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classroom, field, and laboratory experiences for our      regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual     The principal selection criteria for the fellow are
                                                            students. Candidates must have the desire and ability     orientation, disability, or socioeconomic back-          scientific excellence and a clearly expressed research
                                                            to teach courses at all levels of the curriculum. The     ground. For additional information and resources         plan to address questions at the forefront of Earth
                                                            typical teaching load is three lab courses per year.      about diversity at Denison, please see our Diversity     science, broadly defined. Applicants are expected to
                                                            In addition, successful candidates are expected to        Guide at       propose their own research ideas, but are encour-
                                                            maintain vibrant and productive research programs         Denison University is an Affirmative Action, Equal       aged to consider the current spectrum of research
                                                            that actively incorporate undergraduate students.         Opportunity Employer.                                    activities in the department and to communicate
                                                                                                                                                                               with one or more members of the faculty (http://
                                                               Denison University is a highly selective, private           ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR             
                                                            residential liberal arts college enrolling approxi-                     WATERSHED ANALYSIS
                                                            mately 2100 undergraduate students from across                                                                        The research fellowship will be supported by the
                                                            the country and around the world. The college is                   MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY                        Dept. of Earth Science for two years pending satis-
                                                            located in the village of Granville, Ohio, 25 miles east  The Land Resources and Environmental Sciences            factory progress in their first year. The fellowship
                                                            of Columbus. For more information about Denison,          Department, Montana State University, Bozeman,           covers an annual stipend of $60,000 and includes an
                                                            visit our website at           , is seeking a           annual research allowance of $3,500.
                                                                                                                      talented and enthusiastic individual to undertake        Candidates are required to submit:
                                                               All application materials will be handled electron-    a tenure-track, fiscal-year faculty position (63%        (1)	 A cover letter addressed to the search
                                                            ically at (Please         research/27% teaching/10% service) in watershed          	 committee chair;
                                                            clearly indicate the desired position.) Applications      analysis. Details of the position are available at       (2) 	 A research proposal of no more than 3 single
                                                            must include: (1) a letter of application addressing Screening           	 spaced pages excluding references;
                                                            the position requirements listed above; (2) a current     will begin January 15, 2016, until an adequate appli-    (3) 	 A current CV;
                                                            curriculum vita; (3) academic transcripts of under-       cant pool has been established.                          (4) 	 A list of publications; and
                                                            graduate and graduate course work (unofficial                                                                      (5) 	 A list of four referees with full contact details.
                                                            acceptable); (4) a statement of teaching philosophy       Fellowship Opportunities
                                                            and experience; and (5) a statement of your research                                                                  All documents should be submitted as a single
                                                            program in a liberal arts context. In addition, please                 WIESS POST-DOCTORAL                         .pdf file to the chair of the fellowship search
                                                            include the contact information for three persons                      RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP                         committee ( The application
                                                            who know your teaching and scholarship well, who                DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCE                        deadline is November 1, 2015. The highest ranked
                                                            will then be requested to upload reference letters.                                                                candidates will be invited to visit Rice in early 2016,
                                                            Completed application materials submitted by                                RICE UNIVERSITY                        and the decision of the award will be announced
                                                            October 15, 2015, will receive full consideration, and    The Dept. of Earth Science at Rice University is         March 1, 2016.
                                                            evaluation will continue until the position is filled.    launching a Wiess Post-Doctoral Research Fellow-
                                                            For those attending, we plan to meet with selected        ship competition in the broad fields of Earth, atmo-        Equal Opportunity Employer--Females/Minori-
                                                            candidates at the 2015 GSA Annual Meeting in Balti-       spheric, and planetary sciences. Interested candi-       ties/Veterans/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender
                                                            more, Maryland.                                           dates should have recently completed their Ph.D. or      Identity.
                                                                                                                      are expected to complete their Ph.D. by September
                                                               To achieve our mission as a liberal arts college, we   2016. The appointment of the fellow is expected to
                                                            continually strive to foster a diverse campus commu-      begin anytime between July and December 2016.
                                                            nity, which recognizes the value of all persons

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