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nouncement/TenureTrackSedimentology2015.pdf.              information about the Dept. of Geological Sciences,       GSA TODAY |
   SF State serves a diverse student body with a          see Inquiries may be
                                                          directed to Sally McGill (
mission to promote scholarship, diversity, instruc-
tional excellence and intellectual accomplishment.           We will have a booth at the GeoCareers Inter-
Faculty are expected to be effective teachers, demon-     view Service at the GSA meeting. Please contact Joan
strate professional achievement and growth through        Fryxell ( for more information.
research, publications and/or creative activities,
and engage in service to the campus and commu-               ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
nity. Application review begins November 13, 2015,                IN PETROLEUM GEOCHEMISTRY
continues until filled.                                            CONOCOPHILLIPS SCHOOL OF
                                                                    GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS
   Submit letter of interest, CV, statements of                  THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA
research and teaching interests, and contact infor-
mation of three references to AcademicJobsOn-             The University of Oklahoma invites applications For questions, contact: Dr. Leonard Sklar:      for a tenure-track position in Petroleum Geochem-                                         istry at the assistant or associate professor level. The
                                                          ConocoPhillips School of Geology and Geophysics
            TENURE-TRACK POSITION                         has a long and distinguished history in Petroleum
ENVIRONMENTAL/ENGINEERING GEOLOGY                         Geochemistry. We are seeking a creative, dynamic
                                                          person to help us move forward into new and
              CSU SAN BERNARDINO                          exciting areas of petroleum geochemical research,
The Dept. of Geological Sciences at California State      in particular, with respect to biomarker and stable
University, San Bernardino, invites applicants for        isotope studies, and an effective teacher who will
a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor        educate students so they can move into successful
level in environmental/engineering geology with           careers. The successful applicant will hold a Ph.D.,
expertise in one or more of the following: soils,         have an academic background in the geosciences,
applied geophysics, surficial geohazards, and rock        develop an externally funded research program,
mechanics. Prior work experience in environmental/        and teach undergraduate courses in geology in
engineering geology and ability to train students for     addition to graduate-level courses in petroleum
careers in these fields will be viewed favorably, as      geochemistry.
will expertise in water-related issues, and ability to
combine geologic field methods with complemen-               The ConocoPhillips School of Geology and
tary laboratory approaches. Teaching responsibili-        Geophysics is housed in the Sarkeys Energy Center.
ties could include undergraduate and/or graduate          The Petroleum Geochemistry research facili-
courses in applied geophysics, engineering geology,       ties include wet chemistry laboratories for sample
soils, applied geologic mapping, surficial geologic       preparation and experimentation, all of which are
hazards, environmental geology and/or other elec-         equipped with fume hoods, chemical and solvent
tive courses in the candidate’s field of specialization,  storage facilities, microbalances, ovens, water puri-
as well as general education courses in introductory      fication facilities, etc. Instrumentation is state of
geology and integrative earth sciences (e.g., climate     the art, including 7 gas chromatographs, gas chro-
change, energy, natural disasters). The appointee         matography/mass spectrometry instruments (a
will be expected to advise undergraduate students,        Thermo TSQ 8000 GC/MS/MS and two 5975 MSD
and to supervise senior research projects in geology      systems), pyrolysis/gas chromatography instru-
and graduate student theses in the Earth and Envi-        mentation and high performance liquid chromato-
ronmental Sciences M.S. program. The successful           graphic equipment. Our stable isotope laboratories
candidate will be expected to demonstrate excel-          are equipped with conventional facilities for the off-
lence in teaching, to develop an externally funded        line combustion, isolation, and purification of gases
research program involving student participation,         for stable isotope analysis. The laboratory houses 5
and to participate in service activities. A Ph.D. in      stable isotope ratio mass spectrometers, including
Geology is strongly preferred at the time of appli-       a Thermo Delta V Plus, a MAT 252, a MAT 253, a
cation, however strong ABD candidates who will            Delta Plus XL and a Delta E for bulk and compound
have completed their degree by the time of appoint-       specific stable isotope analyses of organic and inor-
ment may be considered. Salary is dependent on            ganic materials via dual inlet and in continuous flow
qualifications and experience. Generous medical,          modes using elemental analyzers and gas chromato-
dental, and vision benefits and support for moving        graphs interfaced to the instruments. Information
expenses are available.                                   about the School and College, the facilities and the
                                                          entities that it houses can be found at www.mcee
   Applicants should submit a cover letter, a curric-
ulum vitae, undergraduate and graduate transcripts
(official transcripts will be required pending an            Review of applications will begin October 1, 2015.
offer), statements of research/professional accom-        The search will continue until the position is filled.
plishments and goals, and teaching philosophy and         The anticipated start date for the position is August
strategies, together with the names and complete          15, 2016. Applicants can apply online at
contact information of at least three references.         and search listings for the requisition number:
Review of the applications will begin November 9,         23149. Applicants will be required to submit a vita/
2015, and will continue until position is filled; the     resume, statement of research and teaching interests,
position will start in September 2016. To apply           and a list of five references who can be contacted,
please visit              including telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and
jobs/1219103/instructional-faculty-environmental-         mailing addresses. Questions or information requests
engineering-geology/agency/csusb/apply. For more          should be addressed to the Chair of the Petroleum

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