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Exceptional Reviewers for 2021

          GSA appreciates the many people who make its peer-reviewed   thanks you. GSA’s journal science editors have selected the
         journals possible: the authors, science editors, editorial board   following people for special recognition of the many prompt,
         members, associate editors, and most of all, the reviewers. Peer   insightful, meticulous, and tactful reviews they completed.
         review of papers is the cornerstone of scientific publishing, but   (Photos of these colleagues are posted at
         reviewing papers is all too often a thankless task. For all those   GSA/Publications/GSA/Pubs/exceptional_reviewers.aspx.)
         who complete timely, thorough, and even-handed reviews, GSA

                     ISSN   0016-7606   VOL.   134   NO. 3/4  March/ a pril 2022  GEOLOGY, VOLUME  50,  NO.  3
                                                        ISSN 0091-7613   MARCH 2022  ■   VOL. 50  NO. 3  ■   P. 257–382

               THE  GEOLOGICAL  SOCIETY  OF  AMERICA  BULLETIN, VOLUME  134,  NO.  3/4,  P.  545–1088

               MARCH/APRIL  2022
                                                   MARCH  2022

         GSA BULLETIN                        GEOLOGY                            GEOSPHERE

         Thomas Algeo, University of Cincinnati  Fatima Abrantes, Instituto Português do   Cal Barnes, Texas Tech University
                                             Mar e da Atmosfera
         William R. Guenthner, University of                                    Andrew Meigs, Oregon State University
         Illinois at Urbana-Champaign        Peter Burgess, University of Liverpool
                                                                                Calvin F. Miller, Vanderbilt University
         Stephen T. Johnston, University of   Christopher D. Henry, University of
         Alberta                             Nevada                             Terry L. Pavlis, University of Texas at
                                                                                El Paso
         Xiaoping Long, Northwest University  Susan Ivy-Ochs, University of Zurich
                                                                                Bradley W. Pitcher, Vanderbilt University
         Xuxuan Ma, Institute of Geology, Chinese   Sam Purkis, Rosenstiel School of Marine
         Academy of Geological Sciences      and Atmospheric Science, University of   Sarah Roeske, University of California,
                                             Miami                              Davis
         J. Brendan Murphy, St. Francis Xavier
         University                          Troy Rasbury, Stony Brook University

         John F. Slack, U.S. Geological Survey   Randy Williams, University of
         (emeritus)                          Wisconsin–Madison

         Greg M. Stock, National Park Service,
         Yosemite National Park

         Qiang Wang, Guangzhou Institute of
         Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of

         Jin Zhang, Institute of Geology, Chinese
         Academy of Geological Sciences

         Ze-Ming Zhang, Institute of Geology,
         Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences

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