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          This session will highlight new geologic maps, mapping pro-  Disciplines: Geoinformatics, Mineralogy/Crystallography,
         grams, and innovations in geological mapping, including data   Planetary Geology
         management, web accessibility, 3D, and applications in water and   Advocates: Shaunna Morrison; Shuang Zhang; Xiaogang Ma
         land management.                                       The application of data science to problems in mineralogy,
                                                               petrology, and geochemistry has revealed insights into emergent
               T177. Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemis-     behaviors of complex systems. We welcome submissions exempli-
         try: New Approaches to Harnessing the Multidimen-     fying this in Earth and planetary systems, geo-bio-coevolution,
         sionality of Complex Systems                          and geoinformatics.
         Endorsers: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
         Volcanology Division; Mineralogical Society of America;
         Geochemical Society

             Compiled by J.D. Walker, J.W. Geissman,
             S.A. Bowring, and L.E. Babcock, 2018

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