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T168. What’s in Your Data? Mining Existing Data-      T172. Geoscience Information: Innovation and
         bases to Plot the Course of K–16 Geoscience Education  Applications in a Changing Landscape
         Endorsers: GSA Geoscience Education Division; GSA Geology   Endorsers: Geoscience Information Society; GSA Soils and Soil
         and Society Division; GSA Geoinformatics and Data Science   Processes Division
         Division; National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA);   Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,
         National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT); National   Geoinformatics, Geoscience Education
         Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) Geoscience   Advocates: Lisa Dunn; Linda Musser
         Education Research (GER) Division; National Association of   The evolving information environment presents challenges for
         Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) Teacher Education Division (TED);   those managing, creating, and accessing geoscience information.
         National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) Geo2YC   How are we innovating, developing agile strategies, re-thinking
         Division; GSA Energy Geology Division                 boundaries, exploring applications, forming new partnerships?
         Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/  Share your ideas, best practices, and outcomes.
         Communication, Geoscience and Public Policy
         Advocates: Eric Pyle; Edward Robeck                   T173. Giving Voice to Geosciences beyond the
          We seek to identify data sources available for geoscience educa-  Science World
         tion, considering how these data can be used to produce efficien-  Endorsers: GSA Geology and Society Division; University
         cies of effort that maximize the impact of available resources to   Corporation for Atmospheric Research; National Association of
         inform policy- and decision-making.                   Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) Teacher Education Division (TED);
                                                               GSA Geoscience Education Division; GSA Quaternary Geology
         GEOSCIENCE INFORMATION/COMMUNICATION                  and Geomorphology Division; Colorado Riparian Association;
                                                               GSA Soils and Soil Processes Division
               T169. Climate—Weather Extreme Adaption          Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication, Geoscience
         and Mitigation: An Aggressive Call for an Interdis-   Education, Geoscience and Public Policy
         ciplinary, Conference of Parties (COP), and United    Advocates: Emily Iskin; Sarah Lamm
         Nation (UN) Involvement                                This session showcases creative communication of geosciences
         Endorsers: GSA International; GSA Geology and Society Division  with various media in venues beyond traditional university set-
         Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication, Geoscience   tings, highlighting multidisciplinary collaborations and diverse
         and Public Policy, Environmental Geoscience           voices by connecting with diverse audiences.
         Advocates: Onema Adojoh; Mohammed Chaanda
          The intersectionality of ancillary disciplines should be strength-  HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF GEOLOGY
         ened to increase professional diversity and retention in climate
         science to meet the proposed COP27 agreement in the future.   T174. Case Studies in the History & Philosophy of
                                                               the Geosciences: People, Places & Things
         T170. From Yellowstone Earthquakes to a Delaware      Endorsers: GSA History and Philosophy of Geology Division;
         River Odyssey and Numerous Places and Projects in     GSA Geoscience Education Division
         between: A Memorial Tribute to USGS Jack Epstein      Disciplines: History and Philosophy of Geology, Geoscience
         on His Work, Legacy, and Friends Made along the       Education, Geoscience Information/Communication
         Way (U.S. Geological Survey 1958–2020)                Advocate: Eric Pyle
         Endorsers: U.S. Geological Survey; National Park Service;    This session seeks presentations that share the development,
         GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Quaternary Geology   use, and impact of case studies that inform the development of
         and Geomorphology Division                            the geosciences discipline and can be used in formal and informal
         Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication, Karst   geoscience teaching and learning settings.
         Advocates: David Weary; Randall Orndorff; Timothy Connors
          Celebrate the U.S. Geological Survey career of Jack Epstein with   GEOINFORMATICS
         presentations on geologic mapping in the central Appalachians;
         mapping and karst research in the Black Hills; or topics related to   T175. Geologic Maps and Their Derivatives
         outreach work with the National Park Service.         (Posters)
                                                               Endorser: Association of American State Geologists
         T171. Geology in Motion: Presenting and Promoting     Disciplines: Geoinformatics, Hydrogeology, Structural Geology
         Geomorphic and Geologic Research Using Video          Advocates: Richard Berg; Harvey Thorleifson
         and Augmented Reality (Posters)                        This poster session will highlight new geologic maps, mapping
         Endorser: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division  programs, and innovations in geological mapping, including data
         Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,    management, web accessibility, 3D, and applications in water and
         Geomorphology, Geoinformatics                         land management.
         Advocates: Sean D.T. Fletcher; Dallin Laycock; Paul Bremner;
         Richard MacKenzie III                                    T176. Innovations in Geological Mapping
          The use of video and augmented reality is an underutilized   Endorser: Association of American State Geologists
         resource in the geosciences and may provide a resource to better   Disciplines: Geoinformatics, Hydrogeology, Structural Geology
         understand concepts limited by print media publication.   Advocates: Richard Berg; Harvey Thorleifson

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