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50-Year Member Anniversaries

                     GSA salutes the following members and Fellows on their 50-year membership anniversaries. We appreciate
                     their dedication and loyalty to GSA. To view a full list of members who have surpassed the 50-year mark,
                     go to Asterisks (*) indicate GSA Fellows.

         David M. Abbott*           Jimmy F. Diehl             Walter M. Leis.           Michael L. Sargent
         Thomas H. Anderson*        Donald Robert Dietrich     Robert A. Levich*         Norman M. Savage*
         Bruce E. Archinal          Julie M. Donnelly-Nolan*   Barbara Holland Lidz      Bruce A. Schell
         Raymond E. Arvidson*       Michael J. Dwyer           David W. Love*            Lane D. Schultz*
         Randal Jack Ashley         Mary C. Eberle             James I. Lyons            David Richard Schwimmer
         Genevieve Atwood*          David F. Fenster           John Maddry               Graig D. Shaak
         Steven A. Austin           John R. Fielden            Douglas Maercklein        John M. Sharp Jr.*
         Frederick W. Bachhuber     Charles W. Finkl Jr.       Alberto Marcos            Stephen L. Shaw
         Brian G. Barber            Charles Thomas Foster Jr.*  Helaine Walsh Markewich*  Robert J. Shedlock
         Mervin J. Bartholomew*     Robert L. Fuchs*           James M. Mattinson*       Jay L. Smith
         Myrl E. Beck Jr.*          Vicente Jose Fulfaro       Florentin J. Maurrasse    Michael Alexis Smith*
         John W. Bell*              Linda Provo Fulton         David James McBride       Mitchell D. Smith
         Earl H. Bennett            M.C. Galloway              Judith A. McKenzie*       Norman B. Smyers
         Herbert S. Bensinger       Phillip Lee Garbutt        David L. Meyer            Steven G. Spear
         Evelynne M. Berg           John M. Garihan            Douglas G. Mose           William Speidel
         Antony Robert Berger       David G. Gee*              Bimal Mukhopadhyay        Steven M. Stanley*
         Suzanne Beske Diehl        Gerard J.B. Germs*         Carl W. Myers*            Edward F. Stoddard*
         Gary N. Bigham             Jimmy Goolsby              Douglas D. Nelson         William D. Stuart
         Robert Blackstone          James W. Granath           William D. Nesse          Edmund Stump*
         John Anthony Blair         James G. Grimes            Elisabeth G. Newton*      Charles F. Sutphen
         Frederick B. Bodholt       Francis X. Groselle        Peter A. Nielsen          Sanford A. Taylor
         Jean E. Bogner             Timothy L. Grove           John S. Oldow*            Jorn Thiede*
         J. Briedis                 John H. Guswa              Donnie Franklin Parker*   Peter R. Thompson
         Syd L. Brown*              Bezalel C. Haimson         Michael J. Passow         Woodrow B. Thompson*
         Wilfred B. Bryan           Stephen A. Hall*           Paul H. Pause             Carlos Maria Urien
         Gary Ray Byerly*           Roger Allen Haskins        George Peter              Grant M. Valentine*
         Victor E. Camp*            George R. Helz             David E. Pitzl            Rob Van der Voo*
         Daniel J. Casagrande*      Christopher D. Henry*      John P. Platt*            Peter R. Vogt*
         Joseph C. Cepeda           Richard N. Hey*            Edward L. Procyshyn       Karl Vonder Linden*
         Terry L. Chase             Robert G. Hickman          Walter C. Pusey III       David Walker*
         John F. Childs             Rodney J. Holcombe*        John G. Ramsay*           Randall Earl Wallett
         Allan Ross Chivas          Roberst M Hunrt Jr.        James P. Reger            Carl M. Welch
         Uel S. Clanton             Wallace A. Jensky II       Stephen P. Reidel         Stephen G. Wells*
         Charles W. Clendenin Jr.   James B. Johnson           Dick C. Rhindress         James A. Whitney*
         Mark D. Cocker             James A. Joy               Lee R. Rice               Robert D. Winn
         Mark Male Cole             Suzanne M. Kay*            James H. Robertson        Michael F. Wolfert
         Bruce A. Collins           George Randy Keller*       William P. Rogers         Spencer H. Wood
         Raymond M Martin Coveney Jr.*  Frank Albert Kingery   Denis W. Roy              Thomas E. Yancey*
         William Richard Cowan*     Franklyn G. Koch           William F. Ruddiman*      Gale R. Yarrow
         Thomas F. Cudzilo          Randolph Allan Koski*      David P. Russ             William D. Zogg
         Jad Alan Dallura           J. Curtis Kramer           Jason B. Saleeby*
         James W. Deininger Jr.     Byron Kulander*            John K. Sales
         George Dellagiarino        David H. Lehman*           J. Frederick Sarg*

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