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          The GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology   We seek presentations that apply or develop modern analytical
         Division honors its 2022 student research, Distinguished Geological   techniques to iron oxides to study their formation conditions and/
         Career (DGCA), and Early Geological Career (EGCA) awardees.   or thermal history and apply these data to understand a range of
         The 2020 DGCA and EGCA will also be honored in this session.   environments and processes.

         T81. Radiogenic Isotopes as Tracers of Geologic       VOLCANOLOGY
         Processes: Dates, Rates, and Proxies
         Endorsers: GSA Geochronology Division; GSA Quaternary   T85. Lava Flows and Their Hazards: A Session
         Geology and Geomorphology Division; GSA Sedimentary   Inspired by Hannah Dietterich’s Early Career
         Geology Division; GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology   Award from the Mineralogy, Geochemistry,
         Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and   Petrology, and Volcanology Division
         Volcanology Division; GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics   Endorsers: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
         Division; Geochemical Society                         Volcanology Division; GSA Geology and Society Division
         Disciplines: Geochemistry, Geochronology, Paleoclimatology/  Discipline: Volcanology
         Paleoceanography                                      Advocates: Mark E. Stelten; Katharine Cashman; Einat Lev;
         Advocates: Alexie Millikin; Jennifer Kasbohm; Timothy Gibson;   Thomas (Tom) Sisson
         Alan Rooney                                            Recent lava eruptions, imaged by drones and studied with petro-
          This session aims to bring together diverse applications of radio-  logic, computational, and analog approaches, enable quantitative
         genic isotope geochemistry (geochemical tracers, geochronology,   lava-hazard assessments. We seek presentations on lava emplace-
         thermochronology) as proxies for tectonic, climatic, and biotic pro-  ment, broadly, in recognition of Hannah Dietterich’s MGPV
         cesses and constraining the timing and rates of earth-system changes.   Division early career award.

                   T82. The Geology and Environmental          T86. The Virtue of Fieldwork in Volcanology,
         Impacts of Lithium Resources in North America         Sedimentology, Structural Geology, and Tectonics:
         Endorsers: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and   A Session to Honor Cathy Busby, MGPV Distin-
         Volcanology Division; Society of Economic Geologists;   guished Geological Career Award Recipient of 2020
         Mineralogical Society of America; GSA Geology and Society   Endorsers: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
         Division; GSA Limnogeology Division; Geochemical Society;   Volcanology Division; SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
         GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology Division; GSA   Disciplines: Volcanology, Tectonics/Tectonophysics, Stratigraphy
         Energy Geology Division                               Advocates: Keith Putirka; Nancy Riggs; John Wakabayashi
         Disciplines: Geochemistry, Economic Geology, Hydrogeology   This session honors the career of Cathy Busby, whose diverse
         Advocates: Thomas Benson; Lisa Stillings              field studies have impacted volcanology, sedimentology, structural
          This session will focus on the geology, mineralogy, hydrogeol-  geology, and tectonics. Studies within or at the boundaries of these
         ogy, and origin of different types of lithium resources in North   disciplines are welcome.
         America and the potential environmental impacts of extracting
         this energy-critical element.                         PETROLOGY, IGNEOUS

         T83. The Role of Halogens in Crustal Processes        T87. Source to Surface Magma Thermodynamics and
         Endorsers: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and   Transport: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Document-
         Volcanology Division; Geochemical Society             ing the How, Where, and When of Magma Generation
         Disciplines: Geochemistry, Petrology, Metamorphic, Economic   and Evolution during Ascent, Storage, and Eruption
         Geology                                               Endorsers: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
         Advocates: Johannes Hammerli; Dave Jenkins            Volcanology Division; GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics
          Halogens play key roles in magmatic and metamorphic pro-  Division; GSA Planetary Geology Division; Geochemical Society
         cesses, such as mass transfer and crustal anatexis. This session   Disciplines: Petrology, Igneous, Geochemistry, Volcanology
         focuses on new research including analytical advances to better   Advocates: Wendy A. Bohrson; Valerie Strasser; Monike Distefano;
         understand the importance of halogens for crustal processes.   Paula Antoshechkina; Frank J. Spera
                                                                This session will focus on research that integrates field, compu-
               T84. Using Iron Oxides for Quantitative         tational, experimental, and analytical approaches to document
         Reconstruction of Thermal Histories, Paleoenviron-    source to surface transport dynamics and thermodynamics of
         ments, Hydrothermal Alteration, Planetary Evolu-      magmas on Earth and other planetary bodies.
         tion, and Fault Zone Processes
         Endorsers: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and   MINERALOGY/CRYSTALLOGRAPHY
         Volcanology Division; GSA Geochronology Division; GSA Structural
         Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA Planetary Geology Division  T88. Charting Soils at the Atomic Scale: A Tribute
         Disciplines: Geochemistry, Geochronology, Environmental   to the Careers of David L. Bish and Jeffrey E. Post
         Geoscience                                            Endorsers: Mineralogical Society of America; GSA Mineralogy,
         Advocates: Peter E. Martin; Florian Hofmann; Jordan Leo Jensen   Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division; Clay
                                                               Minerals Society; GSA Soils and Soil Processes Division

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