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College and the Dept. of Earth Sciences, visit www       could be funded through various opportunities in-       for graduate training and research in the heart of         GSA TODAY |                                cluding fellowships, research assistantships, teach-    downtown Indianapolis. We offer an M.S. in Geology
                                                         ing assistantships, and tuition scholarships. Funding   and a Ph.D. in Applied Earth Sciences. The Ph.D.
   To submit an application, send curriculum vitae,      opportunities typically cover stipends for tuition for  program provides opportunities for advanced inter-
statements of teaching and research interests and ob-    fall and spring semesters. Interested students should   disciplinary research at the interface of earth sciences,
jectives, reprints or preprints of up to three of your   visit to learn more about the         public health, and geospatial analysis, and will pre-
most significant publications, and the name, address     specific degrees offered within the college and avail-  pare graduates for tackling interdisciplinary prob-
(including street address), e-mail address and fax/      able research projects with nationally ranked faculty   lems of the 21st century. Given the interdisciplinary
phone numbers of at least three references to En-        who serve as graduate student advisor. Students who     nature of this program, we welcome individuals with
vironmental Biogeochemistry/Geobiology Search            apply and are being considered for admission will be    backgrounds in Geology, Environmental Science,
Committee, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Dartmouth            invited for a paid visit to our campus to meet with     Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Engineering, Medical
College 6105 Fairchild Hall, Hanover, NH 03755,          faculty and current graduate students. For more         or Mathematics and who have an interest in working
e-mail:                    information visit or e-mail           on earth and environmental science issues. Several
                                                                               new state-of-the-art geochemistry labs have been
   Applications received by Nov. 7, 2014 will receive                                                            built and equipped with stable isotope ratio mass
first consideration. The appointment will be effective   Graduate Assistantships at University of Nevada         spectrometers, cavity ring down spectrometers, GC-
July 1, 2015.                                            Las Vegas. Research assistantships are available for    MS, ICP-MS, ICP-OES, electrochemical equipment,
                                                         M.S. and Ph.D. students interested in studying high     chromatographs (IC, HPLC, GC), spectroscopes,
   Dartmouth is an equal opportunity/ affirmative        pressure deformation of earth materials. Projects       XRD, multisensor core scanner, and a full suite of
action employer with a strong commitment to di-          involving microstructural studies, numerical mod-       chemical and biological lab and field equipment.
versity. In that spirit, we are particularly interested  elling and experimental work are available. In addi-    Assistantships include salary, tuition remission, and
in receiving applications from a broad spectrum of       tion to participating their home department (Geo-       health insurance. Visit http://earthsciences.iupui.
people, including women, persons of color, persons       science) students will be part of the High Pressure     edu/graduate/degrees for more information on our
with disabilities, veterans, or any other legally pro-   Science and Engineering Center, which provides a        graduate degrees, or contact Dr. Pierre Jacinthe for
tected group.                                            highly interdisciplinary environment, exposing stu-     general inquiries at
                                                         dents to perspectives and experimental techniques
Scholarship Opportunities                                from disciplines including solid state physics and           CALL FOR
                                                         chemistry, high pressure physics and materials sci-            PAPERS
Jonathan O. Davis Scholarship, University of             ence and as well as geoscience. Candidates should
Nevada, Reno. The Jonathan O. Davis Scholarship          apply to the UNLV program in geosciences at                     GSA Today’s Groundwork series
supports graduate students working on the Quater-                          offers you the chance
nary geology of the Great Basin. The national schol-     .html. All application materials must be received by
arship is $5,000 and the University of Nevada, Reno,     Feb. 1, 2015. For more information please contact                 to help lay the groundwork
stipend is $1,500. The national scholarship is open      Dr. Pamela Burnley, High Pressure Science and En-                for furthering the influence of
to graduate students enrolled in an M.S. or Ph.D.        gineering Center, University of Nevada, Las Vegas,           earth science on education, policy,
program at any university in the United States. The      Box 454010, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV
Nevada stipend is open to graduate students en-          89154-4010,                                planning, and funding.
rolled in an M.S. or Ph.D. program at the Univer-                                                                            Learn more and submit a
sity of Nevada, Reno. Details on application require-    Graduate Assistantships, Indiana State University.            manuscript at www.geosociety
ments can be found at          The Dept. of Earth & Environmental Systems at In-                 .org/pubs/gsatguid.htm.
Opportunities/JonathanDavis. Applications must be        diana State University has graduate assistantships
post-marked by Feb. 17, 2015. Proposal reviews will      available for students wishing to pursue an MS de-             REMINDER:
not be returned. Applications should be addressed to     gree in Earth and Quaternary Sciences or a Ph.D. in
Executive Director Division of Earth and Ecosystem       our Spatial & Earth Sciences Program. The depart-                       Subaru VIP benefits
Sciences Desert Research Institute 2215 Raggio           ment offers an exciting field- and laboratory-inten-                    end 31 March 2015.
Parkway Reno, NV, 89512.                                 sive curriculum emphasizing environmental geology
                                                         and geochemistry, paleolimnology, geoarchaeology, members/subaru.htm
Opportunities for Students                               surface processes, paleoecology, geobiology, den-
                                                         drochronology, GIS/remote sensing, micropaleon-
Graduate Student Funding Opportunities in                tology, paleoceanography, marine geology, biogeo-
Climatology, Geology, Geography, and Marine Sci-         chemistry, climatology, and paleoclimatology. The
ence and Policy. The College of Earth, Ocean, and        department supports a number of state-of-the-art
Environment (CEOE) at the University of Delaware         laboratory facilities, and our faculty members are
is pleased to announce the availability of graduate      committed to providing students with hands-on
student funding for Master’s and Doctoral students       learning experiences. Application review begins im-
interested in Marine Science and Policy, Geologi-        mediately and preference is given to applications re-
cal Sciences, and Geography. Graduate students in        ceived before Feb. 1, 2015. Application information
these programs tackle complex environmental chal-        and requirements can be obtained by visiting www.
lenges by applying the latest technological advances For more information contact Dr.
to ocean, earth, and atmospheric research using          Anthony Rathburn, Dept. of Earth & Environmental
high-tech satellite images, surface and underwater       Systems, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN,
sensors, laboratory instrumentation, and complex         47809,
computer models to help enhance climate predic-
tions, identify and mitigate pollution, improve re-      Graduate Assistantship Opportunities at Indiana
source management, explore energy solutions, make        University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IU-
marine transportation safer and more efficient, and      PUI). With broad expertise in applied geosciences
examine the relationships between humans and the         and particular strengths in geochemistry, IUPUI’s
environment. Our students also are using innova-         Earth Sciences department provides opportunities
tive tools to better understand our valuable biologi-
cal resources, investigate populations, life histories
and habitats, and determine the natural and hu-
man factors affecting their survival. Eligible students

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