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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities                                                                                            A letter of application including contact information
                                                                                                                                                                                       for three references, vita, and short statements of
                                                            Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office     Through collaboration with industry, we have a suite      research and teaching philosophies can be uploaded
                                                            no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the     of 3D seismic and microseismic data volumes that          at requisition #5155BR.
                                                            issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@    are used for teaching, algorithm calibration, seismic
                                                  , +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.   geomorphological analysis, crustal imaging, and a            We seek candidates with strong records of schol-
                                                            All correspondence must include complete contact informa-        range of open source software for lithospheric-scale      arship who have the proven capacity or the clear
                                                            tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses. To estimate cost,  research. Information about the School and College        potential to bring externally sponsored research
                                                            count 54 characters per line, including punctuation and          can be found at                              to Texas Tech University. The department (www.
                                                            spaces. Actual cost may differ if you use capitals, boldface                                                      has active research specialties
                                                            type, or special characters. Rates are in U.S. dollars.             Review of applications will begin September 30,        in geology, geophysics, geochemistry, geography,
                                                                                                                             2015, and on-campus interviews will start later. The      and atmospheric science. We have ~400 under-
                                                            		                                      Per line each            search will continue until the positions are filled.      graduate majors and ~85 graduate students. Texas
                                                                                                    addt’l month             The preferred starting date is January 15, 2016, with     Tech is located in Lubbock on the edge of the
                                                            	 Per Line for	                                                  optional starting date of August 15, 2016. Applicants     Permian Basin. The region appreciates the social and
                                                                                                     (same ad)               can apply online at and search list-          economic importance of geoscience research due
                                                            Classification	             1st month	     $8.90                 ings for the requisition number: 23147 for General        to the importance of petroleum and groundwater
                                                                                                       $8.90                 Geophysics or 23148 for Applied Geophysics. Appli-        resources to the national economy. Teaching duties
                                                            Positions Open	             $ 9.15	                              cants should submit a complete vita/resume, state-        include graduate and undergraduate courses in the
                                                            Fellowship Opportunities	   $ 9.15	        $5.00                 ment of research and teaching interests, and a list       candidate’s specialty. Service to the department,
                                                            Opportunities for Students  $ 0.00	        $5.00                 of five references who can be contacted, including        university, and discipline is expected.
                                                               First 25 lines	          $ 5.00	                              phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and mailing
                                                              Additional lines	                                              addresses. Questions or information requests may be          As an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affir-
                                                                                                                             addressed to Geophysics Search, at (405) 325-3253,        mative Action employer, Texas Tech University is
GSA TODAY | OCTOBER 2015 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities  Positions Open                                                   or                        dedicated to the goal of building a culturally diverse
                                                                                                                                                                                       faculty committed to teaching and working in a
                                                                      TWO ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                                   The University of Oklahoma (OU) is a Carn-             multicultural environment. We encourage applica-
                                                                       POSITIONS IN GEOPHYSICS                               egie-R1 comprehensive public research university          tions from qualified candidates who can contribute,
                                                                     CONOCOPHILLIPS SCHOOL OF                                known for excellence in teaching, research, and           through research, teaching, and service, to the diver-
                                                                      GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS                                 community engagement, serving the educational,            sity and excellence of the academic community at
                                                                   THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA                                cultural, economic and health-care needs of the           Texas Tech University. The university welcomes
                                                            The University of Oklahoma invites applications                  state, region, and nation. OU enrolls over 30,000         applications from minorities, women, veterans,
                                                            for two tenure-track positions in Geophysics at the              students and has more than 2,700 full-time faculty        persons with disabilities, and dual-career couples.
                                                            Assistant Professor rank. One position is in General             members in 21 colleges. In 2014, OU became the            Evaluation of candidates will begin November
                                                            Geophysics and the second in Applied Geophysics.                 first public institution ever to rank #1 nation-          11, 2015 and continue until the position is filled.
                                                            We seek dynamic colleagues who will teach and                    ally in the recruitment of National Merit Scholars,       Department representatives will be available to
                                                            supervise geophysics students at all levels, while               with 311 scholars. The 277-acre Research Campus           discuss the position at the GSA Annual Meeting
                                                            conducting an aggressive, independent, externally                of OU in Norman was named the No. 1 research              (1–4 November) in Baltimore, Maryland. Questions
                                                            funded research in their field of expertise. The                 campus in the nation by the Association of Research       should be sent to Dr. Jeff Lee, Search Committee
                                                            successful candidate should hold a Ph.D., have a                 Parks in 2013. Norman is a culturally rich and            Chair:
                                                            demonstrated research record, and an interest in                 vibrant town with outstanding schools, ameni-
                                                            teaching undergraduates and mentoring graduate                   ties, and a low cost of living, and it is a perennial                 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF
                                                            students.                                                        contender on “best place to live” rankings. For                  GEOLOGY (SURFICIAL GEOLOGY)
                                                               The general geophysics applicant should have                  more information, visit
                                                            research interest in fundamental geophysics endeavors            provost/documents/facultyflipbook.pdf and www                           NORTHLAND COLLEGE
                                                            that include, but not limited to, geodynamics, poten-                                       ASHLAND, WISCONSIN
                                                            tial fields, geodesy, numerical modeling, geome-                                                                           Northland College is seeking a dedicated educator
                                                            chanics or seismology.                                              The University of Oklahoma is an Affirmative           for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in
                                                               The applied geophysics applicant should have                  Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Women                 the general area of surficial geology. The successful
                                                            research interest in collection of geophysical data              and minorities are encouraged to apply. Protected         candidate will teach six courses per year, including
                                                            and the interpretation of the subsurface for energy,             veterans and individuals with disabilities are encour-    Physical Geology, Landforms, Hydrology, Senior
                                                            groundwater, mineral, and geothermal exploration.                aged to apply.                                            Capstone Research/Senior Seminar, and two other
                                                            Interest in reservoir characterization and industry                                                                        courses, one of which will be a field or other inten-
                                                            experience are welcome.                                                    TENURE-TRACK POSITION IN                        sive experiential course during the College’s May
                                                               The ConocoPhillips School of Geology and                            SEDIMENTOLOGY OR GEOPHYSICS                         Term. A Ph.D. in geology is required (conferred by
                                                            Geophysics has a large, vibrant faculty with a broad                                                                       August 2016). Review of applications will begin on
                                                            range of research activities and strong ties to the                          TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY                         December 1, 2015, and the position will begin in
                                                            petroleum industry. The student body includes                    The Dept. of Geosciences at Texas Tech University         late August 2016. For more information, go to www
                                                            about 200 undergraduates and more than 100                       seeks applicants for a tenure-track, assistant professor
                                                            M.S. and Ph.D. students. The Mewbourne College                   position in either sedimentology or geophysics to
                                                            of Earth & Energy possesses extensive software                   start Fall 2016. A Ph.D. in an Earth Science or closely                      TENURE-TRACK
                                                            and computing labs with PC and Linux platforms                   related discipline at time of appointment is required.      ASSISTANT (OR ASSOCIATE) PROFESSOR
                                                            networked to our own dedicated cluster within the
                                                            OU supercomputer center (OSCER). The College                        We seek a dynamic researcher and teacher who                        SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY
                                                            hosts numerous industrial consortia, a research                  uses innovative field, laboratory and/or modeling              SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY
                                                            institute focused on seismic monitoring, and a field             approaches in either targeted area. For sedi-             The San Francisco State University Dept. of Earth &
                                                            campus in Colorado for field courses in geology                  mentology, we seek candidates with expertise in           Climate Sciences seeks applicants for a tenure-track
                                                            and geophysics. The geophysics group conducts                    sandstone, mudstone or carbonate sedimentary              Assistant (or Associate) Professor position in Sedi-
                                                            multiple, externally funded, research, and main-                 systems. For geophysics, we seek candidates with a        mentary Geology beginning August 2016. Ph.D. in
                                                            tains a comprehensive pool of geophysical equip-                 specialty in seismology or CSEM/MT methods. The           earth sciences or related discipline required. Salary
                                                            ment including GPR, seismic (active and passive),                geophysics candidate’s main area of research should       commensurate with qualifications. Position descrip-
                                                            magnetic, and gravity instruments, as well as exten-             be in imaging and interpreting crust and lithospheric     tion available at
                                                            sive rock physics characterization laboratories.                 features and whose interests include the basin scale.

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