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Kerry Kelts Research Award                            members of the management board who have provided exceptional
         Nominations due 30 June                               service to the PGD. Nominations, which should include a descrip-
         Nominations should be forwarded electronically to the Division   tion of what the nominee has given to the PGD community, may
         chair.                                                be made by any PGD member to the management board. https://
          This award is for undergraduate or graduate student research
         related to limnogeology, limnology, or paleolimnology.https://  QUATERNARY GEOLOGY AND
         kerrykelts                                            GEOMORPHOLOGY DIVISION

         MINERALOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY, PETROLOGY,                  Farouk El-Baz Award for Desert Research
         AND VOLCANOLOGY DIVISION (MGPV)                       Nominations due 1 Apr.
                                                               Submit nominations to Anne Chin (
         MGPV Distinguished Geologic Career Award               This award recognizes excellence in desert geomorphology
         Nominations due 31 Mar.                               research worldwide. It is intended to stimulate research in desert
          This award will go to an individual who, throughout his or her   environments by recognizing an individual whose research has
         career, has made distinguished contributions in one or more of the   significantly advanced the understanding of the Quaternary geol-
         following fields of research: mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology,   ogy and geomorphology of deserts. Although the award primarily
         volcanology, with emphasis on multidisciplinary, field-based    recognizes achievement in desert research, the funds that accom-
         contributions. Nominees need not be citizens or residents of the   pany it may be used for further research. The award is normally
         United States, and membership in GSA is not required. The award   given to one person but may be shared by two people if the recog-
         will not be given posthumously.  nized research was the result of a coequal partnership. Any scien-
         mgpvdivision/awards/dgca                              tist from any country may be nominated. Because the award
                                                               recognizes research excellence, self-nomination is not permitted.
         MGPV Early Career Award                               Neither nominators nor nominees need be GSA members.
         Nominations due 31 Mar.                               Nominations should include (1) a statement of the significance of
          This award will go to an individual near the beginning of his or   the nominee’s research; (2) a curriculum vitae; (3) letters of sup-
         her professional career who has made distinguished contributions    port; and (4) copies of no more than five of the nominee’s most
         in one or more of the following fields of research: mineralogy,    significant publications related to desert research. Please submit
         geochemistry, petrology, volcanology, with emphasis on multidisci-  electronically unless hardcopy previously approved. Monies for
         plinary, field-based contributions. Nominations are restricted to   the award are derived from the annual interest income of the
         those who are within eight years past the receipt of their final   Farouk El-Baz Fund, administered by the GSA Foundation.
         degree. Extensions of up to two years will be made for nominees
         who have taken career breaks for family reasons or caused by seri-
         ous illness. Nominees need not be citizens or residents of the United  Distinguished Career Award
         States, and membership in GSA is not a requirement. The award   Nominations due 1 Apr.
         will not be given posthumously.  Submit nominations to the Division secretary.
         mgpvdivision/awards/earlycareer                        This award is presented annually to a Quaternary geologist or
                                                               geomorphologist who has demonstrated excellence in their contri-
         PLANETARY GEOLOGY DIVISION (PGD)                      butions to science. Because the award recognizes research excel-
                                                               lence, self-nomination is not permitted. Neither nominators nor
         The Eugene M. Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award        nominees need be GSA members. Nominations should include (1) a
         Nominations due 19 Aug.                               brief biographical sketch; (2) a statement of no more than 200 words
          This award is for undergraduate or graduate students, of any   describing the candidate’s scientific contributions to Quaternary
         nationality, working in any country, in the disciplines of geology,   geology and geomorphology; (3) a selected bibliography of no more
         geophysics, geochemistry, astronomy, or biology. The award,   than 20 titles; and (4) a minimum of four letters from colleagues
         which will include US$2500, is to be applied to the study of   supporting the nomination. Please submit electronically unless
         impact craters, either on Earth or on the other solid bodies in the   hardcopy previously approved.
         solar system. Areas of study may include, but are not limited to,   qggdivision/awards/distinguished-career
         impact cratering processes; the bodies (asteroidal or cometary)
         that make the impacts; or the geological, chemical, or biological   SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY DIVISION
         results of impact cratering.
         pgd/awards/shoemaker                                  Sedimentary Geology Division and Structural
                                                               Geology and Tectonic Division Joint Award: Stephen
         Ronald Greeley Award for Distinguished Service        E. Laubach Structural Diagenesis Research Award
         Nominations due 30 June                               Nominations due 1 Apr.
          This award is given to members of the PGD, and those outside   This award promotes research that combines structural geology
         of the Division and GSA, who have rendered exceptional service   and diagenesis and curriculum development in structural diagen-
         to the PGD for a multi-year period. The award is not open to serv-  esis. It addresses the rapidly growing recognition that fracturing,
         ing members of the management board but may be awarded to past   cement precipitation and dissolution, evolving rock mechanical

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