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GSA TODAY | JANUARY 2015 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities         TWO TENURE-TRACK POSITIONS                       time of appointment; strong ABD candidates may               Required: Assistant Professor: Earned doctor-
                                                                      AT TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY                      be considered. The successful candidate will have         ate in a discipline related to structural geology and
                                                                                                                    demonstrated strength in the general area of igne-        tectonics, at time of employment; record of research
                                                            The Dept. of Geosciences at Texas Tech University       ous and metamorphic petrology. Courses to be              accomplishments as demonstrated by peer-reviewed
                                                            seeks applicants for two assistant professor, tenure-   taught could include mineralogy, optical mineralogy,      publications and/or extramural grantsmanship;
                                                            track positions. A PhD in an Earth Science (or          igneous and metamorphic petrology, geochemistry,          demonstrated ability and/or potential to successfully
                                                            closely related) discipline at time of appointment is   elective courses in the candidate’s field of specializa-  teach and mentor students at the graduate and un-
                                                            required.                                               tion, as well as a general education course in geology    dergraduate levels. Associate Professor: in addition,
                                                                                                                    and an upper division capstone course in earth sci-       6 years of experience as an Assistant Professor or
                                                               Position 1 focuses on sedimentary systems            ences. The appointee will be expected to advise and       equivalent. Professor: in addition, 6 years of expe-
                                                            with an emphasis on one or more of clay mineral-        work closely with undergraduate students in senior        rience as an Associate Professor or equivalent, and
                                                            ogy, diagenesis, mudstones, carbonate petrology and     research projects and with graduate students in in        national/international reputation in their field.
                                                            reservoir characterization. A letter of application,    the Earth and Environmental Sciences MS program.
                                                            including names of three referees, short statements     The appointee will provide evidence of excellence in         Preferred: Demonstrated ability to develop col-
                                                            of research and teaching philosophies, and vita can     teaching and ongoing scholarship, especially in the       laborations; teach field camp and other field-based
                                                            be uploaded online at        area of combining geologic field methods with labo-       courses; lead field trips at the undergraduate and
                                                            requisition #2209BR. Questions should be sent to        ratory approaches. The department strongly sup-           graduate level; and develop a strong field-based re-
                                                            Dr. Paul Sylvester, Search Committee Chair: paul        ports increasing diversity in both student and faculty    search component.
                                                                                       populations; under-represented minorities, women
                                                                                                                    and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply. For           For questions about the position contact Jeff
                                                               Position 2 focuses on seismology, emphasizing        more information about the department, please visit       Vervoort at (509) 335-5597;
                                                            the imaging of crustal features (from shallow sedi-
                                                            mentary and structural studies to investigation of                                                                   To apply visit: Appli-
                                                            crustal scale tectonic features). A letter of applica-     Applications must be submitted electronically          cation materials must include a letter describing how
                                                            tion, including names of three referees, short state-   using             your experience and training meet qualifications for
                                                            ments of research and teaching philosophies, and        default.cfm?transfer=1 and must include a cover           the position, a research plan, a statement of teaching
                                                            vita can be uploaded online at       letter, a curriculum vitae, recent transcripts (official  philosophy, current vitae, and names and contact in-
                                                            careers/ requisition #2211BR. Questions should          transcripts will be required pending an offer), state-    formation for three professional references. Screen-
                                                            be sent to Dr. Harold Gurrola, Search Committee         ments of research/professional accomplishments            ing begins January 6, 2015. EEO/AA/ADA.
                                                            Chair:                          and goals, and teaching philosophy and strategies,
                                                                                                                    together with the names and complete contact in-             ENVIRONMENTAL BIOGEOCHEMISTRY/
                                                               Candidates with strong records of scholarship        formation of at least three references. Review of             GEOBIOLOGY, DARTMOUTH COLLEGE
                                                            and who have the proven capacity or clear poten-        the applications will begin Jan. 12, 2015, and will       The Dept. of Earth Sciences at Dartmouth College
                                                            tial to bring externally sponsored research to Texas    continue until position is filled. Inquiries about        invites applications for a junior rank tenure-track
                                                            Tech University are encouraged to apply. Teaching       this position may be directed to Dr. Alan L. Smith        position in the general areas of biogeochemistry
                                                            duties include graduate and undergraduate courses       (e-mail:                              and geobiology. We especially welcome applica-
                                                            in the candidate’s specialty. The department (www                                                                 tions from candidates with research interests that
                                                   has active research specialties      California State University, San Bernardino is an      include microbially-mediated biogeochemical inter-
                                                            in Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry, Geography,        Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.            actions in processes of mineralization, weathering,
                                                            and Atmospheric Science. Texas Tech is located          We consider qualified applicants for employment           and sequestration of contaminants; hydrocarbon
                                                            in Lubbock on the edge of the Permian Basin. The        without regard to race, color, religion, national ori-    formation and degradation; biogeochemical cycling
                                                            region appreciates the social and economic impor-       gin, age, gender, gender identity/expression, sexual      in fluvial and/or cold environments, including
                                                            tance of geology and geophysics knowledge due to        orientation, genetic information, medical condition,      river-channel, floodplain, and lacustrine ecosystem
                                                            the importance of petroleum and groundwater to          marital status, veteran status, or disability.            response to environmental change. Particular at-
                                                            the Texas economy. Service duties include program-                                                                tention will be given to candidates who combine a
                                                            building, as well as commitment to extra-curricular             ASSISTANT, ASSOCIATE OR FULL                      focus on understanding fundamental processes with
                                                            activities. Service to the department, college, and         PROFESSOR, STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY/                        state-of-the-art laboratory and/or field research pro-
                                                            university is expected.                                                                                           grams that complement and contribute to ongoing
                                                                                                                              TECTONICS, SCHOOL OF THE                        research activities in the department as well as in
                                                               As an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affir-                               ENVIRONMENT                            Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine and Thayer
                                                            mative Action employer, Texas Tech University is                                                                  School of Engineering. The successful candidate will
                                                            dedicated to the goal of building a culturally diverse        WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY                         continue Dartmouth’s strong traditions in graduate
                                                            faculty committed to teaching and working in a          Position #119909                                          and undergraduate research and teaching. Teaching
                                                            multicultural environment. We actively encour-          Washington State University (WSU) is currently            responsibilities consist of three courses spread over
                                                            age applications from all those who can contribute,     seeking to fill a tenure-track/tenured Assistant, As-     three of four ten-week terms.
                                                            through their research, teaching, and/or service, to    sociate or Full Professor position in the area of            The Dept. of Earth Sciences is home to 11 tenured
                                                            the diversity and excellence of the academic com-       Structural Geology/Tectonics. This position is a          and tenure-track faculty members in the School of
                                                            munity at Texas Tech University. The university         permanent, 9-month faculty position located on the        Arts and Sciences, and enjoys strong Ph.D. and
                                                            welcomes applications from minorities, women,           Pullman Campus. This position is part of a multi-         M.S. programs and outstanding undergraduate
                                                            veterans, persons with disabilities, and dual-career    year series of new hires intended to contribute to the    majors. To create an atmosphere supportive of re-
                                                            couples. Evaluation of candidates will begin Jan. 30,   growth and development of the School of the Envi-         search, Dartmouth College offers new faculty mem-
                                                            2015.                                                   ronment, an interdisciplinary academic unit at WSU        bers grants for research-related expenses, a quarter
                                                                                                                    that focuses on Earth, Water, and the Environment.        of sabbatical leave for each three academic years
                                                                ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY                      Duties include developing and teaching undergrad-         in residence, and flexible scheduling of teaching
                                                                   IN IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC                       uate and graduate courses and mentoring MS and            responsibilities.
                                                                                 PETROLOGY,                         PhD graduate students. The successful candidate              Dartmouth College, a member of the Ivy League,
                                                                   CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY,                     will develop an internationally recognized research       is located in Hanover, New Hampshire (on the
                                                                             SAN BERNARDINO                         program in structural geology/tectonics. Specific ar-     Vermont border). Dartmouth has a beautiful,
                                                                                                                    eas of emphasis within this broad field are open, but     historic campus located in a scenic area on the Con-
                                                            The Dept. of Geological Sciences at California State    we are particularly interested in candidates who will     necticut River. Recreational opportunities abound
                                                            University, San Bernardino invites applicants for a     develop an externally funded research program that        all year round. To learn more about Dartmouth
                                                            tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level  includes a strong field-based component.
                                                            starting Sept. 2015. A Ph.D. is strongly preferred at

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