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                                J Harlen Bretz (1882–1981):

                      Outrageous Geological Hypothesizer

         Victor R. Baker, Dept. of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721-0011, USA

                                                                After graduating from Albion in 1905, Bretz taught biology for
                                                               a brief period in Flint, Michigan. In 1907, he and his wife, Fanny,
                                                               moved to Seattle, Washington, where he taught science at three dif-
                                                               ferent high schools over the next several years. During the long
                                                               summer breaks, he explored the local glacial geology. His mapping
                                                               of Pleistocene surficial deposits eventually covered the entire Puget
                                                               Sound region from Centralia and Chehalis to the Canadian border.
                                                               Bretz used these extensive field studies as the basis of a Ph.D.
                                                               dissertation in geology from the University of Chicago in 1913.
                                                                The “J Harlen” name arose during this period. Bretz’s biogra-
                                                               pher John Soennichsen quotes Bretz’s daughter, Rhoda: “He
                                                               invented the Harlen thing, just as he had invented the J in front of
                                                               his name—made the whole thing up. Harley Bretz was his given
                                                               name, but it just didn’t ring a bell for him; maybe he didn’t think it
                                                               sounded professional enough.” In reviewing the submitted Ph.D.
                                                               dissertation, Rollin D. Salisbury (1858–1922), Bretz’s Ph.D. super-
                                                               visor at Chicago, asked him to spell out the first name on the
                              J Harlen Bretz.                  author line. When Bretz responded that “J” was his entire first
                                                               name, Salisbury admonished, “Then never put or allow a typist or
          Experienced geologists know well that their field counts among   printer to use a period after that J.”
         its most able and stellar practitioners a strong-willed array of   Upon receiving his Ph.D., Bretz spent a year as an assistant
         “characters.” Outstanding from this pantheon is J (editors take   professor of geology at the University of Washington, but in 1914
         note: insert no period after this one-letter first name!) Harlen   Salisbury recruited him to return to the University of Chicago, first
         Bretz (1882–1981). In his studies of the origin of the Channeled   as instructor in geology (1914–1915), then as assistant professor
         Scabland landscape in eastern Washington, beginning in the early   (1915–1921). His responsibilities at Chicago emphasized teaching in
         1920s, J Harlen Bretz provided a type example for what William   the field. Perhaps influenced by his own largely self-taught path to
         Morris Davis (1850–1934) subsequently defined as an “outrageous   geological understanding, and reinforced by his Chicago mentors,
         geological hypothesis.”                               Bretz became a lifelong advocate of geological education in the
          As a science, geology is as much characterized by its methodol-  field. He wrote in his unpublished memoirs, “My ideal was to teach
         ogy as it is by its down-to-earth subject matter. That methodology,   geology from the field as much as possible.” He instinctively
         so ably described by Thomas Chowder Chamberlin (1843–1928),   rejected, “...text book and lecture methods without field work.”
         one of the professors for Bretz’s Ph.D. studies, is focused on   At Chicago, Bretz became renowned as a teacher. Starting in
         hypotheses. Geological hypotheses, unlike those in physics, are   1915, he was responsible for the field course held each summer in
         not merely parsimonious conjectures formulated as propositions    the Devil’s Lake region near Baraboo, Wisconsin. Over the next
         to be tested or falsified. Geological hypotheses are “working”    thirty years or so, “Doc” Bretz served as mentor to hundreds of
         and even “regenerative” (Chamberlin’s terminology) in that they   budding geologists, emerging from their tents near the lake each
         are meant to be fruitful for further inquiry. Moreover, geological   day, generally during the month of September, just before the start
         hypotheses can occasionally be outrageous, though such outrage   of classes. His teaching method was Socratic. It was the students
         must never be imposed upon what nature presents to the geologist.   who made all the discoveries, but they were ultimately guided in
         An outrageous geological hypothesis can only be fruitful if it illu-  their geological hypothesizing by Doc’s questioning. As Bretz
         minates the inadequacy of prevailing theories and points toward   wrote in his unpublished memoirs, “I never would tell. I always
         more productive lines of inquiry.                     made them work out their own salvation.”
          This outrageous geological hypothesizer was born Harley Bretz   In 1916, Bretz initiated an advanced field course during the
         (the “J Harlen” came later) on 2 September 1882 in the small farm-  early summer, in which he took small numbers of University of
         ing town of Saranac, Michigan, USA. Though young Harley had   Chicago students to the northwestern U.S. In the summer of 1922,
         interests in many aspects of natural science, his overriding passion   this advanced course moved to the Columbia Plateau region of
         was for astronomy. Unfortunately, as an undergraduate at Albion   eastern Washington. Thomas Large, a teacher at Lewis and Clark
         College, he did poorly in mathematics, a failing that he later   High School in Spokane, Washington (and one of the founders of
         ascribed to falling out of bed as a toddler and hitting a part of his   the Northwest Scientific Society), aided with local logistical
         head—the part that does mathematics. His interests then turned to   arrangements. In the course of work during the summers of 1922
         biology and geology.                                  and 1923, Bretz and his students documented an amazing

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