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Rapid Sediment Re-Deposition May Limit

                                  Carbon Release during Catastrophic

                                  Thermokarst Lake Drainage

         Brian S. Burnham*, School of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB24 3UE, UK; Peter P. Flaig, Bureau of Economic
         Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, USA; Brice R. Rea, Matteo Spagnolo,
         School of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB24 3UE, UK; Michael H. Young, Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson
         School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, USA

         A CARBON SOURCE                      A complex relationship of interlinked   carbon store because the liberated SOC is
          Arctic  soil  organic  carbon  (SOC),  the   processes (e.g., climate, precipitation, ero-  vulnerable to degradation and GHG release
         largest terrestrial organic carbon reservoir   sion) drives permafrost degradation and   (Vonk and Gustafsson, 2013), resulting in
         (Tarnocai et al., 2009; Schuur et al., 2015),   differential land subsidence that generates   a net flux (positive) to the atmospheric
         is typically locked up in permafrost   thermokarst  lakes (van Huissteden et  al.,   carbon pool.
         (Tarnocai et al., 2009; Olefeldt et al., 2016;   2011) (Fig. 1), which expand slowly through   Catastrophic drainage events may increase
         Turetsky et al., 2020), but is under threat.   heat conduction, enhancing permafrost   in frequency (Jones et al., 2020), but the fate
         The mean annual air temperature in the   thaw and  mass wasting  at  lake  margins.   of released carbon is poorly constrained. A
         Arctic is rising twice as fast as the global   Thermokarst lake expansion is projected to   first-order approximation of carbon released
         average (Schuur et al., 2015). Permafrost   continue under future climate warming   by erosion during catastrophic thermokarst
         will further degrade, exposing significant   (Smith et al., 2005; Walter, et al., 2006; van   lake drainage events suggests that a signifi-
         quantities  of  SOC  to  decomposition  and   Huissteden et al., 2011). Thermokarst lakes   cant volume of the eroded material, and
         respiration, releasing greenhouse gases   may also drain catastrophically (Mackay,   potentially  SOC,  is  rapidly  re-deposited
         (GHG),  like  CO  and CH , into the atmo-  1988), creating thermo-erosion gullies   (hours  to  days)  (Jones  and  Arp,  2015)  in
         sphere (Walter et al., 2006; Mackelprang et   (Figs. 1B and 1C) that result in substantial   proximal downstream deltas/subaerial fans
         al., 2011; Cory et al., 2014; Turetsky et al.,   (discharge rates up to 25 m s ; Jones and   (Fig. 1B), limiting the net carbon release.
                                                                   3 –1
         2020), driving a feedback loop of increasing   Arp, 2015) sediment and SOC erosion from   Data on SOC volumes partitioned into par-
         air temperatures and degrading permafrost   lake margins and along drainage channels.   ticulate organic carbon (POC) available for
         (Schuur et al., 2015).              This is assumed to decrease the permafrost   re-deposition, or dissolved organic carbon

         A            -164.76                     C        Before drainage  D  T1
               AK  N                     Narrow
                                         drainage                                 L1 f
               500 km                N   channel                           L1 sediments                  L2 sediments
         B           Filled lake        Lacustrine                                  w  d 1          L2 f
         Before drainage  (L1) f        delta absent                     Permafrost  1          not to scale
                                                                     T1  A                            A’
                       A                                                   Catastrophic drainage
                                         Increasing          Mid-drainage
                   C                     channel
                 A’        Drained lake (L1 ) d  width & depth                      Sediment + SOC remobilization
                                         Lacustrine                                               Delta/fan formation
                                   66.45  delta forming                                             SOC burial
               Filled lake (L2 ) f                                  T2
                                         Maximum            After drainage  T3          SOC
                                        width & depth                          L1 d
                                                                                         d 2        L2 f
                                        delta formed                                 w 2
                      After drainage  300 m       150 m             T3   A  Drainage channel (connected to L1)   A’
         Figure 1. Catastrophic lake drainage and lacustrine delta formation. (A) Approximate location of the five thermokarst lakes analyzed herein. (B) Planet
         CubeSat imagery of two thermokarst lakes (Lake ID 99492) showing images before (L1 ) and after (L1 ) drainage, where lake L1 rapidly drained into lake L2
         (L2 ). (C) Satellite imagery showing L1 drainage through a preexisting channel (T1: 27 Sept. 2017) that evolved into a thermo-erosion gulley (T2: 7 June 2018).
         This event eroded, transported, and deposited large volumes of sediment and remobilized soil organic carbon (SOC) into the delta in L2 (T3: 11 July 2020).
         (D) Schematic model of L1 drainage, creation of a thermo-erosion gulley, and deposition of a delta in L2. AK—Alaska.
         GSA Today, v. 32, CC-BY-NC.

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