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submitted online at          nomic Geology and the Institute for Geophysics,          ployment without regard to race, color, religion, sex,   GSA TODAY |
job-details?jobID=23153. Review of applications            comprise the Jackson School of Geosciences. The          national origin, or any other characteristic protected
will begin Jan. 15, 2015. Please e-mail esgppm@umit        Jackson School is ranked 8th in the nation according     by law including protected Veterans and individuals with questions about the position.              to U.S. News & World Report 2014.                        with disabilities.

   The University of Maine is an EEO/AA employer.             The Jackson School is home to approximately 650                  ASSISTANT PROFESSOR FOR
All qualified applicants will receive consideration for    undergraduate and graduate students, averages over         STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY/PETROGRAPHY/
employment without regard to race, color, religion,        $42 million in external research grants and contracts
sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, disabil-    annually, and has the world’s largest endowment              MINERALOGY, HOFSTRA COLLEGE OF
ity, protected veteran status, or any other character-     for the geosciences. The department’s scholarly,                   LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES
istic protected by law.                                    research, and teaching activities capitalize on addi-
                                                           tional strengths within the Jackson School as well as     DEPT. OF GEOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT, AND
SURVEY DIRECTOR AND STATE GEOLOGIST                        the University’s Colleges of Engineering and Natural       SUSTAINABILITY, HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY
         WISCONSIN GEOLOGICAL AND                          Sciences. Significant resources are available to sup-    The Dept. of Geology, Environment, and Sustain-
           NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY                          port the mission of the Dept. of Geological Sciences.    ability of Hofstra University invites applications for
                                                                                                                    an anticipated tenure-track position at the assistant
 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN–EXTENSION                            The successful applicant is expected to be a          professor level beginning Sept. 1, 2015.
Madison, Wisconsin, is home to the State Capitol,          visionary leader who will promote and enhance               We seek candidates with expertise in at least two
the flagship campus of the University of Wisconsin         the department’s research and educational pro-           of the following areas: Structural Geology, Petrogra-
System, and the Wisconsin Geological Survey. Sur-          grams. Required qualifications include significant       phy, Tectonics, Mineralogy, Geological Mapping, or
rounded by lakes, our bike-friendly college town is        administrative and leadership experience, ability to     Medical Geology. Candidates must be committed to
a vibrant hub of art, music, local foods, and outdoor      foster collaboration and build consensus amongst col-    excellence in undergraduate teaching and mentoring
activities. Our city consistently ranks as a top place to  leagues, and an internationally recognized research      undergraduate students in research. The successful
live, work, and play.                                      reputation. Appointment will be at the level of          candidate will be expected to teach one introduc-
                                                           tenured Full Professor.                                  tory level and one advanced undergraduate course
   The University of Wisconsin–Extension (an EEO/                                                                   per semester. The advanced courses we require are
AA employer) is seeking a PhD-level geoscientist to           Applications should include a letter describing       integrated lecture and laboratory courses provid-
serve as Survey Director and State Geologist. The          their qualifications and interest in the position.       ing instruction in structural geology, petrography/
Survey employs 26 professionals and has an average         Applicants should also include a description of rel-     petrology/mineralogy, and additional topics of interest
annual budget of $2 million. Our academic atmo-            evant experience and accomplishments, CV, and            to the candidate that complement existing course
sphere, focus on research and outreach, and compact        the names and addresses of four references (refer-       offerings in the department. Our department has
size set the WGNHS apart from most geological re-          ences will not be contacted without the candidate’s      an emerging focus on the Anthropocene. Can-
search organizations. A complete position description      permission).                                             didates able to relate their research and teaching
is available at http://WisconsinGeologicalSurvey                                                                    to anthropogenic planetary change or sustainability
.org/jobs. Application deadline: Feb. 28, 2015.               E-mail applications to, or    are especially encouraged to apply. The ability to
                                                           mail to Search Committee Chair, Office of the Dean,      develop and implement field-based courses and field
               SURFACE GEOLOGIST                           Jackson School of Geosciences, 2305 Speedway,            trips utilizing the geology of the New England and
   NORTH DAKOTA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY                          Stop C1160, University of Texas at Austin, Austin,       Middle Atlantic region is also highly desired. We
The North Dakota Geological Survey announces a             TX 78712-1692. Nominations, recommendations,             are looking for a dynamic individual who combines
permanent position opening for a geologist. Success-       expressions of interest, and inquiries should go to      excellence in teaching with breadth and versatility in
ful applicant will be responsible for generating maps      the same address. Review of applications will begin      professional productivity, and who shares our com-
and reports on the surface geology of North Dakota.        January 15, 2015, but applications will be accepted      mitment to close student-faculty interaction, includ-
   Applicants should have a master’s degree in ge-         until the position is filled. Background check con-      ing a vigorous program of local field trips, student
ology or a bachelor’s degree in geology. Applicants        ducted on applicant selected.                            involvement in faculty research, and professional
must have strong written and verbal communica-                                                                      activities. Applicants should have their Ph.D. com-
tion skills. Preference will be given to applicants with      The University of Texas at Austin is an Affirmative   pleted by Sept. 2015.
experience in the following areas; geologic surface        Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.                          Hofstra University is located in suburban Long
mapping of glacial deposits or Fort Union strata,                                                                   Island, New York, about 25 miles from Manhattan.
geologic hazards mapping, and delineation of sand           PROFESSOR OF EARTH/ENVIRONMENTAL                        The University occupies a beautiful 240 acre cam-
and gravel deposits.                                        SCIENCES AND DIRECTOR OF THE EARTH                      pus that is also a registered arboretum and enrolls
   The successful applicant will be hired with a sal-                                                               8,000 full-time undergraduates and 4,000 graduate
ary dependent upon the level of completed educa-                RESEARCH INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY                      and part-time students. For more information about
tion and applicable experience. The State of North                OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA                      the department and Hofstra University, visit www
Dakota has very competitive health insurance and           The University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)
retirement plans. Deadline for applications is Jan. 30,    invites applications for the position of Full Professor  index.html.
2015, but the position will remain open until filled.      and Director of the Earth Research Institute (ERI;          Please send a letter of introduction discussing
   For more information about the North Dakota    Applicants should be internation-         your teaching and research interests, a curriculum
Geological Survey and instructions on how to apply         ally acclaimed scholars whose area of research falls     vitae, and a list of references to Dr. J Bret Benning-
for this position, see       within one or more of ERI’s five research clusters       ton, Chair, Dept. of Geology, Environment, and Sus-
The North Dakota Geological Survey is an Equal             (Earth System Science, Earth Evolution, Natural          tainability, 114 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY
Opportunity Employer.                                      Hazards, Human Impacts on the environment, and           11549-1140, e-mail:
                                                           Environmental Informatics). The successful candi-           Jan. 31, 2015 is the deadline for receipt of
               DEPARTMENT CHAIR                            date is expected to continue his/her internationally     applications.
              GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES                          recognized, extramurally funded research program,           Hofstra University is an equal opportunity employ-
   THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN                       mentor graduate and undergraduate students, par-         er, committed to fostering diversity in its faculty,
The Jackson School of Geosciences at The University        ticipate in on-going graduate and undergraduate          administrative staff and student body, and encour-
of Texas at Austin invites applications for Chair of       teaching programs, and direct the Earth Research In-     ages applications from the entire spectrum of a
the Dept. of Geological Sciences. The department is        stitute. See  diverse community.
composed of 58 faculty whose research focuses on           for more information and to submit applications.
processes in all parts of the Earth system and from        Review of applicants will begin Feb. 2, 2015 and will
deep time to modern day. The department and two            continue until the position has been filled. The start
major organized research units, the Bureau of Eco-         date of the position is July 1, 2016. UCSB is an Equal
                                                           Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer. All qual-
                                                           ified applicants will receive consideration for em-

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