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2022 GSA Fellows

          Society Fellowship is an honor bestowed on the best of our    GSA’s newly elected Fellows will be recognized at GSA
         profession by election at the spring GSA Council meeting. GSA   Connects 2022. We invite you to read some of what their
         members are nominated by other GSA members in recognition    nominators had to say:
         of their distinguished contributions to the geosciences. Learn
         more at

         Kenneth D. Adams (Desert Research Institute): Dr. Kenneth D.   Andrew M. Bush (University of Connecticut): We recognize
         Adams is an outstanding field geoscientist who translates his   Andrew M. Bush, invertebrate paleontologist and paleoecologist,
         observations of sedimentology, stratigraphy, and geomorphology   for developing elegant, quantitative approaches to illustrating
         of ancient and extant lakes in the Great Basin and elsewhere into   patterns and processes in the history of marine life, which have
         exciting new approaches to paleoclimate and landscape recon-  informed present understanding of how environmental changes
         structions, including water depth, wind strength, wave height,    interact with the ecological and physiological traits of organisms
         and effects of isostatic rebound. —Marith C. Reheis   to drive changes in diversity. —Tracy D. Frank

         Laurie C. Anderson (South Dakota School of Mines & Technology):   Christopher G. Daniel (Bucknell University): Chris Daniel is a
         Dr. Anderson’s contributions to the geoscience community include   highly regarded, versatile metamorphic petrologist whose impact-
         new discoveries in paleobiology and taphonomy, education and men-  ful papers, field trips, and presentations have, for example, led to
         torship of the next generation of geoscientists, active engagement in   significant revision of the Proterozoic tectonic history of New
         professional societies, and supporting early-career and female aca-  Mexico with implications that extend across Laurentia. He has
         demics. She is a dedicated teacher, academic, and mentor in the field   shown deep commitment to and engagement with GSA’s mission.
         and lab. —Sarah Wheeler Keenan                        —Mary Beth Gray

         Pranoti M. Asher (American Geophysical Union): Pranoti Asher   Saugata Datta (University of Texas at San Antonio): We are
         is an exemplar of scholarship, service, and dedication to broaden-  nominating Dr. Saugata Datta for GSA Fellowship based on his
         ing participation and advancing inclusion of all people in geosci-  exemplary long-term service and leadership for the GSA and other
         ences. We honor her decades of service and leadership in GSA,   professional organizations, his extensive and widely recognized
         Association for Women Geoscientists, Council for Undergraduate   scientific achievements, his distinguished service to his university,
         Research, National Association of Geoscience Teachers, and the   and his enduring commitment to developing future geoscientists.
         American Geophysical Union. —Stephen K. Boss          —Jeff Rubin
         José Rafael Barboza-Gudiño (Instituto de Geología UASLP):       “… an outstanding geologist, valued
         The attainment of Fellowship by Dr. José Rafael Barboza-Gudiño   colleague, and major contributor to the
         recognizes his important contributions to the fields of regional   geological community for over fifty years.”
         geology, stratigraphy, and tectonics of northeastern Mexico, his
         capable development of a distinguished geology program at the   Andrew P. de Wet (Franklin & Marshall College): For outstand-
         Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, and his training of   ing service as a fine teacher and exceptionally inspiring mentor in
         future geoscientists. —Timothy F. Lawton              research of so many students in geology, planetary science, and
                                                               environmental science; for his innovative application of GIS and
         Jaime D. Barnes (University of Texas): Jaime has made seminal   remote sensing to research and education in these fields; and for
         contributions to understanding subduction-zone processes through   his valuable contributions to GSA programs, notably in planning
         novel application of halogen and stable-isotope geochemistry to   and leading field excursions and meetings. —Roger D.K. Thomas
         components of subduction systems: downgoing altered oceanic
         crust, overlying metamorphic rocks, and arc volcanic rocks. She   Paul K. Doss (University of Southern Indiana): Professor Paul
         also is exemplary in promoting the involvement of women in cut-  Doss is an ardent proponent of incorporating geoscientific knowl-
         ting-edge science and science education. —William P. Leeman  edge into sound public policy, as evidenced by his leadership on
                                                               GSA Committees and as a GSA Visiting Scholar on Geology and
         Paul A. Bedrosian (U.S. Geological Survey): Paul Bedrosian has   Public Policy. He also has demonstrated exemplary and innovative
         made fundamental contributions to basement mapping and tecton-  student education and mentorship in geohydrology and environ-
         ics, to mineral and groundwater resource studies, and to volcano,   mental studies. —Lisa A. Morzel
         seismic and geomagnetic hazards understanding through applica-
         tion of electromagnetic geophysical methods, principally mag-  Eva Enkelmann (University of Cincinnati): Dr. Enkelmann is a top
         netotellurics (MT). His works have been published in top journals   scientist in the field of thermochronology. She has published land-
         and he has mentored numerous young professionals. —Philip E.   mark papers on interactions of erosion and tectonics; has served GSA
         Wannamaker                                            well; and has been an excellent student mentor. —Terry L. Pavlis

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