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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities
Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office techniques, reservoir engineering, and/or geochem- energy resources. Successful candidates will have a
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the istry. Excellent communication skills, as demonstrated strong commitment to liberal arts undergraduate
issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@ in written application materials; commitment to education and will work as part of a small and ac-, +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053. public service; potential for, or established record of tive Geology departmental team. Applied work in
All correspondence must include complete contact informa- publications; and ability to attract funding are essen- the energy industry and/or teaching experience will
tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses. To estimate cost, tial. The successful candidate must also have demon- be assets. The appointee will advise and work closely
count 54 characters per line, including punctuation and strated ability to develop/coordinate programs and with undergraduate students in course work and
spaces. Actual cost may differ if you use capitals, boldface work in teams to accomplish major goals. advising, including senior research projects, and will
type, or special characters. Rates are in U.S. dollars. provide evidence of excellence in teaching and ongo-
Because the individuals will be competing for ing scholarship. Other teaching will include physical
Per line each funding from a variety of sources, including industry and/or environmental geology, college-wide first-
addt’l month and federal agencies, for fundamental and applied year/sophomore seminars, and/or additional Geol-
Per Line for geoscience research (e.g., NSF, DOE, and USGS), ogy Dept. courses based on the expertise of the can-
(same ad) preference will be given to candidates who explain didate and needs of the department. The teaching
Classification 1st month $8.90 achievable plans for funded research on Nevada- load will be two lab courses or three non-lab courses
$8.90 focused topics in geothermal energy in their letters per semester.
Positions Open $ 9.15 of interest. In addition, preference will be given to
Fellowship Opportunities $ 9.15 $5.00 candidates who understand NBMG’s role as the state Allegheny College is a highly selective private lib-
Opportunities for Students $ 0.00 $5.00 geological survey of Nevada, especially to those who eral arts college with a dedicated faculty of teacher-
First 25 lines $ 5.00 can articulate a plan of how NBMG can better serve scholars. The Dept. of Geology has a tradition of
Additional lines stakeholders (citizens, government, and industry) high-quality undergraduate education and active in-
on issues related to geothermal resources. volvement of students in research. Facilities include a
GSA TODAY | JANUARY 2015 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities Positions Open computer lab with GIS software, Geoprobe drill rig,
Salary and Date of Appointment: The position Rigaku Miniflex XRD, Dionex Ion Chromatograph,
RESEARCH ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR will be a tenure-track faculty appointment at the Perkin Elmer Flame/Furnace AAS, JEOL SEM-EDS-
GEOTHERMAL SPECIALIST associate professor level with an academic-year CL, and well-equipped instructional labs. Applicants
(TENURE TRACK) base salary that is competitive with other research should send electronic copies of a letter of applica-
universities. Starting date will be July 1, 2015 or tion, teaching statement, research statement, cv,
NEVADA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY shortly thereafter, depending on availability of the transcripts, and have three letters of reference sent
UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO successful candidate. to Energy Search, Dept. of Geology, Allegheny Col-
lege, Meadville, PA 16335, GeoEnergySearch2015@
The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG) Application: Please submit a letter expressing Review of applications will begin Feb.
at the University of Nevada, Reno seeks applicants your interest in the position, research plans; names, 16, 2015. More information on Allegheny College
with expertise in geothermal energy research. Nevada e-mail, postal addresses, and telephone numbers of and the Dept. of Geology may be obtained at http://
is one of the most exciting regions in the world to do at least three references; a complete vita; and elec- Applicant must be autho-
research in the geosciences and one of the best in the tronic copies of up to three of your publications to rized to work in the United States to be considered.
U.S. for the study of geothermal resources. Applica- Allegheny College is an Equal Opportunity Em-
tion deadline is March 1, 2015. For further informa- ployer, with a strong institutional commitment to
Position Responsibilities: The primary respon- tion about NBMG, please consult our website (www develop a diverse faculty and staff. Women, veterans,
sibilities of this position will be to develop broad and members of other under-represented groups are
programs in research and education in the field of encouraged to apply.
geothermal energy while serving as Director of the The University of Nevada, Reno is committed to
Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy. The Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
applicant is expected to conduct a nationally com- in recruitment of its students and employees and SCHOOL OF EARTH & CLIMATE SCIENCES
petitive research program that will include innova- does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
tive approaches to understanding the complexities religion, sex, age, creed, national origin, veteran ENDOWED PROFESSORSHIP:
of fluid flow in the crust with a concentration on status, physical or mental disability, and sexual ori- PETROLOGY/MINERALOGY/HIGH P-T
Nevada and the surrounding Great Basin region. entation. The University of Nevada employs only GEOCHEMISTRY, UNIVERSITY OF MAINE
The successful candidate will also be expected to United States citizens and aliens lawfully authorized The University of Maine invites applications for the
contribute to the development of datasets and to work in the United States. Women and under- newly established, endowed Edward Sturgis Grew
reports on Nevada’s geothermal resources, main- represented groups are encouraged to apply. Professorship in Petrology and Mineralogy in the
tain geothermal databases as part of NGDS School of Earth and Climate Sciences. This is a full-
(NationalGeothermalDataSystem),andprovidestate VISITING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR time tenure-track position with a focus on igneous
resource assessments. Education will include teach- OF GEOLOGY, ENERGY and/or metamorphic petrology, geochemistry, and
ing courses in geothermal related topics in the Dept. ALLEGHENY COLLEGE mineralogy. We seek a candidate who will comple-
of Geological Sciences and Engineering (DGSE), ment the existing strengths in the Geodynamics,
supervising graduate students, and contributing to The Geology Dept. at Allegheny College invites Crustal Studies, and Earth Rheology research group.
developing a geothermal curriculum. Research and applicants for a full-time two-year appointment in The School of Earth and Climate Sciences has a high-
educational efforts will involve multi-departmental energy, starting fall 2015, with the possibility of a ly interactive research and teaching environment,
and multi-institutional efforts, with scientists from two-year renewal and eventual conversion to a ten- with staff-supported microprobe and electron mi-
academia, industry, other institutions, and govern- ure-track contract. A Ph.D. is preferred at the time croscopy laboratories. For more information on the
ment labs. The successful candidate will be asked to of appointment but strong ABD candidates will be School, please visit
communicate effectively with the public and com- considered. We seek a geoscientist with demonstrat- Candidates must have an earned doctorate in
munity leaders regarding the geothermal resources ed experience in an energy-related field to develop the discipline or a closely related field by the date
of Nevada. and teach one to two new courses in energy and to of appointment, a strong research and publication
help shape a new interdisciplinary minor in energy record in their field, and a demonstrated com-
Qualifications: Applicants must have a doctor- and society. Our vision for this position is to provide mitment to teaching. Postdoctoral experience is
ate in geology, geologic engineering, geophysics, or a students with rigorous technical training in energy strongly preferred but not required. The position
related geoscience field by the time of hire and a fundamentals, grounded in the geosciences. We seek is an academic year appointment with preferred
demonstrated record of research on topics related to a candidate who can work with others to analyze the starting date of Sept. 1, 2015. Materials must be
geothermal energy as indicated by dissertation political, economic, and other societal facets nec-
research, industry experience, and/or peer-reviewed essary to manage properly our existing fossil fuels
publications. The successful candidate must have at while we develop and implement sustainable future
least 5 years of postdoctoral experience (either in
industry or academia) in geothermal research in such
areas as rock mechanics, 3D modeling, geophysical