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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office     isotope geochemistry, land/atmosphere interac-           ping stone to future sustainable energy. Successful
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the     tions, sedimentology/geomorphology, the use of           candidates will have a strong commitment to liberal
issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@    geophysical techniques in environmental research,        arts undergraduate education and will work as part, +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.   and other areas of environmental science pertinent       of a small and active departmental team. Previous
All correspondence must include complete contact informa-        to the Great Lakes region.                               internships and/or work in the energy industry is an
tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses. To estimate cost,                                                           asset, as is prior teaching experience. The appointee
count 54 characters per line, including punctuation and             Classified by the Carnegie Foundation as a            will advise and work closely with undergraduate
spaces. Actual cost may differ if you use capitals, boldface     doctoral research university, CMU is recognized          students in course work and advising, including
type, or special characters. Rates are in U.S. dollars.          for strong undergraduate education and a range of        senior research projects, and will provide evidence
                                                                 focused graduate and research programs. EAS offers       of excellence in teaching and ongoing scholarship.
Classification              Per Line for  Per line each          B.S. degrees in meteorology and geology, partici-        Other teaching will include introductory environ-
Positions Open               1st month    addt’l month           pates in the interdisciplinary Ph.D. degree in Earth     mental geology, college wide firstyear/sophomore
Fellowship Opportunities                                         and Ecosystem Science, and has recently established      seminars, and/or other advanced geology courses
Opportunities for Students    $ 9.15       (same ad)             a B.S. degree in Environmental Science. Successful       based on the expertise of the candidate and needs
                              $ 9.15         $8.90               candidates will be expected to contribute to under-      of the department. The teaching load will typically
  First 25 lines                             $8.90               graduate programs, enhance graduate education by         involve two lab courses per semester.
  Additional lines            $0.00                              actively supervising Ph.D. candidates, and become
                              $5.00          $5.00               active members of the Institute for Great Lakes             Allegheny College is a highly selective private
                                             $5.00               Research.                                                liberal arts college with a dedicated faculty of
                                                                                                                          teacherscholars. The Dept. of Geology has a tradi-
Positions Open                                                      Two Assistant Professors: Candidates should           tion of excellent undergraduate education and           GSA TODAY |
                                                                 have a record of publishing in quality journals and      active involvement in studentfaculty research.
              ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                                have a commitment to excellence in undergraduate         Facilities include a computer lab with GIS soft-
 SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY/PALEOCLIMATE                                teaching and graduate education. Successful appli-       ware, a trailer mounted drill rig, Xray diffraction,
                                                                 cants will be expected to develop and maintain an        ion and gas chromatography, Flame/Furnace AAS,
              OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE                                 externally funded research program. The initial          JEOL SEMEDSCL, and well-equipped instructional
The Dept. of Geology at Occidental College invites               teaching load will be 3 courses per academic year, for   labs. Applicants should send a letter of application,
applications for an Assistant Professor in sedimen-              up to 5 years based on satisfactory progress towards     teaching statement, research statement, cv, tran-
tary geology with a research focus in paleoclimate,              establishing a funded research program.                  scripts, and have three letters of reference sent. All
paleoenvironmental change, and/or fluvial - coastal                                                                       documents should be addressed to Energy Search,
processes. Occidental is a nationally ranked liberal                Department Chairperson: Candidates should             Department of Geology at Allegheny College and
arts college recognized for its diverse student body             have an outstanding record of publishing and             sent electronically to 2015GeoEnergySearch@
and outstanding undergraduate research program.                  external funding as well as strong evidence of effec- Review of applications will begin
We seek a colleague who values undergraduate                     tive leadership in an academic setting. The successful   October 19, 2015. More information on Allegheny
teaching and can sustain an active research program              applicant will be expected to develop and main-          College and the Dept. of Geology may be obtained
involving undergraduates. In addition to courses                 tain an externally funded research program. The          at Applicant must
related to specialty, the successful candidate will              successful candidate will use a multidisciplinary        be authorized to work in the United States to be
contribute to teaching introductory geology, support             approach to research, demonstrate excellent inter-       considered. Allegheny College is an Equal Oppor-
the Environmental Science concentration, engage                  personal and communication skills, provide a vision      tunity Employer with a strong commitment to
undergraduates in research, and mentor students                  for strengthening the department, and oversee the        diversity, inclusion, and equity. Women, veterans,
through completion of senior theses.                             launch of the environmental science program. Addi-       individuals with disabilities, and members of other
                                                                 tional responsibilities include teaching 2 courses per   underrepresented groups are highly encouraged
   Applications should include a statement of                    academic year.                                           to apply. Allegheny does not discriminate on the
teaching and research interests in the context of a                                                                       basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender iden-
liberal arts college. Candidates should specifically                Review of applications begins September 15,           tity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, or
address their ability to (1) teach in a socioeconomi-            2015, and continues until the positions are filled.      national origin.
cally, ethnically and culturally diverse environment,            Applications must be submitted through
and (2) engage students in an ongoing research          CMU is an AA/EO institution, providing              FACULTY POSITION, GEOPHYSICS
program. Submit statement, curriculum vitae, 1–3                 equal opportunity to all persons, including minori-                  UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA
significant publications, and contact information                ties, females, veterans, and individuals with disabili-
for three referees to Dr. Margi Rusmore, Search                  ties (see                          The Dept. of Geosciences at the University of Arizona
Committee Chair, at Members                                                                           seeks applications for a tenure track faculty position
of underrepresented groups are especially encour-                       VISITING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                      in geophysics in the broad areas of geodynamics,
aged to apply. Review of applications will begin                                OF GEOLOGY, ENERGY                        seismology, and/or geodesy. Candidates must hold
October 15, 2015, and will continue until the search                            ALLEGHENY COLLEGE                         a Ph.D. degree by the time of appointment. Post-
closes on December 22, 2015. Search committee                                                                             doctoral or other postgraduate research experience
members will meet interested candidates at the                   The Geology Department at Allegheny College invites      is desirable. We anticipate hiring at the tenure-track
GSA and AGU meetings; email the committee to                     applicants for a four-year appointment (subject to a     assistant professor level. The appointee is expected
make arrangements.                                               satisfactory performance review in the second year),     to develop and maintain a vigorous, collaborative,
                                                                 with a start date of January 2016. A Ph.D. is preferred  externally funded research program and to teach
       TWO TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT                                at the time of appointment but strong ABD candi-         at the undergraduate and graduate level. Screening
                     PROFESSORS                                  dates will be considered. There is the potential for     of applications will begin Sept. 10, 2015 and the
                                                                 conversion of the position to a tenuretrack contract     search will continue until the position is filled. To
    AND FULL PROFESSOR DEPARTMENT                                after the four-year appointment. We seek a geosci-       apply, please submit: a cover letter, including refer-
                          CHAIR                                  entist with teaching and/or research interests in an     ences, curriculum vita, and statements of research
                                                                 energyrelated field to develop and teach a new intro-    and teaching experience and interests at this website:
       ENVIRONMENTAL GEOSCIENCES                                 ductory energy course and to help us shape a new
      CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY                                interdisciplinary minor in energy and society. Our
The Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences                      vision for the position is to have someone move
(EAS) seeks candidates who use a combination of                  beyond traditional petroleum geology and help
fieldwork, large data set analysis, and modeling to              develop a curriculum related to fossil fuels as a step-
address environmental problems. Preference will be
given to candidates with expertise in one or more of
the following areas: biogeochemical cycling, stable

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