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                                 GSA Science Policy Fellow:

                 Applying a Scientific Perspective to Policy

                           Looking back on my academic trajectory   as a liaison between GSA members and policymakers. My efforts
                         and the passions I developed, I am not sur-  include writing about current legislation on GSA’s Speaking of
                         prised by my pivot toward science policy,   Geoscience blog, expanding GSA’s public toolkits for effective
                         and I am incredibly grateful for the opportu-  meetings with policymakers, developing informational webinars,
                         nity through GSA to be working as their   and interacting with members directly at GSA’s various meetings.
                         2021–2022 Science Policy Fellow. I pursued   As is consistent with most offices on and around the Hill, the
                         this fellowship to expand my understanding   fellowship is currently operating in a hybrid style due to the
                         of the unique roles scientists play in the pol-  COVID-19 pandemic. My schedule is exciting, varying daily, but
                         icy process and to learn how to apply my   it almost always includes a number of meetings. I often attend and
                         technical scientific background to legislative   prepare reports on congressional hearings and briefings to stay up
         Morgan Disbrow-Monz   efforts. As a lifelong scientist with a limited   to date on geoscience-related issues and track legislation relevant to
         policy background, the fellowship is providing me with the essen-  the geoscience community. I also work directly with a variety of
         tial skills, mentorship, and a professional network to be an effec-  different working groups and coalitions to (1) coordinate messaging
         tive communicator in the policy arena.                to Congress supporting the advancement of scientific research,
          My career trajectory has always been guided by my love of the   and (2) develop informational briefings that support congressional
         outdoors and a desire to better understand the complex interac-  priorities to help bring clarity to different scientific issues.
         tions between human behavior and the environment. I pursued a   I strongly encourage students who are planning on graduating
         Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota focused on connecting   soon and are curious about science policy to apply for the 2022–
         my passion for structural geology with my desire to protect the   2023 Science Policy Fellowship. The fellowship offers an incred-
         world I grew up exploring. My research focused on a better   ible opportunity to develop a foundational understanding of
         understanding of the flow of ice, which is essential for constrain-  Congress, increase communication skills, build a network of
         ing the speed at which glacial discharge occurs, building more   professionals, and work with fantastic mentors. Additionally,
         accurate climate models, and preparing for the impacts of sea-  GSA fosters an inclusive and supportive work environment that
         level rise and increased coastal erosion. While I loved pushing   goes unmatched. For more information about the fellowship and
         the boundaries of understanding by tackling scientific challenges   the application process, go to and
         and questions through research and enjoyed sharing my passion   click on “Science Policy Fellowship.”
         for the geosciences through teaching and outreach, I became   GSA also hosts additional science policy opportunities and
         increasingly curious about how the science itself was being used   resources, many of which can be explored in detail on GSA’s web-
         for effective policy implementation.                  site, and includes position statements, recorded webinars, toolkits
          I began seeking opportunities to better understand the policy   to engage with policymakers, and letters and testimonies sup-
         process late in my academic career. The GSA Science Policy   ported by GSA. The GSA Congressional Science Fellowship,
         Fellowship presented a unique opportunity to work directly with   which is jointly sponsored by the U.S. Geological Survey, places
         the legislative process by tracking geoscience-related legislation    a Ph.D. scientist within a congressional office or on a congressio-
         in Congress and working collaboratively with stakeholders to   nal committee for a year. The fellowship has an annual 15 January
         develop strategic communication to policymakers. This position   application deadline ( GSA also partners
         fulfills my curiosity needs by allowing me to continue expanding   with other earth-science societies to host geoscience congressional
         my knowledge of scientific issues but with an emphasis on build-  visit days, bringing geoscientists to D.C. to learn about the policy
         ing human relationships to promulgate that knowledge.  process and increase the visibility of the importance of the geosci-
          The fellowship also serves as a direct way to work toward bridg-  ences in Congress through congressional visits. If you are inter-
         ing the communication gap between scientists and policymakers—  ested in learning more about these opportunities, please reach out
         an effort that is essential to developing strong legislation.   to the GSA policy office at
         Specifically, I rely on creative communication strategies to serve

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