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         Bookmark the Geoscience Job Board at   OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS for up-to-the-                                        A garden of
         minute job postings. Job Board ads may also   Thesis  research  opportunities  and  gradu-
         appear in a corresponding monthly print issue   ate assistantships at Sul Ross State Uni-  geologic delights
         of GSA Today. Send inquiries to advertising@  versity in West Texas. The Geology Program, or call +1-800-427-1988 ext.   at Sul Ross State University has positions
         1053 or +1-303-357-1053.            open for students to pursue a Master of Sci-  for all Earthlings
                                             ence degree beginning Fall 2022. The SRSU
                                             Geology Program emphasizes field research
                                             in  surface  and  groundwater,  paleontology,
                 POSITIONS OPEN              sedimentary petrology, igneous petrology, and
                                             structural geology.
                                              The program is looking for students to under-
         Faculty Position in Solid Earth     take the following research projects:
         Science, The University of Tokyo    • Petrogenesis and tectonic association of
         The Dept. of Earth and Planetary Science of the   Miocene mafic lavas in the Santana graben,
         University of Tokyo is seeking to fill a vacancy   Trans-Pecos Texas (Prof. Kevin Urbanczyk)
         in the solid earth science group at the level of   • A field-based kinematic analysis of Laramide
         Associate Professor. Fields of expertise we are   structures in Trans-Pecos Texas: Was crustal
         interested in strengthening are igneous petrol-  shortening oblique or orthogonal? (Prof.
         ogy, volcanology and magma processes; solid   Jesse Kelsch)
         earth geochemistry; mineralogy and crystallog-  • Paleozoic stratigraphy and petrology of car-
         raphy; and neotectonics and fault mechanics.   bonates and clastics (Prof. Liz Measures)
         The ideal candidate should be able to incor-  • The stratigraphy and paleontology of Upper
         porate observations of natural systems in their   Cretaceous–Paleogene strata of the Big Bend
         research either as part of their own activities   and northern Mexico (Prof. Thomas Shiller)
         or in collaboration with other workers. Strong   • A study of the geomorphology and flood his-
         preference will be given for candidates with a   tory of the Rio Grande in the Colorado Can-
         nationality other than Japanese although rel-  yon area, Big Bend Ranch State Park (Prof.
         evant experience in non-Japanese environ-  Kevin Urbanczyk)
         ments will also be taken into consideration for   Graduate students are funded as teaching
         candidates of Japanese nationality. The Appli-  assistants for undergraduate geology or chem-
         cation deadline is Wednesday, 15 June 2022.   istry labs, or by tutoring positions in mathemat-
         More  information is available at https://www   ics. These graduate positions pay $1,000/  month for the first two semesters and $1,250/
                                             month thereafter. Out-of-state tuition is also   Geopedia: A Brief
                                             waived for non-residents.
                                              Sul Ross is a small university in the moun-  Compendium of Geologic
                                             tainous region of far west Texas, near three   Curiosities
                                             national parks and in proximity to the geology
                                             faculty’s research areas. Our faculty are com-  Marcia Bjornerud
                                             mitted to providing individual attention and
         Hiring?                             excellent resources to each student.    Illustrated by Haley Hagerman
         Find those qualified geoscientists to fill   Qualified individuals are encouraged to learn
         vacancies. Use GSA’s Geoscience Job Board   more at
         ( and print issues of GSA   -geology/ and to reach out to a faculty member
         Today. Bundle and save for best pricing   about the program, their thesis-research proj-  “A wonderfully quirky collection
         options. That unique candidate is waiting to   ects, and the application process. Applications
         be found.                           are accepted through the spring semester.  of ‘curiosities’ that, collectively,
                                                                                   detail the Earth’s transformation
                                                                                     over eons and illustrate how
                                                                                    our understanding of the planet
                                                                                    has deepened through time. . . .
                                                                                     A charming work, chock-full
                                                                                          of information.”
                                                                                           —Laurie Selwyn,
                                                                                     Library Journal, starred review

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