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characteristics, including the spatial and temporal scales over which   Disciplines: Quaternary Geology, Geomorphology, Sediments,
         such characteristics can be used to infer past landscape dynamics.   Clastic
                                                               Advocates: Mark Sweeney; Jordan Bretzfelder; Nicholas Lancaster
         T8. Non-Perennial Streams and the Fluvial System       This session will explore research focused on all aspects of the
         Endorsers: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology   response of aeolian processes and landforms to natural and
         Division; GSA Soils and Soil Processes Division       anthropogenic change.
         Disciplines: Geomorphology, Hydrogeology, Environmental
         Geoscience                                            T13. The Legacy of Kenneth L. Pierce: Interdisci-
         Advocates: Julianne Scamardo; John Kemper; Kristin Jaeger;   plinary Studies along the Track of the Yellowstone
         Daniel Cadol                                          Hotspot and Beyond
          We encourage submissions of all aspects of non-perennial   Endorsers: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
         stream research, including non-perennial stream dynamics and   Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
         processes, the role of non-perennial streams in shaping land-  Volcanology Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics
         scapes, and the impacts of non-perennial streams on downstream   Division; Geochemical Society; GSA Geochronology Division
         waterbodies and communities.                          Disciplines: Quaternary Geology, Volcanology, Tectonics/
         T9. Over the Hills and through the River: The         Advocates: Lisa Morgan; Joseph Licciardi; Cathy Whitlock;
         Mechanisms of Change in Bedrock River Influenced/     Kenneth Cannon; Jennifer Pierce
         Controlled Landscapes                                  This session honors Ken Pierce (1937–2021) and his distin-
         Endorser: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division  guished work on the Yellowstone hotspot track integrating neotec-
         Disciplines: Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology        tonics, volcanology, mantle dynamics, glaciation, geomorphology,
         Advocates: Stephanie Shepherd; Brian Yanites          paleoecology/climatology, and archaeology in the Yellowstone
          This session will highlight emerging work focused on the role    Geoecosystem. We welcome submissions within these disciplines.
         of climate, lithology, tectonic, and sediment supply in controlling
         how bedrock rivers evolve over time.                  T14. The Status of the Laurentide Ice Sheet during
               T10. Physical and Biological Processes,         Endorsers: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
         Interactions, and Restoration in River Systems        Division; GSA Marine and Coastal Geoscience Division
         Endorser: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division  Disciplines: Quaternary Geology, Paleoclimatology/
         Disciplines: Geomorphology, Environmental Geoscience,   Paleoceanography, Marine/Coastal Science
         Sediments, Clastic                                    Advocates: Gifford Miller; Michel Lamothe
         Advocates: Sharon Bywater-Reyes; Alan Kasprak; Katherine   The configuration and volume of the Laurentide Ice Sheet dur-
         Lininger; Anna E. Marshall                            ing MIS-3 remain debated, with strong implications for sea level
          In this session, we welcome contributions that highlight or   and the status of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. We seek contributions
         uncover the interactions among physical and/or biological processes   that help resolves these uncertainties.
         in fluvial settings, both within and outside the active channel.
                                                               SEDIMENTS, CARBONATES
         T11. Soils and Geomorphology: In Memory of Pete
         Birkeland                                                   T15. Toward Unravelling the Dolomite
         Endorsers: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology   Problem: New Approaches and Novel Perspectives
         Division; GSA Soils and Soil Processes Division; GSA   Endorsers: Mineralogical Society of America; GSA Karst Division;
         Geoarchaeology Division; GSA Geology and Society Division  SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology); GSA Geobiology and
         Disciplines: Geomorphology, Soils, Engineering Geology   Geomicrobiology Division
         Advocates: Marith Reheis; James McCalpin; Vance T. Holliday;   Disciplines: Sediments, Carbonates, Geochemistry, Geomicrobiology
         Daniel R. Muhs; Scott Burns; Bradley Johnson; Janet L. Slate;   Advocates: Bing Shen; Meng Ning; Ruimin Wang
         Bradley D. Sion                                        This session provides a platform to communicate progress in
          The contributions of Pete Birkeland unify soils, geomorphology,   dolomite studies with applications of diverse sedimentological, geo-
         and Quaternary stratigraphy, leading to better understanding of   chemical, numerical modeling, and experimental approaches and to
         alpine glacial records, landscape change, surficial deposits, slope   share novel ideas toward understanding the dolomite problem.
         evolution, and applications to archaeology, geologic hazards, and
         critical zone studies.                                SEDIMENTS, CLASTIC

         QUATERNARY GEOLOGY                                    T16. Deep-Time Critical Zone and Terrestrial
                                                               Records of Paleozoic Climate Dynamics
         T12. Aeolian System Response to Environmental         Endorsers: GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Limnogeology
         Change                                                Division
         Endorsers: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology   Disciplines: Sediments, Clastic, Limnogeology, Paleoclimatology/
         Division; GSA Soils and Soil Processes Division       Paleoceanography
                                                               Advocates: Jonathan Knapp; Amy Weislogel

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