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STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY                                    Disciplines: Structural Geology, Tectonics/Tectonophysics
                                                               Advocates: Miriam Barquero-Molina; Jamie Levine; John Singleton;
               T25. Best Student Geologic Mapping              Paul Betka
         Competition (Posters)                                  This session recognizes Sharon Mosher’s esteemed career in
         Endorsers: Association of American State Geologists; U.S.   structural geology and tectonics research. We seek presentations
         Geological Survey; Geological Society of America; GSA   that highlight field-based research, understanding multiply
         Foundation; American Geosciences Institute; American Institute   deformed orogens, and using structural petrology to unravel
         of Professional Geologists                            complex tectonic questions.
         Disciplines: Structural Geology, Stratigraphy, Geomorphology
         Advocate: Michael Marketti                            TECTONICS/TECTONOPHYSICS
          Students will present their research through geologic mapping proj-
         ects that have a significant field component that addresses scientific   T30. Advances in Reconstructing Paleotopography
         or societal issues. The top three geologic maps will be awarded.   Endorsers: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division;
                                                               GSA Geochronology Division; GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics
               T26. Deformation Zones in Time and Space:       Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
         A Celebration of the Career of Steven Wojtal          Division; GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division
         Endorser: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division  Disciplines: Tectonics/Tectonophysics, Paleoclimatology/
         Disciplines: Structural Geology, Tectonics/Tectonophysics   Paleoceanography, Geomorphology
         Advocates: Basil Tikoff; Julie Newman                 Advocates: Kristina Butler; Kurt E. Sundell; Emma Heitmann
          This session honors the research contributions of Steve Wojtal   This session aims to highlight novel and interdisciplinary
         in structural geology. Contributions are encouraged on any aspect   approaches to reconstructing earth-surface elevation histories.
         of rock deformation, including fold-and-thrust belt evolution,   We are keen to feature regional compilations, new methodologies,
         microstructures and rheology of high-strain zones, and three-  and applied studies that are highly cross-disciplinary.
         dimensional fault arrays.
                                                               T31. Basin Analysis, Strike-Slip Faults, and Tecton-
               T27. From Outcrops to the Base of the Crust:  ics: Honoring the Contributions of Paul Umhoefer
         Integrated Geophysical and Geological Illumination    Endorser: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division
         of Earth’s Tectonic Fabrics to Refine Understanding   Disciplines: Tectonics/Tectonophysics, Structural Geology,
         of Crustal Evolution and Natural Resources           Stratigraphy
         Endorsers: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA   Advocates: Robert Miller; Margaret Rusmore; L. Sue Beard;
         Geophysics and Geodynamics Division; U.S. Geological Survey  Donna Whitney
         Disciplines: Structural Geology, Tectonics/Tectonophysics,   We seek contributions on basin analysis, stratigraphy, structural
         Geophysics/Geodynamics                               geology, transport of microplates and terranes, and the tectonics of
         Advocates: Jonathan Caine; Michael Frothingham; Kevin Mahan;   western North America and Anatolia to honor the distinguished
         Vera Schulte-Pelkum                                  career of Paul Umhoefer.
          The revolution in digital data acquisition, access, and analyses
         allows new correlations from surface to depth. Integrated geologic  T32. Cenozoic Tectonism, Magmatism, Sedimentation,
         and geophysical studies highlighting new ways to test hypotheses   and Landscape Evolution in the Intermountain West
         in crustal evolution, hazards, and Earth resources are welcomed.   Endorsers: GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA
                                                              Geochronology Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry,
         T28. Integrative Field Rheology for the Investigation  Petrology, and Volcanology Division; GSA Geophysics and
         of Tectonic Systems                                  Geodynamics Division; Geochemical Society; GSA Limnogeology
         Endorsers: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division;    Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
         GSA Geochronology Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry,   Division; GSA Continental Scientific Drilling Division
         Petrology, and Volcanology Division                  Disciplines: Tectonics/Tectonophysics, Structural Geology,
         Disciplines: Structural Geology, Tectonics/Tectonophysics,   Stratigraphy
         Geochronology                                        Advocates: Theresa Schwartz; Amy K. Gilmer; Jens-Erik Lund Snee
         Advocates: Nicolas Roberts; Alexander D. Lusk; Caroline Seyler;   We seek abstracts focused on the Cenozoic tectonic, magmatic,
         Nicole Aikin                                         sedimentary, and landscape evolution of the Intermountain West.
          This session focuses on field-based approaches for investigat-  Studies using a broad range of methods to investigate events on
         ing lithospheric strength evolution in active (or formerly active)   any time scale are welcome.
         tectonic settings, with a special emphasis on the integration of
         multiple techniques.                                 T33. CR Evolution 2.9: Evolution of the Colorado
                                                              River System from the Rocky Mountains to the Gulf
         T29. Structural Analysis of Polyphase Deformation    of California
         from Orogen to Thin Section: A Special Session in    Endorser: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division
         Honor of Sharon Mosher                               Disciplines: Tectonics/Tectonophysics, Geomorphology,
         Endorsers: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA   Quaternary Geology
         Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division

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