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GEOSCIENCE EDUCATION                                  Coastal Geoscience Division; National Association of Geoscience
                                                               Teachers (NAGT) Teacher Education Division (TED)
         T152. Bringing Inquiry into Geoscience Labs for       Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/
         Students, Teaching Assistants, and Faculty            Communication, Soils
         Endorsers: National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT);   Advocates: Monica Rasmussen; Kathleen Benison; Stephanie
         National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) Geo2YC   Shepherd
         Division; GSA Geoscience Education Division; National   As a geoscientist, you’ve dedicated months or years to field-
         Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) Geoscience   work, publications, grant proposals, navigating industry, develop-
         Education Research (GER) Division; National Association of   ing methods, and other accomplishments. Come share your best
         Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) Teacher Education Division (TED);   tips so we can all learn from your experiences!
         GSA Geoscience Education Division
         Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/  T156. G-IRL: Collaborations and Conversations on
         Communication                                         Practicing Geoscience and In-Real-Life Applications
         Advocates: Katherine Ryker; Rachel Teasdale; Kelsey Bitting   for Dismantling Scientific Siloes
          Inquiry-based learning engages students in “doing science” in   Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/
         geoscience labs. Presenters will share their experiences creating and   Communication, Geoscience and Public Policy
         testing inquiry-based labs, data on their efficacy, and strategies for   Advocates: Akilah Alwan; Leila M. Joyce Seals; Darryl Reano
         supporting other instructors (e.g., graduate teaching assistants).   This session is an inclusive science communication space for a
                                                               broad spectrum of geoscientists and non-geoscientists interested
                      T153. Career Paths and Licensure:        in discussing how science, academia, and/or geoscience culture
         Program Strategies to Help Students Explore           plays a role in real life, “IRL.”
         Career Pathways in the Earth Sciences
         Endorsers: National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT);  T157. Hands-On Teaching Demonstrations that
         GSA Geoscience Education Division; GSA Geology and Society   Combine Geoscience and Societal Issues: Audience
         Division                                              Participation Requested!
         Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience and Public Policy,   Discipline: Geoscience Education
         Geoscience Information/Communication                  Advocates: Tiffany Rivera; Elizabeth Nagy
         Advocates: Craig Nichol; James Kubicki; Karen Viskupic;   Unique interactive oral session that involves audience partici-
         Matthew Pendleton                                     pation in presenters’ activities. Authors demonstrate teaching
          This session explores strategies that departments and programs   activities that integrate geosciences with societal concerns.
         have initiated to help students explore career paths in earth    Demonstrations must include live audience participation. Online
         sciences, to enhance teaching of skills needed for careers, and to   presenters should join us in real time.
         support paths to careers and professional licensure.
                                                               T158. Harnessing Social Media, Crowd Source, and
                      T154. Connecting High School and         Other Modern Open Media to Advance Geoscience
         Undergraduate Students to the Geosciences through  Research and Enhance Outreach and Education
         Multidisciplinary Approaches to Geologic Issues       Endorser: GSA Geology and Society Division
         (Posters)                                             Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/
         Endorsers: GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology   Communication, Geoinformatics
         Division; GSA Geology and Society Division; National Earth   Advocates: Richard MacKenzie III; Paul Bremner; Lesley Galyas;
         Science Teachers Association (NESTA); GSA Geoscience Education   Dallin Laycock
         Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division;   This session proposes to show how social media, crowd
         GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Energy Geology   sourcing, and other forms of modern communication media can
         Division; National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT);   enhance any aspect of the geosciences from pure research to
         Geoscience Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research;   education and outreach.
         GSA Marine and Coastal Geoscience Division
         Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/  T159. Improving Student Learning Outcomes
         Communication, Geoscience and Public Policy           Using Cognitive Science–Informed Strategies in
         Advocates: Nazrul Khandaker; Julie Bloxson; Arif Sikder   Geoscience Teaching and Practice
          This session encourages high school and undergraduate students   Endorsers: National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT);
         to share their research to a greater number of audiences, particu-  National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) Geoscience
         larly in the geosciences. Topics may highlight a variety of geologic   Education Research (GER) Division
         processes and relevant multidisciplinary subjects.    Disciplines: Geoscience Education, History and Philosophy of
                                                               Geology, Geoscience Information/Communication
         T155. Gatebreaking: Passing along Your Biggest        Advocates: Alexandra Davatzes; Shondricka Burrell;
         Lessons Learned in the Geosciences                    Thomas F. Shipley
         Endorsers: GSA Geoscience Education Division; GSA Geology and   Geoscience knowledge construction is a complex process.
         Society Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology   Collaboration between geoscientists, educators, and cognitive sci-
         Division; GSA Society for Sedimentary Geology; GSA Marine and   entists leads to innovative research in education and practice that

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