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         Bookmark the Geoscience Job Board at   makes great use of the Appalachians in field   inquiries. USU is an AA/EO employer. Review for up-to-the-  courses and labs, and is a member of the Keck   of applications begins on September 15, 2022.
         minute job postings. Job Board ads may also   Geology Consortium.
         appear in a corresponding monthly print issue   Qualifications. Ph.D. or close to completion   Tenure Track Faculty Position,
         of GSA Today. Send inquiries to advertising@  by the time of appointment.  Mineralogy, Miami University, or call +1-800-427-1988 ext.   The university requires employees to become   The Department of Geology and Environmental
         1053 or +1-303-357-1053.            fully vaccinated for COVID-19, and new employ-  Earth Science at Miami University invites appli-
                                             ees must provide proof of at least their first shot   cations for a tenure-track faculty position at
                                             prior to the first day of employment. A minimum   the Assistant Professor level, beginning August
                                             of one booster is required. Individuals may seek   2023. Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree at
                  OPEN POSITION              a medical or a religious exemption to the vac-  the time of appointment. The successful appli-
                                             cination requirement.              cant will be expected to teach effectively at the
         Assistant Professor of Earth         Application Instructions. Review of applica-  undergraduate and graduate levels, supervise
         and Environmental Geoscience,       tions will begin on September 15 and will con-  student research at the undergraduate, M.S.,
         Washington and Lee University       tinue until the position is filled. We will be avail-  and Ph.D. levels, initiate and maintain a vigor-
         The Department of Earth and Environmental   able to meet with potential candidates at the   ous, externally funded research program, and
         Geoscience at Washington and Lee Univer-  fall GSA meeting in Denver. Candidates should   provide service to the university.
         sity,  in  Lexington,  Virginia,  seeks  applications   submit: a letter of application demonstrating   We seek a candidate who is undertaking
         for a tenure-track assistant professor start-  the ability to work with a diverse student popu-  significant research in mineralogy. The particu-
         ing in Fall 2023. The department and Univer-  lation, a CV, a statement of teaching interests   lar research emphasis should contribute to our
         sity have a strong desire to enhance diversity   and philosophy, a research statement, and   programs in both Geology and Environmental
         and we enthusiastically welcome applications   contact information for three references. All   Earth Science and should complement current
         from members of groups underrepresented in   materials should be submitted via Interfolio at   program strengths indicated below.
         the geosciences. We seek a dynamic, creative For more   The successful applicant will join an active
         teacher/scholar, dedicated to effective teaching   information, you may contact Jeffrey Rahl at   department that consists of 14 faculty mem-
         and able to develop a vibrant research program        bers, 3 research/technical staff members,
         that  includes  collaboration  with  undergradu-                       and approximately 150 undergraduate and 30
         ates. This position  represents  an expansion   Faculty Position in Solid Earth   graduate students. The department maintains
         of our department, and we are open to candi-  Geohazards, Utah State University  active research programs in geobiology, geo-
         dates with disciplinary expertise in any area of   The Department of Geosciences at Utah State   microbiology, geomorphology, geophysics,
         the Earth and Environmental Geosciences. The   University invites applications for an aca-  hydrogeology, igneous petrology, isotope geo-
         successful candidate will teach courses in their   demic-year (9-month), tenure-track Assistant   chemistry, mineralogy, paleoclimatology, pale-
         disciplinary area at the majors level and also   Professor position in Solid Earth Geohazards,   ontology, planetary  geology, sedimentology
         develop introductory courses to support the   anticipated to begin August 2023. Qualified   and stratigraphy, structural geology, tectonics,
         university’s new General Education curriculum.  applicants may be considered at the Associ-  and volcanology. The department is housed in
          Washington and Lee University promotes a                              a recently renovated building with state-of-the-
         dynamic and inclusive environment that allows   ate level. We seek candidates who conduct   art research and teaching facilities in support
         students  and employees  of multiple  back-  innovative, interdisciplinary, and quantitative   of the above. Please visit http://www.miamioh
         grounds, cultures, and  perspectives to learn,   investigation of Earth processes that contrib-  .edu/geology for additional information.
         work, and thrive together. Successful candi-  ute to geologic hazards. Disciplinary expertise   Submit letter  of  application,  curriculum
         dates will contribute to that environment and   may include but is not limited to neotectonics,   vitae, statement of research plans, state-
         exhibit potential for excellence in teaching and   paleoseismology, geodesy, structural geology   ment of teaching philosophy and evidence of
         for vigorous scholarship. This position rep-  and lithospheric deformation, and subduction-  teaching effectiveness, and a one-page state-
         resents an expansion of our department, and   zone geohazards. Successful candidates will   ment addressing past and/or potential con-
         we are open to candidates with disciplinary   demonstrate outstanding potential for excel-  tributions to advancing diversity, equity, and
         expertise in any area of the Earth and Environ-  lence in research through development of a   inclusion through research, teaching, and/
         mental Geosciences. The successful candidate   vibrant, externally funded research program   or service to
         will teach courses in their disciplinary area at   and  contribute to our  graduate and under-  en-us/job/500601/assistant-professor. Letters
         the majors level and also develop introductory   graduate curriculum. The successful candidate   of reference will be requested upon receipt of
         courses to support the university’s new Gen-  may join faculty members in USU’s College of   application. Inquiries can be directed to Cathy
         eral Education curriculum. In keeping with the   Science JEDI STEM Collaboratory to enhance   Edwards at Review
         University Strategic Plan, we welcome applica-  justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in STEM   of applications will begin on September 12,
         tions from underrepresented minority candi-  fields. To find out more about our growing and   2022 and continue until position is filled.
         dates and members of other communities that   vibrant department, go to   Miami University is committed to creating
         are traditionally underrepresented in academia.  For more information and to apply for this   an inclusive and effective teaching, learning,
          Washington and Lee University is a highly   position, visit  research, and working environment for all. For
         selective, independent, co-educational, lib-  jobs/5395/assistant-or-associate-professor/  more information on Miami University’s diver-
         eral arts college of approximately 1850 under-  job.  Required  materials  include  cover  letter;   sity initiatives, please visit the Office of Institu-
         graduate and 400 law students and located   CV; statement of research interests and vision;   tional Diversity & Inclusion website.
         in Lexington, VA, three hours southwest of   statement of teaching philosophy, experiences,   Miami University, an EO/AA employer, encour-
         Washington, DC. W&L is consistently ranked   and interests; statement of contributions and   ages applications from minorities, women, pro-
         among the top 12 national liberal arts colleges.   vision  of approach  toward  diversity,  equity,   tected veterans and individuals with disabilities.
         The Earth and Environmental Geoscience   and inclusion; names and contact information   Miami does not permit, and takes action to pre-
         Department (   for three references; and one representative
         -of-earth-and-environmental-geoscience) has   publication. Please contact Alexis Ault, Search   “… the GSA job board is THE job board for
         excellent analytical facilities and resources,   Committee chair,, with any   geologists.” –Mount Holyoke College

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