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GSA TODAY | OCTOBER 2015 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities  Geochemistry Search Committee, at (405) 325-3253        the Connecticut River. Recreational opportunities        mative action, equal opportunity, work-life
                                                            or                    abound all year round. To learn more about Dart-         balance, and dual careers. See
                                                                                                                    mouth College and the Dept. of Earth Sciences, visit     /notice-nondiscrimination.
                                                               The University of Oklahoma (OU) is a Carnegie-
                                                            R1 comprehensive public research university known                                                                   For further information, contact Dr. Richard
                                                            for excellence in teaching, research, and commu-           To submit an application, send curriculum vitae,      Kettler, Search Committee Chair by email, phone,
                                                            nity engagement, serving the educational, cultural,     statements of teaching and research interests and        or mail:, 1-402-472-0882; Dept.
                                                            economic and health-care needs of the state, region,    objectives, reprints or preprints of up to three of      of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University of
                                                            and nation from three campuses: Norman, Health          your most significant publications, and the name,        Nebraska–Lincoln, 214 Bessey Hall, Lincoln, NE
                                                            Sciences Center in Oklahoma City and the Schus-         address (including street address), e-mail address,      68588-0340.
                                                            terman Center in Tulsa. OU enrolls over 30,000          and fax/phone numbers of at least three references
                                                            students and has more than 2700 full-time faculty       to                         TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITION
                                                            members in 21 colleges. In 2014, OU became the                                                                   IN GEOLOGY, ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY
                                                            first public institution ever to rank #1 nationally in     Applications received by November 11, 2015, will      The Dept. of Geography-Geology at Illinois State
                                                            the recruitment of National Merit Scholars, with 311    receive first consideration. The appointment will be     University invites applications for a tenure-track
                                                            scholars. The 277-acre Research Campus in Norman        effective July 1, 2016.                                  position in Hydrogeology/Water Science at the
                                                            was named the No. 1 research campus in the nation                                                                Assistant Professor level. The preferred starting
                                                            by the Association of Research Parks in 2013.              With an even distribution of male and female          date is August 16, 2016. A Ph.D. in Geology or
                                                            Norman is a culturally rich and vibrant town located    students and over a quarter of the undergraduate         closely related field is preferred, but ABD candi-
                                                            just outside Oklahoma City. With outstanding            student population members of minority groups,           dates who will finish before the time of appoint-
                                                            schools, amenities, and a low cost of living, Norman    Dartmouth is committed to diversity and encour-          ment will be considered.
                                                            is a perennial contender on “best place to live” rank-  ages applications from women and minorities. Dart-
                                                            ings. Visit        mouth College is an equal opportunity and affirma-          The department seeks a candidate who possesses
                                                            ments/facultyflipbook.pdf and         tive action employer.                                    research and teaching interests that emphasize prac-
                                                            caffairs/oufacts.html for more information.                                                                      tical applications of Hydrogeology through field,
                                                                                                                                ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF                       laboratory, and/or computational skills. Specialties
                                                               The University of Oklahoma is an Affirmative             EARTH AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES                       may include, but are not limited to, environmental
                                                            Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Women                                                                        geophysics, vadose zone processes, flow in fractured
                                                            and minorities are encouraged to apply. Protected            (HYDROGEOLOGY/GROUNDWATER                           media, hydrogeology of energy-related activities,
                                                            veterans and individuals with disabilities are encour-                        MODELING)                          water supply and sustainability, and/or contaminant
                                                            aged to apply.                                                                                                   and solute transport. Candidates must be able to
                                                                                                                        UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA–LINCOLN                       demonstrate oral proficiency in the English language
                                                                      EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES                       Applications are invited for a tenure track position     as a requirement for this position, as mandated by
                                                                          DARTMOUTH COLLEGE                         as Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Earth and         state law.
                                                                                                                    Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Nebraska–
                                                            The Dept. of Earth Sciences at Dartmouth College        Lincoln. The successful candidate will be expected          Successful candidates will be integrated scholars
                                                            invites applications for a junior rank tenure-          to participate in teaching and curricular develop-       with a strong commitment to teaching and
                                                            track position in the general area of Earth Surface     ment of undergraduate and graduate courses, to           mentoring student research at the M.S. and under-
                                                            Processes. We especially welcome applications from      advise and direct graduate students, and to develop      graduate levels. Primary teaching responsibilities
                                                            candidates with research interests in the generation,   a rigorous research program that is supported by         will include graduate, advanced undergraduate, and
                                                            transport and deposition of sediments and related       external funding. It is expected that the research       general education courses. The successful candi-
                                                            contaminants in hill slope and stream channel envi-     program will focus on the responses of groundwater       date will be expected to maintain an externally
                                                            ronments, potentially with additional research inter-   systems to climate change. Ability to contribute to      funded and internationally visible research program.
                                                            ests in the biological mediation of physical processes  multidisciplinary water and climate research efforts     Potential collaborative interactions exist within the
                                                            and forms. Particular attention will be given to        within Dept. of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences and         department and with various state agencies (e.g.,
                                                            candidates who combine a focus on understanding         across the university will be considered as an advan-    Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois State
                                                            fundamental processes with state-of-the-art labora-     tage. The candidate should demonstrate strong            Water Survey, and Illinois EPA). The potential for
                                                            tory and/or field research programs that comple-        potential for research and teaching and must hold a      a significant startup package exists.
                                                            ment and contribute to ongoing research activities      Ph.D. in Geology, Hydrogeology, or a related field at
                                                            in the department as well as in Dartmouth’s Dept.       the time of appointment.                                    Illinois State University is a research-intensive
                                                            of Biological Sciences, Dept. of Geography, and the                                                              university with an annual enrollment of approxi-
                                                            Thayer School of Engineering. The successful candi-        The Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences           mately 22,000 students. To build a diverse work-
                                                            date will continue Dartmouth’s strong traditions in     offers B.S. degrees in Geology and Meteorology-          force, Illinois State University encourages applica-
                                                            graduate and undergraduate research and teaching.       Climatology, as well as M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in        tions from individuals with disabilities, minorities,
                                                            Teaching responsibilities consist of three courses      Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Primary research         females, and veterans. Equal Opportunity Employer.
                                                            spread over three of four ten-week terms.               areas within the geological sciences include hydro-      The university is located in the Bloomington-
                                                                                                                    geological sciences, sedimentary geology, paleon-        Normal metropolitan area of central Illinois with
                                                               The Dept. of Earth Sciences is home to 11 tenured    tology and paleobiology, petroleum geosciences,          a population of approximately 150,000. The Dept.
                                                            and tenure-track faculty members in the School of       and geobiology. Research in atmospheric sciences is      of Geography-Geology offers B.S./B.A. degrees in
                                                            Arts and Sciences, and enjoys strong Ph.D. and M.S.     focused on meteorological hazards, climate change,       Geography, a B.S. degree in Geology, and an M.S.
                                                            programs and outstanding undergraduate majors.          and remote sensing. Additional information about         degree in Hydrogeology.
                                                            To create an atmosphere supportive of research,         our department can be found on our website: http://
                                                            Dartmouth College offers new faculty members                                                  To ensure full consideration, please attach an
                                                            grants for research-related expenses, a quarter                                                                  online faculty application along with a letter of
                                                            of sabbatical leave for each three academic years          To apply, go to, requi-     application, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching
                                                            in residence, and flexible scheduling of teaching       sition # F_150187 and complete the “faculty/admin-       philosophy, statement of research plans, contact
                                                            responsibilities.                                       istrative form.” Applicants must attach a cover letter,  information for three references (name, telephone,
                                                                                                                    curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching    and email), and all college and university transcripts
                                                               Dartmouth College, a member of the Ivy               interests, and contact information for at least three    to posting number 0707449 at
                                                            League, is located in Hanover, New Hampshire            references via the above website. We will begin to       jobs. Screening of applications begins November 13,
                                                            (on the Vermont border). Dartmouth has a beau-          review applications on October 31, 2015, but the posi-   2015, and will continue until the position is filled.
                                                            tiful, historic campus located in a scenic area on      tion will remain open until it is filled.                Inquiries about the application process should be

                                                                                                                       The University of Nebraska is committed to
                                                                                                                    a pluralistic campus community through affir-

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