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understand past and current attitudes and   related to much larger issues of extractive   Royal Society Open Science, v. 9,
         practices of geologic sampling. Please help us   industries, as well as colonialism in the field   10.1098/rsos.210898.
         start this conversation by participating in   and parachute science that can be inter-  Di Capua, G., Bobrowsky, P.T., Kieffer, S.W., and
                                                                                  Palinkas, C., eds., 2021, Geoethics: Status  and
         the short survey (open until 15 Sept.: www   twined with ethics of collecting without   Future Perspectives: Geological Society, Lon-   input or participation by local Indigenous   don, Special Publication 508, VIII+311 p., ISBN
         The  anonymous, aggregated information   communities (e.g., Monarrez et al., 2021;   978-1786205384,
         will serve as a springboard for discussions at   Cisneros et al., 2022; Raja et al., 2022).  Di Capua, G., Bohle, M., Hildebrandt, D., Marone, E.,
         an interactive forum at GSA Connects 2022   Community responses via survey data and   Peppoloni, S., and Schneider, S., 2022, Push for ethi-
                                                                                  cal practices in geoscience fieldwork: Nature, v. 601,
         and will also provide important baseline data   input from the Noontime Lecture forum will   p. 26,
         to be considered in developing future recom-  comprise a foundation to formulate actionable   Druguet, E., Passchier, C.W., Pennacchioni, G., and
         mendations or guidelines or a possible GSA   recommendations for a future GSA Position   Carreras, J., 2013, Geoethical education: A critical
         Position Statement on geologic sampling.  Statement, potential ethical sample guidelines   issue for geoconservation: Episodes, v. 36, p. 11–
                                             for publishing in Society journals, as well as   Foss, S.E., 2019, Geoethics in the field: Leading by
         INVITATION TO THE LECTURE           educational training materials for geoscience   example: Earth, 19 Mar. 2019,  https://www
         FORUM                               curriculum. Although some guidelines exist
          The 2022 GSA Connects meeting will high-  in various societies (e.g., Society of Vertebrate   -example/ (accessed 28 June 2022).
         light an informal one-hour Noontime Lecture   Paleontology,  the  Geological  Society  of   Geological Society, Publishing Ethics, Samples and
         forum titled Culture and Ethics of Geologic   London  [see  references]),  GSA has yet  to   Data  Collection,
                                                                                  pub_ethics#samples (accessed 28 June 2022).
         Sampling, on Monday, 10 Oct. This forum   adopt any sampling guidelines or require-  Geological Society of America, 2012 (revised 2017,
         will present some of the survey results and will   ments. Another desirable outcome is to   2022), Geoheritage Position Statement:  https://
         utilize small interest-group discussions to   encourage reduced needs for physical sam-
         explore contemporary attitudes and practices   pling through alternatives that could involve   (accessed 28 June 2022).
         of the geoscience community about sampling   better  archiving of  existing samples,  infra-  MacFadyen, C., 2010, The vandalizing effects of irre-
                                                                                  sponsible core sampling: A call for a new code of
         natural sites, as well as review relevant policies   structure that is related to preservation of   conduct: Geology Today, v. 26, p. 146–151, https://
         and guidelines that already exist from related   samples, and more sample sharing or repur-
         professional societies. In particular, this inter-  posing. Now is the time for GSA to have more   Monarrez, P.M., Zimmt, J.B., Clement, A.M., Gearty,
         active forum will explore topics such as:  open communication and involvement on this   W., Jacisin, J.J., III, Jenkins, K.M., Kusnerik,
         A.   Experiences encompassing levels of pri-  relevant topic that affects teaching, research,   K.M.,  Poust,  A.W.,  Robson,  S.V.,  Sclafani,  J.A.,
                                                                                  Stilson, K.T., Tennakoon, S.D., and Thompson,
           orities/needs for samples.        and our geoheritage.                 C.M., 2021, Our past creates our present: A brief
         B.   Alternatives to renewed or continuing   The GSA survey and Noontime Lecture   overview of racism and colonialism in Western pa-
           sampling, such as multi-use purposes for   forum on Culture and Ethics of Geologic   leontology: Paleobiology, p.  1–13,
           samples, openly shared databases for avail-  Sampling are co-sponsored by the U.S.   10.1017/pab.2021.28.
           able samples and repositories, and sample   National Committee on Geological Sciences   National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and
                                                                                  Medicine; Policy and Global Affairs; Board on In-
           exchanges.                        (USNC-GS), AGU, the American Geo-    ternational  Scientific  Organizations;  Planning
         C.   Archiving and maintaining current sam-  sciences Institute (AGI), the Mineralogical   Committee for America’s Geoheritage II: Identify-
           ple collections.                  Society of America (MSA), the National   ing, Developing, and Preserving America’s Natural
         D.   Legal and liability issues involving per-  Association of Geoscience Teachers   Legacy; Sztein, E., and Whitacre, P., rapporteurs,
           mitting, permissions, and licenses. (Note:   (NAGT), and the International Association   2021, America’s Geoheritage II: Identifying, devel-
                                                                                  oping, and preserving America’s natural legacy,
           What is legal is not necessarily ethical   for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG).  Proceedings of a workshop: U.S. National Acade-
           and sampling guidelines may differ                                     mies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine:
           internationally.)                 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS             (accessed 28 June 2022).
         E.   Best practices for sampling on lands of   We  gratefully  acknowledge  two  anonymous   Nature Geoscience, 2021, Provenance matters:
           Indigenous people and other culturally   reviewers for their helpful comments on this manu-  Nature Geoscience, v. 14, p. 537, 5 Aug. 2021,
           sensitive areas, and possible repatriation.  script, as well as the input of Ester Sztein and support of   (accessed 28 June 2022).
         F.  Limits on sampling and a possible process   the U.S. National Committee on Geological Sciences.  Planavsky,  N.,  Hood,  A.,  Tarhan,  L.,  Shen,  S.,  and
          for oversight, particularly for sensitive geo-  REFERENCES CITED        Johnson, K., 2020, Store and share ancient rocks:
          heritage sites.                    Butler, R., 2015, Destructive sampling ethics: Nature   Nature, v. 581, p. 137–139,
         G.   Impacts and consequences of sampling   Geoscience, v. 8, p. 817–818,  Raja, N.B., Dunne, E.M., Matiwane, A., Khan, T.M.,
           (including unintended), including marking   ngeo2572.                  Natscher, P.S., Ghilardi, A.M., and Chattopadhyay,
           outcrops.                         Chan, M.A., and Kamola, D.L., 2017, Classic geologic   D., 2022, Colonial history and global economics
                                              outcrops: Preservation and future accessibility:   distort our understanding of deep-time biodiver-
                                              GSA Today, v. 27, no. 11, p. 4–5,
         FUTURE                               10.1130/GSATG343GW.1.               sity: Nature Ecology & Evolution, v. 6, p. 145–154,
          Responsible sampling is relevant to pro-  Cisneros, J.C., Raja, J.B., Ghilardi, A.M., Dunne,   Society for Vertebrate Paleontology, Ethics Code,
         tecting exemplary sites, being respectful of   E.M., Chattopadhyay, D., Pinheiro, F.L., Fernán- (accessed
         Indigenous  cultures,  and  other  societal   dez, O.R.R., Sales, M.A.F., Rodríguez-de la Rosa,   28 June 2022).
         issues. Sampling is a global issue related to   R.A., Miranda-Martínez, A.Y., González-Mora, S.,   Manuscript received 6 apr. 2022
                                              Bantim, R.A.M., de Lima, F.J., and Pardo, J.D.,
         geodiversity and geoconservation and is   2022, Digging deeper into colonial palaeontologi-  revised Manuscript received 21 June 2022
         important to all geoscientists. It is also   cal practices  in modern  day Mexico  and Brazil:   Manuscript accepted 24 June 2022

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