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GSA Committee Vacancies Available

                           for Nominations by 15 June 2022

           Go to to volunteer or nominate. Open positions and qualifications are detailed
                    online at or see the January issue of GSA Today.
                                          Terms begin 1 July 2023 unless stated otherwise.

                                                NO. OF                                                    TERM
          COMMITTEE NAME                                    POSITION TITLE & SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS
                                             VACANCIES                                                   (YEARS)
          Academic and Applied Geoscience         1        Member-at-Large Industry                         3
          Relations Committee
                                                           Members-at-Large                                 4
          Annual Program Committee                3
                                                           Member-at-Large Student                          2
          Arthur L. Day Medal Award Committee     2        Members-at-Large                                 3

                                                             Member-at-Large Government                     3
          Bascom Mapping Award Committee          3        Member-at-Large Industry                         3
                                                           Member-at-Large                                  3
                                                           President-Elect                                  3
          Council Officers                        5        Treasurer                                        1
                                                           Councilor                                        4

                                                           Members-at-Large                                 3
          Diversity in the Geosciences Committee  4        Member-at-Large Industry                         3
                                                           Member-at-Large Student                          3
                                                           4-Year College Faculty Representative            4
          Education Committee                     3        Members-at-Large                                 4
                                                           Graduate Student Representative                  2
                                                           Members-at-Large                                 3
          Geology and Public Policy Committee     3
                                                           Member-at-Large Student                          3
                                                           Chair                                            4
                                                           International IIG Chair                          4
          GSA International                       4
                                                           Member-at-Large                                  4
                                                           Secretary                                        4
                                                           Members-at-Large Industry                        3
          Membership and Fellowship Committee     3
                                                           Members-at-Large Student                         3
          Nominations Committee                   2        Members-at-Large                                 3
          North American Commission on
          Stratigraphic Nomenclature              1        GSA Representative                               3
          Penrose Conferences and Thompson Field
          Forums Committee                        1        Member-at-Large                                  3
          Penrose Medal Award Committee           2        Members-at-Large                                 3
          Professional Development Committee      2        Members-at-Large                                 3
          Public Service Award Committee          1        Member-at-Large                                  3
          Publications Committee                  1        Member-at-Large                                  4
          Research Grants Committee               11       Members-at-Large (various specialties)           3
          Young Scientist Award (Donath Medal)
          Committee                               3        Members-at-Large                                 3
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