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Geosciences, to begin in August 2016. We seek             processes with modern geophysical data and/or            GSA TODAY |
broadly trained scientists engaged in the study of        simulation methods. All areas of technical expertise
(1) Sedimentology and/or Stratigraphy, and                will be considered, with preference for seismology,
(2) Geomorphology and/or Climatology. We                  geodesy, and/or numerical modeling. We seek
welcome candidates that combine these specialties         candidates who complement our current research
in innovative ways, and are willing to consider joint     program and integrate tectonics and geophysics.
applications. Successful candidates should demon-
strate potential to be outstanding teachers, active          The successful candidate is expected to develop
scholars, and contributors to the continued growth        a vigorous, externally funded research program and
of the Department and College. Candidates must            to advise graduate and undergraduate students. A
have a Ph.D. at the time of appointment.                  Ph.D. or an equivalent degree is required at the time
                                                          of appointment.
   We seek colleagues who are committed to
teaching excellence in the liberal arts tradition,           Applicants should submit a PDF containing
are field-based, have broad interests beyond their        a letter of application, their curriculum vitae, a
individual specialties, and will provide a balance of     description of teaching and research objectives and
classroom, field, and laboratory experiences for our      accomplishments, and the contact information of
students. Candidates must have the desire and ability     three referees who will provide letters. Applicants
to teach courses at all levels of the curriculum. The     should request that the three referees send letters
typical teaching load is three lab courses per year.      of evaluation by October 1st, 2015. The application
In addition, successful candidates are expected to        file and letters of reference should be submitted to
maintain vibrant and productive research programs
that actively incorporate undergraduate students.
                                                             Review of applications will begin October 1st,
   Denison University is a highly selective, private      2015. The position will remain open until filled, but
residential liberal arts college enrolling approxi-       to ensure full consideration, application materials
mately 2100 undergraduate students from across            should be submitted by this date.
the country and around the world. The college is
located in the village of Granville, Ohio, 25 miles east     The department is especially interested in candi-
of Columbus. For more information about Denison,          dates who contribute to the diversity and excel-
visit our website at                     lence of the academic community through research,
                                                          teaching, and service.
   All application materials will be handled electron-
ically at (Please            The University of California is an Equal Oppor-
clearly indicate the desired position.) Applications      tunity/Affirmative Action employer and all qualified
must include: (1) a letter of application addressing      applicants will receive consideration for employ-
the position requirements listed above; (2) a current     ment without regard to race, color, religion, sex,
curriculum vita; (3) academic transcripts of under-       sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin,
graduate and graduate course work (unofficial             disability status, protected veteran status, or any
acceptable); (4) a statement of teaching philosophy       other characteristic protected by law.
and experience; and, (5) a statement of your research
program in a liberal arts context. In addition, please      PHYSICAL HYDROGEOLOGIST, GEOLOGY
include the contact information for three persons                   WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY
who know your teaching and scholarship well, who
will then be requested to upload reference letters.       West Virginia University Dept. of Geology & Geog-
Completed application materials submitted by              raphy invites applications for a tenure-track posi-
October 15, 2015 will receive full consideration, and     tion in geology at the Assistant Professor level.
evaluation will continue until the position is filled.    This position, related to the stewardship of fresh-
For those attending, we plan to meet with selected        water resources, is one of several university-wide,
candidates at the 2015 GSA Annual Meeting in              research-focused initiatives (http://research.wvu.
Baltimore, Maryland.                                      edu/about). Research on freshwater is an area of
                                                          growth across campus and includes a new interdis-
   To achieve our mission as a liberal arts college, we   ciplinary Water Center.
continually strive to foster a diverse campus commu-
nity, which recognizes the value of all persons              Applicants are expected to hold a Ph.D. or equiv-
regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual   alent degree in Geology or related field at the time of
orientation, disability, or socioeconomic back-           appointment. We seek applications from individuals
ground. For additional information and resources          with interests in basic and applied aspects of ground-
about diversity at Denison please see our Diversity       water flow in the critical zone and/or deeper regimes.
Guide at        The successful applicant will possess demonstrable
Denison University is an Affirmative Action, Equal        expertise in study of subsurface water flow and/or
Opportunity Employer.                                     transport processes that may be applied to compet-
                                                          itively-funded research problems. Specialties may
                     GEOPHYSICS                           include, but are not limited to, flow modeling in
      DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCE                         porous media; hyporheic or vadose zone processes;
                                                          groundwater-surface water interaction; flow in frac-
                UC SANTA BARBARA                          tured media; hydrogeology of energy-related activi-
The Dept. of Earth Science at the University of           ties; water supply and sustainability; contaminant
California, Santa Barbara, invites applications           and solute transport; and/or karst hydrogeology.
for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in        The position will begin in January or August 2016.
Geophysics, starting July 1, 2016. We seek an inno-
vative geophysicist who investigates solid Earth             Candidates will be evaluated on the basis of their
                                                          potential to establish a vigorous externally-funded
                                                          research program, publish scholarly work, mentor
                                                          graduate students, and to teach at the undergraduate

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