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From Field Geologist to CEO: Brunton Is in New Hands

          Corporate engagement has long been a crucial part of the devel-
         opment and financial support of the GSA Foundation and GSA pro-
         grams. Our partners are highly committed to the next generation of
         geoscientists, and we are thrilled to highlight recent, exciting hap-                Brunton’s Lauren  Heerschap
                                                                                              gets help from the littlest field
         penings at GSA’s organizational partner, Brunton. Brunton is now                     assistant: Hannah, Lauren and
         a family-owned, geologist-owned—and, for the first time, woman-                      David’s daughter, who is “now
                                                                                              too heavy to carry for miles
         owned—Wyoming small business.                                                        up into the mountains—she
          The Brunton brand is known and sold worldwide, especially in                        has to hike it herself!”
         the geology community, where a pocket transit of any model is
         simply called “a Brunton.” The Geological Society of America is
         eager to continue working with the company under its new owner-
         ship. In Lauren Heerschap, GSA has a true partner with deep con-  Two years later, the Axis transit was born—renamed and
         nections: She received a GSA graduate student research grant   rebranded, with Lauren and Dave involved throughout the product
         while working on her master’s degree and participated in a GSA   development and rollout phases. The Heerschaps worked the
         Penrose Conference in Taiwan. She became a student member of   Brunton booth for several geological conferences to help introduce
         GSA in 2002 and has attended, presented, and worked at many   the Axis and support the rest of the product line. Their increasing
         GSA annual and Section meetings since then.           involvement led to a job opportunity and career switch for Dave
          Lauren remembers the day she first learned how to use a Brunton   when the previous Brunton engineer of 40 years was nearing
         pocket transit. She was 20 years old, at an outcrop of Cambrian   retirement. A few years later, in early 2021, Lauren also officially
         sandstone in the Black Hills of South Dakota, and it was the first   joined the Brunton team as pro & international sales manager.
         week of an eight-week undergraduate geology field camp. “I argued   And that’s when things got interesting. The Heerschaps were
         with my team for over an hour about how to measure strike and   approached by the previous brand management, who presented
         dip,” says Heerschap. “The sandstone bed was almost horizontal,   the opportunity to acquire the Brunton brand and all of its assets.
         and we couldn’t figure out how to do it.”             A fortuitous combination of a favorable offer from the previous
          So began Heerschap’s journey with Brunton compasses. After   brand owner and family investors made the acquisition possible.
         seven or so years of using Bruntons in teaching field methods,    The company is an organizational partner that supports GSA’s
         she came up with the idea for a new pocket transit model that   annual meeting through sponsorship and an exhibit hall booth,
         solved many of the issues she had experienced as a student. That   and provides demo fleets of compasses for some of GSA’s field
         idea was prototyped into reality by her husband, David Heerschap,   trips. In 2021, the company solidified its partnership with the
         in their garage over winter break. Dave was also a science educa-  Society in yet another meaningful contribution, specifically to
         tor at the time and had just started a company that offered home-  students: Brunton provided a personalized, engraved ComPro
         made teaching tools and field equipment for science teachers and   Transit for each of GSA’s 2021 J. David Lowell Field Camp
         students. Lauren and Dave patented the idea, tested it with field   Scholarship recipients. In 2022, they will increase this already
         camps that summer, then approached Brunton in the fall of 2014   generous gift to an Orange Standard Transit for all 30 field camp
         about licensing the idea.                             scholarship recipients. The contribution further decreases equip-
                                                               ment expenses for each of these students while providing them
                                                               with the geologist’s most essential instrument.
                                                                Together, GSA and Brunton can maximize the collective ability to
                                                               foster current and future leaders in the geoscience community. We
                                         Brunton’s new Orange Stan-
                                         dard Transit, being awarded   strive to engage business and industry as a positive force to advance
                                         to each of the 30 GSA 2022    science, stewardship, and service, joining with corporations in the
                                         J. David Lowell Field Camp
                                         Scholarship recipients.  meaningful impacts of partnership. If you want to learn how you
                                                               or your employer can join these efforts, please contact Debbie
                                                               Marcinkowski at +1-303-357-1047 or
                                                                For more information about Brunton, go to

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