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Penrose Circle Membership Takes

                           a Leap with Your Growing Support

          For many years, the GSA Foundation provided about US$1M   NEW GSAF BOARD MEMBERS
         annually in support of GSA programs and priorities. We are   Last year the GSA Foundation welcomed three new members to
         delighted to inform you that this has risen to between $1.25M    our Board of Trustees, and another three will join us this July. We
         and $1.5M annually. We deeply appreciate the generous members   are grateful for the breadth of experience and expertise each new
         who make contributions through the Foundation.        member brings to the board.
          In the early 2000s, the GSA Foundation created the Penrose
         Circle to recognize donors who give US$500 and above. This hon-   Rebecca Caldwell, Research Geoscientist,
         ors R.A.F. Penrose, GSA’s president in 1930, who left a generous   Chevron Energy Technology Company
         bequest of nearly US$4M, which continues to provide support
         for GSA. While this Penrose Circle minimum contribution has
         remained the same for nearly 20 years, both program costs and
         the number of GSA programs keep increasing. In recognition of
         this changing landscape, the Penrose Circle will now start with   Rodney C. Ewing, Frank Stanton Professor in
         US$1,000 contributions. As always, Penrose Circle levels may      Nuclear Security; Co-Director of the Center for
         comprise cumulative gifts within a calendar year. More than half   International Security and Cooperation in the
         of Penrose Circle members already give US$1,000 or more. We       Freeman Spogli Institute for International
         thank you for your generosity.                                    Studies; Professor, Dept. of Geological Sciences,
          By maintaining Penrose-level giving, you will help provide an    School of Earth Sciences, Stanford University
         even stronger foundation for the GSA programs you passionately
         support year after year. An additional incentive is the opportunity   Alberto Gutierrez, President, CEO, and
         to strengthen GSA’s ongoing accessibility, diversity, equity, and   Geologist, Geolex Inc.
         inclusion (DEI) initiatives. For the next three years (July 2022–
         July 2025), donors who give US$1,000 and above will have the
         option to direct US$250 of their gift to GSA’s DEI efforts to build
         a superlative workforce for the future. If you give via credit card,
         just check the box that says, “Please direct $250 of my gift to   Terry Briggs, Chief Development Officer,
         GSA’s diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.” If you give via   AngloGold Ashanti
         check or other methods, please include a note indicating that you
         would like US$250 of your gift to be directed to GSA’s DEI
         efforts, or contact Cliff Cullen at or
          Thank you for keeping GSA strong and prepared for the            Katy Sementelli, Exploration Technical Services,
         challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.                         BHP

                                                                           George Davis, Regents Professor (Emeritus),
                                                                           Provost Emeritus, The University of Arizona;
                                                                           GSA Past President

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