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                                            Topical Sessions

         GEOCHRONOLOGY                                               T4. Advances in the Science of Wildfire-
                                                               Related Earth-Surface Processes
         T1. Advances and Applications of Thermochronology     Endorsers: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division;
         in Tectonic, Magmatic, Basin, and Geomorphic Studies  GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology Division; GSA
         Endorsers: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology   Geology and Society Division; GSA Soils and Soil Processes Division
         Division; GSA Geochronology Division                  Disciplines: Geomorphology, Soils, Environmental Geoscience
         Disciplines: Geochronology, Tectonics/Tectonophysics, Structural   Advocates: James Guilinger; Natalie Collar; Luke McGuire;
         Geology                                               Ann Youberg; Francis Rengers
         Advocates: Scott Jess; Kendra Murray; Gilby Jepson; Alyssa Abbey   Wildfire is a catalyst for change in the Earth’s critical zone and
          Thermochronology is applied widely to better understand a variety   is increasing in its impact. This session encourages submissions of
         of fundamental earth-system processes. This session aims to high-  fundamental and applied research on fire impacts to hydrologic,
         light work applying these methods to improve our understanding of   geomorphic, and biophysical processes.
         tectonism, magmatism, basin histories, and landscape evolution.
                                                               T5. Between Big Ice: Paleoclimatic and Geomorphic
         GEOMORPHOLOGY                                         Records of MIS 5-3
                                                               Endorsers: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
         T2. Quaternary Climate from the Great Plains to       Division; Geochemical Society
         the Great Basin: Geomorphic and Sediment Records      Disciplines: Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology, Geochronology
         across “Great” Landscapes                             Advocates: Carly Peltier; Alice Doughty; Tammy M. Rittenour;
         Endorsers: GSA Geochronology Division; GSA Quaternary Geology   Glenn Thackray
         and Geomorphology Division; GSA Limnogeology Division  Records from periods between end-member global ice volumes
         Disciplines: Geomorphology, Geochronology, Environmental   provide important baseline conditions and processes during the
         Geoscience                                            majority of the late Pleistocene. We encourage discussion of data
         Advocates: Shannon Mahan; Sylvia Nicovich; Michelle S. Nelson;   and models incorporating a range of systems and archives.
         Joanna Redwine
          This session focuses on regional records that enhance our   T6. From the Australian Highlands to Scottish
         understanding of Quaternary paleoclimate and landscape evolu-  Mills: Celebrating the Geomorphological Legacy
         tion. Presentations will showcase geochronology, mapping, or   of Paul Bishop
         stratigraphic descriptions used across a wide swath of the interior   Endorsers: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
         and western basins of North America.                  Division
                                                               Disciplines: Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology, Geoarchaeology
         T3. Advances in Fluvial Geomorphology                 Advocates: Eric Portenga; Miguel Castillo; Réka Fülöp
         Endorsers: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology    Paul Bishop left his footprints around the world in his decades-
         Division; GSA Geology and Society Division            long career uncovering the influences of tectonics, rivers, ice, and
         Disciplines: Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology,       humans on landscape evolution. This session commemorates Paul’s
         Environmental Geoscience                              influence in tectonics, geomorphology, and physical geography.
         Advocates: Joshua C. Galster; José Constantine
          This session focuses on work in fluvial systems, including work   T7. Landscape Evolution from an Alluvial Fan
         on sediment transport, flooding, and watershed studies. Efforts to   Perspective
         partner with local communities and include environmental justice   Endorser: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division
         issues are particularly encouraged.                   Disciplines: Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology, Sediments,
                                                               Advocates: Andrew Cyr; Sylvia Nicovich
                                                                We seek submissions related to the effect of post-depositional
                                                               processes on primary depositional sedimentary and surface

                                                    INDUSTRY TRACKS
                             GSA’s technical program offers sessions relevant to applied geoscientists.
                                 Look for these icons, which identify sessions in the following areas:

                Economic Geology              Energy                  Engineering            Hydrogeology and
                                                                                            Environmental Geology

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