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Andrea Festa (University of Torino, Italy): Nominated as GSA   Glen S. Mattioli (UNAVCO Inc.): For quantifying tectonic and
         Fellow for his systematic and quantitative studies and classifica-  magmatic systems in the Caribbean region and elsewhere through
         tion of on-land and submarine subduction–accretion complexes   deployment and application of advanced techniques in geodesy,
         and mélanges around the globe, his high-impact and transforma-  for excellence in teaching and mentorship, and for admirable
         tive papers on these subjects, and his service to the Society.   administrative leadership at universities, at NSF, and in UNAVCO.
          —Yildirim Dilek                                      —Barry Voight

         Bonnie Fine Jacobs (Southern Methodist University): Bonnie   Rodney V. Metcalf (University of Nevada Las Vegas): Dr. Rodney
         Jacobs is nominated for GSA fellowship for her pioneering work in   V. Metcalf is a professor emeritus, after 30 years at UNLV. His
         paleobotany, notably on grasslands and the fossil floras of Africa;   exemplary service to GSA, geo-administration, science-communi-
         for mentoring numerous young scientists, especially women; for   cation, and volcanic-plutonic, ophiolite, and asbestos research is
         establishing environmental science programs at Southern Methodist   remarkable. His rock-solid ethics, exceptional intelligence, and car-
         University; and for staunch perseverance in the face of adversity.   ing attitude make him one of the very best colleagues anyone could
         —Ellen Currano                                        ever hope to have. —Brenda J. Buck

              “… a shining example of scientific achievement    Joseph Michalski (University of Hong Kong): Dr. Joseph
               and training and mentoring of geoscientists.”   Michalski should be elected Fellow of GSA for forging novel and
                                                               paradigm-shifting theories about Mars in the areas of volcanism,
         Alicia Kahn (Chevron Corporation): Alicia Kahn’s dedicated    climate history, and a potential deep biosphere, for mentoring and
         service in professional societies and community outreach encom-  training young planetary scientists, for thoughtful leadership of
         passes GSA student members through GeoCareers, Women in   geoscience programs, and for service to GSA and our community.
         Geology, and drop-in mentoring at GSA annual meetings. Her   —Janice L. Bishop
         ability to balance professional and family life, plus outreach,
         make her an excellent role model, especially for students and    Ingrid Padilla (University of Puerto Rico): For her sustained
         early career professionals. —Miriam E. Katz           research contributions to understanding groundwater flow and
                                                               contaminant transport in karst aquifers with its implications for
         David T. King Jr. (Auburn University): Dr. King’s three main   the protection and remediation of drinking-water resources and for
         areas of distinction are: work with Wetumpka crater, spanning    her leadership of interdisciplinary collaborative efforts to explore
         25 years, establishing a bona fide crater, and yielding many   human-health outcomes of exposure to contaminated groundwater.
         papers, theses, and research grants; stratigraphic work in Belize   —Dorothy J. Vesper
         making him the leading expert there; and 30 years studying
         Alabama coastal plain that is of enduring value. —Ashraf Uddin  Sandra Passchier (Montclair State University): Dr. Sandra
                                                               Passchier is a leading Antarctic sedimentologist whose extensive
         Kurt O. Konhauser (University of Alberta): Kurt Konhauser is   research highlights Cenozoic paleoclimate change. She has
         an international leader in geobiology. He uniquely integrates bio-  accomplished this work while training and mentoring a diverse
         logical experiments and geological analyses to illuminate the   group of future scientists. —Suzanne OConnell
         interplay of life and environments on the early Earth. He had the
         vision to establish and now direct geobiology’s journal, society,   Jeffrey B. Plescia (Johns Hopkins University/APL): Dr. Jeff
         and conference, and his prolific mentorship helps ensure its future.   Plescia has served the geoscience community over an illustrious
         —Rowan C. Martindale                                  career. Besides his excellent and long scientific research record,
                                                               he has contributed to helping GSA conferences attract an annual
         Jade Star Lackey (Pomona College): Jade Star excels at combin-  gathering of international experts in the field of impact cratering,
         ing field study, precise analytical work, and teaching. He is a shin-  inspiring many early-career scientists who have attended these
         ing example of how two of GSA’s nomination categories, scientific   sessions. —Christian Koeberl
         achievement and training and mentoring of geoscientists, can be,
         and should be, intertwined. —Allen F. Glazner                 “… an excellent role model, especially for
                                                                       students and early career professionals.”
         Rebecca A. Lange (University of Michigan): Dr. Rebecca A. Lange
         should be elected a Fellow for her contributions to the thermo-  Rene M. Price (Florida International University): For her out-
         dynamic properties of magmas and her leadership in earth science   standing research contributions to understanding groundwater–
         programs and organizations. —Youxue Zhang             surface-water interactions in the Florida Everglades and the role of
                                                               sea-level change in modifying the hydrological and biogeochemi-
         Nathaniel A. Lifton (Purdue University): Nat Lifton is a global   cal environment and for her support and training of minority stu-
         leader in cosmogenic nuclides, widely recognized for his pioneer-  dents in hydrogeology to prepare a new generation of professionals
         ing work developing reliable extraction methods for in situ  C   addressing pressing environmental concerns. —Janet S. Herman
         from mineral grains, and for his work modeling cosmogenic
         nuclide production rates, which serves as a benchmark for calcu-  Mark K. Reagan (University of Iowa): Mark is nominated for out-
         lating exposure ages and other cosmogenic nuclide applications   standing contributions to scholarship over a 40-year career in earth
         globally. —Darryl E. Granger                          science. He has published 94 papers in peer-reviewed journals and

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