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Karen Viskupic, Past-President                        Michael A. Phillips, Secretary-Treasurer and Advocacy
         Anne E. Egger, Executive Director and GSA Fellow      Committee chair, GSA Fellow, and former member of GSA’s
         Leilani Arthurs, Geoscience Education Research Division   Geology & Public Policy Committee
         President                                             Katherine Ryker, Councilor-at-Large, Past-President Geoscience
         Kimberly A. Hannula, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Geoscience   Education Research Division, GSA Fellow, and GSA Education
         Education, former member of GSA’s Education Committee and   Committee member
         Public Service Award Committee

                  Response from GSA Executive Committee

                  to the National Association of Geoscience

              Teachers (NAGT) Letter to GSA Today Editors

          GSA Today has been designed as the Society’s versatile and   of the earth sciences on education, policy, planning, and funding.”
         multipurpose communication magazine. The goals are to provide   There is no doubt that at times the subject of a manuscript could
         its readers with stimulating and relevant information that can   satisfy both those calls and perhaps only be limited by the size
         increase their geoscience knowledge base and, at the same time,   of the submission. In the future, such size limitations may be
         keep them abreast of GSA activities and benefits. It is also used to   removed. We also thank NAGT for offering its assistance to our
         highlight educational and job opportunities. These many-pronged   GSA Today editors with locating experienced peer reviewers for
         objectives can sometimes be difficult to keep separate but focused.  multidisciplinary-themed manuscripts and for those that may fall
          We, the GSA Executive Committee, thank the National   into areas of NAGT expertise. Experience from all of our
         Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) for its concern that   Associated Societies is needed to build and maintain a strong
         GSA gave the impression of limiting the breadth of manuscript   communication and scientific platform.
         submissions. The officers and members of the Executive   In discussions with the GSA Today editors, they have expressed
         Committee support the call that manuscripts to GSA Today are   the same opinion and they are open to considering a wide variety
         “timely, high-quality, appealing to a broad geoscience audience”   of manuscript submissions that may fit our present categories.
         and “innovative and focused on current topics and discoveries in   This conversation has also re-opened the internal discussion about
         geoscience.” In addition, Groundwork articles are typically “short,   the format of GSA Today and our ultimate needs. Please stay tuned
         hot-topic or issue-driven articles” that “promote greater influence   for additional updates.

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