Geological Society of America, Inc., (GSA) with headquarters and offices at   15. Extent and Nature of Circulation
          3300 Penrose Place, Boulder, Colorado 80301 U.S.A.; and mailing address   a. Total number of copies (net press run)  9,909  9,850
          of Post Office Box 9140, Boulder, Colorado 80301-9140 U.S.A. The Publisher
          is Vicki S. McConnell; the Managing Editor is Kristen E.A. Giles; their office   b. Legitimate paid and/or requested distribution    9,752  9,751
          and mailing addresses are the same as above. The annual subscription   (by mail and outside the mail)
          prices are: for Members and Student Associates, $15; for non-members   c. Total paid and/or requested circulation  9,752  9,751
          $111. The publication is wholly owned by The Geological Society of America,   d. Nonrequested distribution (by mail and outside   0  0
          Inc., a not-for-profit, charitable corporation. No known stockholder holds   the mail)
          1 percent or more of the total stock. The purpose, function, and nonprofit
          status of The Geological Society of America, Inc., have not changed during   e. Total nonrequested distribution  0  0
          the preceding twelve months. The average number of copies of each issue   f. Total distribution (sum of c and e)  9,752  9,751
          during the preceding twelve months and the actual number of copies pub-  g. Copies not distributed (office use, leftovers, spoiled)  157  99
          lished nearest to the filing date (September 2022 issue) are noted at right.
                                                            h. Total (sum of f and g)          9,909      9,850
            This information taken from PS Form 3526, signed 30 August 2022 by the
          Publisher, Vicki S. McConnell, and filed with the United States Postal Service   i. Percent paid and/or requested circulation (c/f × 100)  100%  100%
          in Boulder, Colorado.

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