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and graduate levels. Qualified applicants should The principal selection criteria for the fellow are Opportunity for Students
submit the following items to hydrogeo@mail.wvu scientific excellence and a clearly expressed research
.edu: (1) a single PDF file including a statement of plan to address questions at the forefront of Earth A Ph.D. Fellowship is available in the Depart-
research interests, a statement of teaching philos- science, broadly defined. Applicants are expected to ment of Geosciences at Georgia State University.
ophy, and curriculum vitae; and (2) pdf files of up to propose their own research ideas, but are encour- The fellowship will lead to the degree of Ph.D. in
4 publications. Please also arrange for three letters of aged to consider the current spectrum of research Chemistry (Geology Specialization), although all
reference to be sent to the same email address. activities in the department and to communicate coursework and research activities will be in Geosci-
with one or more members of the faculty (http:// ences ( The work will focus on
Review of applications will commence on studying the energetics of fundamental chemical
September 15, 2015 and continue until a successful reactions at metal-oxides-solution interfaces. The
candidate is identified. For additional informa- The research fellowship will be supported by the lab has focused particularly on experimental ther-
tion, please see Dept. of Earth Science for two years pending satis- modynamics through the utilization and develop-
or contact the search chair Dorothy J. Vesper at factory progress in their first year. The fellowship ment of flow adsorption microcalorimetry tech- WVU is an EEO/Affirma- covers an annual stipend of $60,000 and includes an niques and instrumentation although other relevant
tive Action Employer and welcomes applications annual research allowance of $3,500. techniques will be equally utilized. Requirements
from all qualified individuals, including minorities, Candidates are required to submit: include an M.S. degree in Geosciences or related
females, individuals with disabilities, and veterans. (1) A cover letter addressed to the search field (inorganic or analytical chemistry, soil physical
chemistry, chemical engineering, etc.) some expe-
Fellowship Opportunities committee chair rience or strong desire to learn geochemistry, and
(2) A research proposal of no more than 3 single- acceptance into the Ph.D. program. Students inter-
WIESS POST-DOCTORAL ested in a Ph.D. in Chemistry (no Geology Special-
RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP spaced pages excluding references ization) can elect to go through the Chemistry
DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCE (3) A current CV department ( although some
(4) A list of publications coursework requirements may change. The stipend
RICE UNIVERSITY (5) A list of four referees with full contact details is $25,000 per year. The preferred start date is
The Dept. of Earth Science at Rice University is January 2016. Georgia State University is a growing
launching a Wiess Post-Doctoral Research Fellow- All documents should be submitted as a single research university in the dynamic heart of down-
ship competition in the broad fields of Earth, atmo- .pdf file to the chair of the fellowship search town Atlanta. For more information please contact
spheric, and planetary sciences. Interested candi- committee ( The application Nadine Kabengi at or +1-404-
dates should have recently completed their Ph.D. or deadline is November 1, 2015. The highest ranked 413-5207.
are expected to complete their Ph.D. by September candidates will be invited to visit Rice in early 2016,
2016. The appointment of the fellow is expected to and the decision of the award will be announced
begin anytime between July and December 2016. March 1, 2016.
Equal Opportunity Employer—Females/Minori-
ties/Veterans/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender
GSA TODAY | SEPTEMBER 2015 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities Fourth
The Fourth International EarthCache Event (4IEE) will
take place on the 19 Sept. 2015 in Goslar, Germany. This
event will bring around 1,000 or more EarthCachers from
around the globe to meet, discuss, and learn about
EarthCaching. EarthCaching is a program coordinated by
GSA in partnership with as part of the
international GPOS-driven adventure game of geocaching.
An EarthCache is a type of geocache that is visited by the
general public. At the site, they learn about geology and
undertake an educational task. There are currently more
than 20,000 EarthCache sites around the planet, and these
have been visited by more than six million people.
You can find out more information about 4IEE at and about EarthCaching at
EarthCaching is just one of the many programs run by the
GSA Education & Outreach team.
Let the Earth be Your Teacher!