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GSA Scientific Division Awards
Gilbert H. Cady Award Biggs Award for Excellence in Earth Science Teaching
Nominations due 1 Mar. Nominations due 1 Mar.
Submit nominations to the Cady Award chair (the past Division This award recognizes innovative and effective teaching in college-
chair). level earth science. Earth-science instructors and faculty members
This award recognizes outstanding contributions in the field of coal from any academic institution engaged in undergraduate education
geology that advance the science both within and outside of North who have been teaching full-time for 10 years or fewer are eligible
America. (part-time teaching is not counted in this requirement). Both peer- and
awards/cady self-nominations will be accepted. This award, administered by the
GSA Foundation, is made possible by support from the Donald and
Curtis-Hedberg Award Carolyn Biggs Fund, the GSA Geoscience Education Division, and
Nominations due 1 May. GSA’s Education and Outreach Program. An additional travel reim-
Submit nominations to the Curtis-Hedberg Award chair (the past bursement is also available to the recipient to enable him or her to
Division chair). attend the award presentation at the GSA annual meeting. https://
The inaugural Curtis-Hedberg Award will be made for
outstanding contributions in the field of petroleum geology. HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF GEOLOGY
curtishedberg DIVISION
GEOARCHAEOLOGY DIVISION History and Philosophy of Geology Student Award
Nominations due 15 June
Richard Hay Student Paper/Poster Award Submit nominations to the Division’s secretary/treasurer.
Nominations due 1 Sept. This award provides US$1000 for a paper to be given at the
Submit nominations to national GSA meeting. Awards may also be given for second
Richard Hay was a long-standing member of the Division and place. Oral presentations are preferred. Faculty advisors may be
had a long and distinguished career in sedimentary geology, min- listed as second author, but not as the lead author of the paper.
eralogy, and archaeological geology. He is particularly well known The proposed paper may be (1) a paper in the history or philoso-
for his work on the Olduvai Gorge and Laetoli Hominid-bearing phy of geology; (2) a literature review of ideas for a technical work
sites and was awarded the Division’s Rip Rapp Award in 2000. or thesis/dissertation; or (3) some imaginative aspect of the history
The Division is proud to have our student travel award bear his or philosophy of geology we have not thought of before. Students
name. The award is a travel grant for a student (undergraduate or should submit an abstract of their proposed talk and a 1,500–
graduate) presenting a paper or poster at GSA’s annual meeting. 2,000-word prospectus for consideration. Currently enrolled
The grant is competitive and will be awarded based on the evalua- undergraduates and graduate students are eligible as are those
tion of the scientific merit of the research topic and the clarity of who received their degrees at the end of the fall or spring terms
an expanded abstract for the paper or poster prepared by a student immediately preceding the national GSA meeting. The award is
for presentation in the Division’s technical session at the meeting. made possible by a bequest from the estate of Mary C. Rabbitt. Monies for the award are administered by the GSA Foundation.
Claude C. Albritton, Jr., Award LIMNOGEOLOGY DIVISION
Nominations due 15 Mar.
Submit nominations to Israel C. Russell Award
The Albritton Award Fund provides research scholarships and Nominations due 15 Mar.
fellowships for graduate students in the earth sciences or archaeol- Nominations should be forwarded electronically to the Division
ogy. Recipients are students who have (1) an interest in achieving treasurer David Finkelstein.
a master’s or Ph.D. in earth science or archaeology; (2) an interest This award recognizes major achievements in limnogeology
in applying earth-science methods to archaeological research; through contributions in research, teaching, and service.
and (3) an interest in a career in teaching and academic research. Nominations should consist of a letter describing the nominee’s
Awards in the amount of US$650 are given in support of thesis or accomplishments in the field of limnogeology (broadly defined
dissertation research, with emphasis on the field and/or laboratory and including limnogeology, limnology. and paleolimnology),
aspects of the research. service to students and teaching, and contributions to GSA, as
geoarchdivision/home well as a curriculum vitae.
14 GSA TODAY | March-April 2022