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            T131. Coastal Aquifers: Investigations of          Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Geoinformatics, Geoscience and
         Submarine and Coastal Groundwater Discharge           Public Policy
         Endorsers: GSA Karst Division; GSA Marine and Coastal   Advocates: Misty E. Porter; Andrea E. Brookfield; Jessica Ayers
         Geoscience Division                                    Anthropogenic activities impact the hydrologic cycle, affecting
         Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Marine/Coastal Science,    water quality and quantity. Effective management requires science-
         Environmental Geoscience                              informed decisions.
         Advocates: Lorenzo Deprado; Rene Price
          This session focuses on recent advances in the transport of   T135. Making Groundwater Knowledge Accessible
         water and constituents and biogeochemical reactions related to   through Visual and Experiential Learning
         coastal groundwater discharge and submarine groundwater dis-  Endorsers: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geology and Society
         charge. All types of research are encouraged, including field,    Division; GSA Geoscience Education Division; The Groundwater
         laboratory, modeling, remote sensing, machine learning.   Project; GroundwaterU; Integrated GroundWater Modeling
                                                               Center; Department of Geology, Earth, Energy, and Environment
            T132. Groundwater for the Present and Future       Center, University of Kansas; GSA Energy Geology Division
         in the Mississippi Embayment Aquifer System,          Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Geoscience Education, Geoscience
         South-Central Untied States                           Information/Communication
         Endorsers: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geology and   Advocates: Eileen Poeter; Ineke Kalwij
         Society Division; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA   This session presents innovative methods and tools that facili-
         Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division; GSA    tate spatial/temporal thinking for developing a deeper understand-
         Geophysics and Geodynamics Division                   ing of groundwater science, which is essential for practitioners to
         Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Geochemistry, Sediments, Clastic   solve local- and global-scale groundwater problems.
         Advocates: Dan Larsen; Katherine Knierim; Burke Minsley
          This session will highlight recent studies of the combined   T136. Uranium Fate and Transport in the
         Mississippi River Valley alluvial and Mississippi embayment   Environment
         aquifer system, water resources, and structural and stratigraphic   Endorsers: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geology and
         aspects of this groundwater basin.                    Health Division; GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology
                                                               Division; GSA Geology and Society Division; Geochemical
            T133. Groundwater Security Toward Sustainable      Society; GSA Energy Geology Division
         Development                                           Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Geology and Health, Geochemistry
         Endorsers: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA International;    Advocates: Raymond Johnson; Charles Paradis; Johanna Blake;
         GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Environmental and   Martin Dangelmayr
         Engineering Geology Division; GSA Geoinformatics and Data   Due to the complexities of uranium geochemistry and its impor-
         Science Division; GSA Geology and Health Division; International   tance as a contaminant, this session aims at bringing together
         Association of Hydrogeologists; International Society of   researchers from multiple disciplines in better understanding ura-
         Groundwater for Sustainable Development; GSA Karst Division   nium fate and transport mechanisms in the environment.
         Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Environmental Geoscience,
         Geoscience and Public Policy                          T137. Using 3D Geological Models to Explore
         Advocates: Abhijit Mukherjee; Alice Aureli; Prosun Bhattacharya;   Geologic Processes, Assess Natural Resources
         David Kreamer; Alan MacDonald; Roger Sathre           and Hazards, and Meet Societal Needs
          This session seeks topical interdisciplinary studies that bridges   Endorsers: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
         groundwater quantification and pollution to solutions and sustain-  Division; GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics Division
         ability, from science to policy, from technology to clean water and   Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology, Economic
         food, through pathways of transforming groundwater knowledge   Geology
         to policy and governance                              Advocates: Brad T. Gooch; Donald Sweetkind; Ryan Gall;
                                                               Laila Sturgis
               T134. Human Impacts on the Hydrologic Cycle      3D geological models are used to explore geologic processes,
         Endorsers: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geology and   assess natural resources and hazards, and meet societal needs.
         Society Division; GSA Limnogeology Division; GSA Soils and Soil   Abstracts should relate to 3D geologic model development and
         Processes Division                                    usage, including public communication of published models.

                                                    INDUSTRY TRACKS
                             GSA’s technical program offers sessions relevant to applied geoscientists.
                                 Look for these icons, which identify sessions in the following areas:

                Economic Geology              Energy                  Engineering            Hydrogeology and
                                                                                            Environmental Geology

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