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Disciplines: Precambrian Geology, Economic Geology, Petrology,   Geochronology Division; GSA Continental Scientific Drilling
         Metamorphic                                           Division; GSA Marine and Coastal Geoscience Division
         Advocates: Lewis Kleinhans; Lisa Fisher; Libby Prueher   Disciplines: Engineering Geology, Economic Geology,
          This session is a contribution to the knowledge base of   Environmental Geoscience
         Precambrian Colorado and its relationship to correlative rocks of   Advocates: Douglas Gouzie; Kevin Mickus
         the western USA, with a focus on paleotectonic environments,   We seek case studies or projects from practicing professionals:
         protoliths, economic geology, metallogeny, geochronology, petrol-  resources to environment to engineering to health. This session
         ogy, and more.                                        will also let students see a variety of employment opportunities
                                                               and typical projects in those fields.
                                                                            T61. GSA Environmental and
            T57. Energy: Environmental Legacies and            Engineering Geology Division Student Research
         Futures                                               Competition (Posters)
         Endorsers: GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Energy   Endorsers: GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology
         Geology Division                                      Division; GSA Geology and Society Division; Geoscience
         Disciplines: Energy Geology, Environmental Geoscience,   Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research
         Geology and Health                                    Disciplines: Engineering Geology, Energy Geology
         Advocates: Zhen Wang; Rachel Coyte; Nathaniel Warner   Advocates: Thomas Oommen; Arpita Nandi; Francis Rengers
          This session welcomes scientific and/or policy presentations (online   We encourage graduate and undergraduate students to submit
         or in person) on the environmental and human health impacts, both   poster presentations on topics related to applied research in envi-
         legacy and incipient, caused by the exploration, development, and   ronmental and engineering geology. Monetary awards will be
         utilization of conventional and emerging energy resources.   given to the top presenters at the Division awards ceremony.

               T58. Exploration of Helium in Sedimentary                    T62. GSA Environmental and
         Basins: The New “Gold” Rush?                          Engineering Geology Division
         Endorsers: Geochemical Society; GSA Energy Geology Division  Endorsers: GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology
         Disciplines: Energy Geology                           Division; GSA Geology and Society Division
         Advocates: Daniele Pinti; Oliver Warr; Barbara Sherwood Lollar   Disciplines: Engineering Geology, Environmental Geoscience,
          This session addresses the mechanisms controlling the migration   Energy Geology
         and accumulation of helium in sedimentary basins at exploitable   Advocates: Thomas Oommen; Arpita Nandi; Francis Rengers
         concentrations, through a multidisciplinary approach involving all   This session for the GSA Environmental and Engineering
         working parties, from noble gas specialists to petroleum geologists.   Geology Division provides an opportunity for the geosciences
                                                               community to present their research, data, and work pertaining
         ENGINEERING GEOLOGY                                   to environmental and engineering geology.
            T59. A Bird’s Eye View: Remote Sensing                T63. Reassessing Natural Hazard Risk in a
         Applications for Geohazards                           Changing World (Posters)
         Endorsers: GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology   Endorsers: GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology
         Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology    Division; GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Mineralogy,
         Division; GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Mineralogy,   Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division
         Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division     Disciplines: Engineering Geology, Environmental Geoscience,
         Disciplines: Engineering Geology, Geomorphology,      Geoscience and Public Policy
         Environmental Geoscience                              Advocate: Barbara EchoHawk
         Advocates: Corey Scheip; Karl W. Wegmann               Are current methods for assessing natural hazard risk sufficient
          This session is aimed at novel uses of remote sensing technolo-  and appropriate to inform decision makers, citizens, and other
         gies to investigate geohazards, including, but not limited to,   stakeholders of the likely impacts of hazardous events? Past his-
         floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and atmo-  tory and recent events provide perspective.
         spheric disturbance events.
                                                                  T64. Understanding Landslides Role in Hillslope
                   T60. Case Studies and Professional          and Landscape Evolution
         Projects—A Day in the Life of Practicing Geologists   Endorsers: GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology
         Endorsers: GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics Division; GSA   Division; GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology Division—
         Karst Division; GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Energy Geology   Landslide Committee; GSA Quaternary Geology and
         Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division;   Geomorphology Division; Association of Environmental &
         GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology Division; Society of   Engineering Geologists; GSA Geology and Society Division;
         Economic Geologists; GSA Karst Division; GSA Geology and   GSA Soils and Soil Processes Division
         Society Division; GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division;   Disciplines: Engineering Geology, Geomorphology, Quaternary
         GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division; GSA      Geology

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