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Disciplines: Mineralogy/Crystallography, Environmental   methodologies as a means of achieving insight into the evolution
         Geoscience, Soils                                     of those landforms.
         Advocates: Peter Heaney; Sasha Wilson
          Dave Bish and Jeff Post have inspired a generation of environ-  T93. Friends of Hoth, Episode VI: Return of the
         mental scientists to harness X-ray diffraction to illuminate clay   Small, Icy, and Ocean Worlds
         structures. This session welcomes contributions in the broad areas   Endorsers: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Quaternary
         of soil and nanoparticle crystallography and geochemistry.   Geology and Geomorphology Division
                                                               Discipline: Planetary Geology
         T89. Early Career Investigators in Mineralogy and     Advocates: Erin Leonard; D. Alex Patthoff; Emily S. Martin
         Crystallography                                        We seek abstracts relating to surface, structural, and tectonic
         Endorsers: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and   processes; interior, and thermal evolution; and planetary analogs
         Volcanology Division; Mineralogical Society of America  as they pertain to icy satellites in the outer solar system. This
         Disciplines: Mineralogy/Crystallography, Petrology, Igneous,   includes experimental, observational, and theoretical approaches.
         Petrology, Metamorphic
         Advocates: Tyler Spano; Si Chen                       T94. Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of
          This session provides a platform for early-career, student, and   Mars
         postdoctoral mineralogists and crystallographers to share their   Endorsers: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Quaternary
         research and provide fresh perspectives, new ideas, and creative   Geology and Geomorphology Division; SEPM (Society for
         answers to mineralogical problems.                    Sedimentary Geology); GSA Karst Division; GSA Limnogeology
            T90. Gemological Research in the Twenty-First      Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Geomorphology, Hydrogeology
         Century—Gem Minerals and Localities                   Advocates: Elena Favaro; Matthew Chojnacki
         Endorsers: Geochemical Society; Mineralogical Society of   This session focuses on aeolian, fluvial, glacial, lacustrine, and
         America                                               crater degradation processes to investigate the geomorphology and
         Disciplines: Mineralogy/Crystallography, Economic Geology,   landscape evolution of Mars. We welcome research using martian
         Geoscience Information/Communication                  orbital and rover data, as well as terrestrial analogues.
         Advocates: James Shigley; Wuyi Wang; Barbara Dutrow;
         John W. Valley; Caroline Nelms                        T95. Impact Cratering in Space and Time
          Gemstones are among the most recognized of all minerals. This   Endorsers: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Structural
         session focuses on diverse aspects of gems, including exploration,   Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry,
         deposits and their formation, identification, as well as mineral   Petrology, and Volcanology Division; GSA Continental Scientific
         inclusions in gems and their geological implications.   Drilling Division; GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics Division
                                                               Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Continental Scientific Drilling,
         T91. Volatile Cycles from Earth’s Surface to the      Structural Geology
         Core: In Honor of 2020 Mineralogical Society of       Advocates: Jeffrey Plescia; Christian Koeberl
         America Medalist Jin Liu                               Impact cratering is probably the primary geologic process for
         Endorsers: Mineralogical Society of America; High Pressure   solid bodies throughout the solar system. This session focuses on
         Science & Technology Advanced Research (HPSTAR); GSA   the geologic, geochemical, and geophysical signatures of impacts,
         Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division;   the impact flux, and implications for geologic evolution.
         Geochemical Society
         Disciplines: Mineralogy/Crystallography               T96. Martian Dark Streaks—Wet or Dry?
         Advocate: Hokwang Mao                                 Endorsers: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Quaternary
          Recent advances in mineral physics have revealed a number of   Geology and Geomorphology Division
         unexpected transitions and phenomena, such as super-oxidation   Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysics/
         and super-ionization in volatile-bearing minerals that lead to para-  Geodynamics
         digm change in our understanding of volatile cycles.   Advocates: David Stillman; Amit Mushkin; Katie Primm
                                                                This session explores observations and formation mechanisms
         PLANETARY GEOLOGY                                     of non-polar martian dark streaks (Recurring Slope Lineae, slope
                                                               streaks, or similar). We welcome research utilizing orbital and rover
         T92. Best Practices and Exciting Discoveries in       data, as well as terrestrial analogues or laboratory experiments.
         Identifying, Mapping, and Analyzing Planetary
         Landforms and Terrestrial Analogues                   T97. Planetary Exploration and Education: How We
         Endorsers: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Quaternary   Learn about Our Solar System and Beyond
         Geology and Geomorphology Division                    Endorsers: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Geoscience
         Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Geomorphology, Geoinformatics   Education Division; GSA Geology and Society Division; National
         Advocates: Kelsey Crane; Jon Rich                     Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT)
          We welcome abstracts that investigate the methodology of    Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Geoscience Education
         planetary and terrestrial landform analysis or that explore these   Advocates: Nicholas Patrick Lang; Robert Jacobsen

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