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recognition. We identified two small   al., 2020). Trench T1 was excavated three   RELATION TO TECTONIC
           N110°- trending  fissures  in  the  south   days after the mainshock at the Greenway   FRAMEWORK AND
           river bank, with 2–3 cm of reverse verti-  Drive industrial park (section A) at the tip of   GEOMORPHOLOGY
           cal offset. Minor rockfall on the southern   a rupture segment (Figs. 2A and 3A–3D). A   The focal mechanism, InSAR interfero-
           slope and a small liquefaction feature in   ~5-m-long and ~1.2-m-deep trench exposed   grams, field observations, and aftershock
           a sand bar on the northern riverbank   weathered Neoproterozoic to Ordovician   sequence provide evidence supporting a
           were also documented.             metasedimentary bedrock of the Ashe   SSW-dipping seismogenic fault. The surface
         3.    Rivers  Edge  Road  (section  C):  An   Metamorphic Suite overlain by northward-  ruptures are ~N110°, similar to the strike of
           ~8-cm-high rupture scarp, trending   thickening horizontal layers of clay and   the south-dipping nodal plane for the first
           ~N90°, crossed Rivers Edge Road, causing   sand construction fill. A thrust fault is rec-  motion moment tensor solutions and the
           buckling of the road and breakage of a bur-  ognized in the upper few dm of the trench   InSAR unwrapped interferograms. None of
           ied water pipe (Figs. 2E–2F). Eastward,   displacing surficial fill deposits ~10 cm   these matches mapped tectonic structures in
           the surface rupture crosses a north-facing   along a fault plane (N100°, 19° S) with 4-cm   the Sparta area (Rankin et al., 1972; NCGS,
           slope in open fields and forest patches,   vertical displacement of the southern hang-  1985; Merschat et al., 2020). However, the
           striking ~N110° with a linear and continu-  ing wall, forming a small, very well-   Little River fault is subparallel to the Boone
           ous trace. The topographic step is single or   preserved scarp. The low-angle fault roots   and Mills Gap faults, located 50 and 150 km
           complex, with heights varying between 5   into weathered bedrock ~20 cm into a   to the southwest, respectively (Wooten et al.,
           and ~25 cm. It was trackable for ~1,100 m   steeper preexisting plane (N115°, 45° S)   2010; Hill, 2018). Hill  (2018) argued that
           until the scarp and fissures stopped being   interpreted to be associated with the   WNW lineaments in North Carolina are
           detectable due to dense vegetation.  Paleozoic fabric. Primarily dip-slip slicken-  likely brittle Cenozoic structures. The sur-
         4.   Chestnut Grove Church Road (section   lines were identified in the low-angle and   face rupture is located along a subtle ~10-km-
           D): The surface rupture is subdued as   steeper fault surfaces, although oblique   long WNW-ESE–trending topographic lin-
           it continues from Duncan Drive to   slickenlines were observed near the surface   eament visible in digital elevation models
           Chestnut Grove Church Road. Small fis-  in folded materials of the scarp (Hill et al.,   and centered on the fault zone (Fig. 1A).
           sures and WNW-trending 3–4-cm-high   2020). Small excavations within the indus-
           steps  occur  in  a  cattle  path  close  to   trial park across minor scarps corroborate   DISCUSSION
           Duncan Drive. Following the rupture   reverse faulting and cumulative co-seismic   The Sparta earthquake is unusual for
           strike N110° to Chestnut Grove Church   vertical displacements of  up to 10 cm.   eastern North America and worldwide
           Road, extensional co-seismic fissures   Moreover, markers in the pavement across   because 4.5 < M  < 5.5 earthquakes rarely
           broke the road into several decameter   the fault trace were not laterally displaced.   produce surface ruptures. It was also unex-
           blocks, which have a similar geometry to   Older fault gouge with manganese-coated   pected, occurring along an unknown struc-
           older cracks in the asphalt. These co-  surfaces and breccia in the weathered bed-  ture trending oblique to the regional NE-SW
           seismic fissures suggests that preexist-  rock indicates brittle deformation, with   structural trend and triggered at shallower
           ing mass wasting–related features were   dip-slip slickenlines. The age of the brittle   depths than regional seismicity.
           activated during the earthquake. We   deformation is unknown.          The fault identified in trench T1 (N115°,
           interpret these as minor deformation   Trench T2 (~1.3-m deep and ~10-m long)   45°S) was interpreted as reactivation of a
           along the eastward rupture termination.  was opened along the side of Rivers Edge   foliation plane (Fig. 2A). We argue that the
          South of U.S. Route 21 and southwest of   Road across an ~8-cm-high scarp next to a   foliation parallel to the active fault in T1
         Sparta, co-seismic deformation not related to   buckled road and broken water pipe (Figs.   could be locally rotated due to brittle defor-
         the main rupture trace, expressed by ground   2A and 3E–3F). The excavation exposed two   mation, similar to anomalous WNW rotated
         fissures in less consolidated material in road   clay-rich colluvial units (2 and 3) and sapro-  foliation observed in the Mills Gap fault
         cuts  and  riverbanks,  resulted  from  ground   lite (4), which were not displaced by a fault   zone (Wooten et al., 2010). Trench T2 is
         shaking or translational sliding (Fig. 2A).   despite  being  positioned  across  the  scarp.   placed at a compressional step-over without
         Near Little River, riverbank fissures are sub-  The upper colluvium (1) was gently warped;   evidence of faulting. Nonetheless, GPR pro-
         parallel with cm-dm–long and mm-cm–wide   however, this folding was not observed in the   files acquired 20 m to the east of T2 and
         openings. At an industrial parking lot (3238   lower colluvium or saprolite. The absence of   along an ~600-m segment consistently
         U.S. Route 21, Glade Valley, North Carolina),   faulting despite the evident compression was   show a low-angle south-dipping reflector
         co-seismic fissures extend for several m with   corroborated by a 250 MHz GPR profile par-  (Fig. 3G). This reflector projects to the sur-
         mm-to-cm openings, exhibiting shortening   allel to T2 interpreted as recording minimal-  face a few meters north of the co-seismic
         and extensional displacement. These features   to-no stratigraphic disturbance in the upper   scarp, where ground deformation was not
         are likely due to co-seismic deformation along   4 m. We argue that T2 is located in a com-  recognized. We suggest that this reflector
         several preexisting pavement discontinuities   pressional step-over.   may be (1) related to an older earthquake
         formed by earlier downslope processes and   There was no clear evidence for cumula-  structure or (2) the  result  of deformation
         differential compaction in artificial fills.  tive Quaternary deformation prior to the   partitioning on an unidentified complex set
                                             2020 earthquake due to a lack of additional   of structures during the 2020 earthquake.
         FAULT TRENCHING AND                 Quaternary markers at depth in T1. None-  The strike of the seismogenic structure
         SUBSURFACE ANALYSIS                 theless, both trenches unequivocally dem-  inferred from seismology and remote sens-
          We excavated two trenches to investigate   onstrate surface deformation caused by an   ing is consistent with field observations.
         the earthquake deformation (Figueiredo et   active fault.              However, and interestingly, the kinematics

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