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directed to Dr. Eric Peterson (,         levels. Application Process: Send letter of interest,      GSA TODAY |
309-438-7865). Additional information about the           including statement of teaching and research inter-      basin_analysis_petroleum_geology.asp.
department and the community can be found at              ests, curriculum vitae, official transcripts, and the                            names and contact information for three refer-              Applications for both positions will be accepted
                                                          ences to Dr. Jay Pulliam, Chair, Search Committee,       until the position is filled. To ensure full consider-
            FACULTY, TENURE-TRACK                         Dept. of Geology, Baylor University, One Bear Place      ation, submit all application materials by November
      STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY/IGNEOUS                          #97354, Waco, TX 76798-7354 (Tel: 254-710-2361;          16, 2015. California State University Fullerton cele-
       AND METAMORPHIC PETROLOGY                          e-mail: Applica-          brates all forms of diversity and is deeply committed
                                                          tions will be reviewed beginning in September 2015       to fostering an inclusive environment within which
            SALEM STATE UNIVERSITY                        and applications will be accepted until the position     students, staff, administrators and faculty thrive.
The geological sciences department at Salem State         is filled.                                               EEO employer.
University seeks applicants for a tenure track posi-
tion beginning September 2016. The ideal candi-              Baylor University is a private not-for-profit                       ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
date is a field geologist with expertise in structural    university affiliated with the Baptist General            SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY/PALEOCLIMATE
geology and a secondary focus on igneous and meta-        Convention of Texas. As an Affirmative Action/
morphic petrology who is committed to undergrad-          Equal Opportunity employer, Baylor is committed                        OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE
uate teaching and research. Teaching assignments          to compliance with all applicable anti-discrimina-       The Dept. of Geology at Occidental College invites
will include: Structural Geology for majors, summer       tion laws, including those regarding age, race, color,   applications for an Assistant Professor in sedimen-
field course in Montana, introductory general             sex, national origin, marital status, pregnancy status,  tary geology with a research focus in paleoclimate,
education courses in the geosciences and serving as       military service, genetic information, and disability.   paleoenvironmental change, and/or fluvial-coastal
senior thesis advisor.                                    As a religious educational institution, Baylor is        processes. Occidental is a nationally ranked liberal
                                                          lawfully permitted to consider an applicant’s religion   arts college recognized for its diverse student body
   To view full posting and apply, please visit salem-    as a selection criterion. Baylor encourages women,       and outstanding undergraduate research program. Please apply online and attach curric-    minorities, veterans, and individuals with disabilities  We seek a colleague who values undergraduate
ulum vitae, cover letter, and transcripts. Completed      to apply.                                                teaching and can sustain an active research program
application materials submitted by October 15,                                                                     involving undergraduates. In addition to courses
2015, will receive full consideration. Selected candi-               MULTIPLE TENURE-TRACK                         related to specialty, the successful candidate will
dates will be met at the 2015 GSA Annual Meeting             FACULTY POSITIONS, DEPARTMENT OF                      contribute to teaching introductory geology, support
in Baltimore. Salem State University is an equal                                                                   the Environmental Science concentration, engage
opportunity/affirmative action employer. Persons                        GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES                        undergraduates in research, and mentor students
of color, women, and persons with disabilities are               CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY                       through completion of senior theses.
strongly urged to apply.
                                                                                FULLERTON                             Applications should include a statement of
                   TENURE-TRACK                           The Dept. of Geological Sciences at California State     teaching and research interests in the context of a
               APPLIED GEOSCIENCE                         University Fullerton (     liberal arts college. Candidates should specifically
               BAYLOR UNIVERSITY                          invites applications for two tenure-track, Assistant     address their ability to (1) teach in a socioeconomi-
Baylor University is a private Christian university       Professor positions beginning August 2016. The           cally, ethnically, and culturally diverse environment,
and a nationally ranked research institution, consis-     successful candidates will: (1) be expected to develop   and (2) engage students in an ongoing research
tently listed with highest honors among The Chron-        active, field-based, externally funded research          program. Submit statement, curriculum vitae, 1–3
icle of Higher Education’s “Great Colleges to Work        programs involving undergraduate and Master’s            significant publications, and contact information
For.” Chartered in 1845 by the Republic of Texas          level graduate students; (2) be committed to excel-      for three referees to Dr. Margi Rusmore, Search
through the efforts of Baptist pioneers, Baylor is the    lence in teaching at the undergraduate and Master’s      Committee Chair, at Members
oldest continuously operating university in Texas.        levels; and (3) have the ability to communicate          of underrepresented groups are especially encour-
The university provides a vibrant campus commu-           effectively with an ethnically and culturally diverse    aged to apply. Review of applications will begin
nity for over 15,000 students from all 50 states and      campus community.                                        October 15, 2015, and will continue until the search
more than 80 countries by blending interdisci-                                                                     closes on December 22, 2015. Search committee
plinary research with an international reputation            Structural Geology: Successful candidate must         members will meet interested candidates at the
for educational excellence and a faculty commit-          display evidence of a field-based research program in    GSA and AGU meetings; email the committee to
ment to teaching and scholarship. Baylor is actively      structural geology. Primary teaching responsibilities    make arrangements.
recruiting new faculty with a strong commitment to        will be structural geology, geologic field methods,
the classroom and an equally strong commitment to         and field camp. The successful candidate may also                           TWO POSITIONS
discovering new knowledge as we pursue our bold           teach introductory-level and upper-level/graduate              STRATIGRAPHY/SEDIMENTOLOGY
vision, Pro Futuris.                                      courses in the candidate’s area of specialization. For     AND GEOMORPHOLOGY/CLIMATOLOGY
   Baylor seeks to fill the following tenure-track        a complete position description, information on the
Assistant Professor faculty position within the           CSUF Dept. of Geological Sciences, and application                      DENISON UNIVERSITY
Dept. of Geology with specialization in Geophysics,       procedures, see   Denison University invites applications for two
Stratigraphy or Structural Geology, beginning in          openings/ft/8082BR_structural_geologist.asp.             tenure track positions in the Dept. of Geosciences,
August 2016. Candidates should possess an earned                                                                   to begin in August 2016. We seek broadly trained
doctorate in geophysics or geology at the time of            Basin Analysis/Petroleum Geology: Successful          scientists engaged in the study of (1) Sedimen-
appointment. Preference will be given to a candi-         candidate must display evidence of a research            tology and/or Stratigraphy, and (2) Geomorphology
date with a strong background in pure or applied          program in basin analysis and/or petroleum geology.      and/or Climatology. We welcome candidates that
research who works with subsurface data (e.g.,            Preference will be given to candidates that incorpo-     combine these specialties in innovative ways, and
seismic, potential field, well log, rock property, fluid  rate field studies. Exceptional candidates may be        are willing to consider joint applications. Successful
production, or combinations of these data types).         considered at the Associate Professor level. Primary     candidates should demonstrate potential to be
The successful candidate should have the poten-           teaching responsibilities may include upper-level        outstanding teachers, active scholars, and contribu-
tial to attract external funds and to build a strong      classes such as petroleum geology, basin analysis,       tors to the continued growth of the Department and
research program that involves both undergraduate         and geophysics, as well as introductory-level Earth      College. Candidates must have a Ph.D. at the time of
and graduate (M.S. and Ph.D.) students. We seek           science and field courses. Preference will be given to   appointment.
an individual with a strong commitment to excel-          candidates with an interest in teaching field methods
lence in teaching at the graduate and undergraduate       and field camp. For a complete position descrip-            We seek colleagues who are committed to
                                                          tion, information on the CSUF Dept. of Geological        teaching excellence in the liberal arts tradition,
                                                          Sciences, and application procedures, see: http://       are field-based, have broad interests beyond their
                                                                                                                   individual specialties, and will provide a balance of

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