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Call for Applications                                                         GSA Section Meetings

         2016–2017 GSA-USGS                                               Call for Mentors

   Congressional Science                                                 PROFESSIONALS: Interested in sharing information
                                                                         about your applied geoscience career with students?
              Application deadline: 1 Feb. 2016                          Being a mentor is a rewarding experience. If you are interest-
                                                                         ed in serving as a mentor at one of GSA’s Section Meetings,
   Bring your science and technology expertise to Capitol Hill to        contact Jennifer Nocerino at
work directly with national leaders at the interface between
geoscience and public policy.                                            STUDENTS: Interested in a career in the applied geo­

   The GSA-USGS Congressional Science Fellowship provides a rare         sciences? Plan now to attend a Roy J. Shlemon Mentor
opportunity for a geoscientist to spend a year working for a Member      Program in Applied Geoscience and/or a John Mann Mentors
of Congress or congressional committee. If you are an earth scientist    in Applied Hydrogeology Program at your 2016 Section
with a broad geologic background, experience applying scientific         Meeting to chat one-on-one with practicing geoscientists.
knowledge to societal challenges, and a passion for helping shape the    These volunteers will answer your questions and share insights
future of the geoscience profession, GSA and the USGS invite your        on how to get a job after graduation.
application. The fellowship is open to GSA members who are U.S.
citizens or permanent residents, with a minimum requirement of a
master’s degree with at least five years of professional experience or
a Ph.D. at the time of appointment.

       Learn more at or by contacting
        Kasey White, +1-202-669-0466,

  Apply today!

Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation                      Item No. from PS Form 3526                                                         Actual No. Copies
                                                                         15. Extent and Nature of Circulation                         Avg. No. Copies of Single Issue
                               (Required byTitle 39 U.S.C. 4369)          a. Total number of copies (net press run)                    Each Issue in Published Nearest
                                                                          b. Legitimate paid and/or requested distribution            Past 12 Months to Filing Date
    GSA Today (Publication No. 1052-5173) is published monthly by The
Geological Society of America, Inc., (GSA) with headquarters and              (by mail and outside the mail )                         18,693  18,350
offices at 3300 Penrose Place, Boulder, Colorado 80301 U.S.A.; and        c. Total paid and/or requested circulation                  18,288  18,119
mailing address of Post Office Box 9140, Boulder, Colorado 80301-9140     d. Nonrequested distribution (by mail and outside
U.S.A. The Publisher is Vicki S. McConnell; the Managing Editor is                                                                    18,288  18,119
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The annual subscription prices are: for Members and Student Associ-       e. Total nonrequested distribution
ates, $15; for non-members $88. The publication is wholly owned by        f. Total distribution (sum of c and e )                        0       0
The Geological Society of America, Inc., a not-for-profit, charitable     g. Copies not distributed (office use, leftovers, spoiled)  18,288  18,119
corporation. No known stockholder holds 1 percent or more of the          h. Total (sum of f and g )
total stock. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of The Geolog-   i. Percent paid and/or requested circulation (c/f × 100)     405     231
ical Society of America, Inc., have not changed during the preceding                                                                  18,693  18,350
twelve months. The average number of copies of each issue during the                                                                  100%    100%
preceding twelve months and the actual number of copies published
nearest to the filing date (September 2015 issue) are noted at right.

    This information taken from PS Form 3526, signed 17 September
2015 by the Publisher, Vicki S. McConnell, and filed with the United
States Postal Service in Boulder, Colorado.
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