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GSA TODAY | SEPTEMBER 2015 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities        ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF GEOSCIENCES,                      existing research clusters and establish an exter- or +1-304-293 9817.
                                                                             ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY                           nally- funded, internationally recognized research           West Virginia University is an EEO/Affirma-
                                                                                                                             program. Teaching duties include undergraduate
                                                                          PACIFIC LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY                        and graduate courses in the candidate’s area of           tive Action Employer and welcomes applications
                                                                  The Dept. of Geosciences at Pacific Lutheran               expertise. Review of applicants will begin on October     from all qualified individuals, including minorities,
                                                                  University invites applications for a tenure-track         15, 2015 and continue until the position is filled. A     females, individuals with disabilities, and veterans.
                                                                  position in environmental geology at the level of          Ph.D. is required at the time of appointment, with
                                                                  Assistant Professor to begin September 1, 2016. A          the position scheduled to begin in Fall 2016, subject                 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGIST
                                                                  commitment to excellence in teaching at a predomi-         to budgetary approval. Please apply online to:                       NEOTECTONICS, GEOLOGY
                                                                  nately undergraduate institution and a dedication                MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY
                                                                  to establishing a field-based research program that        Applications should include: (1) a cover letter;          The Dept. of Geography, Geology and Planning
                                                                  engages students are expected. Teaching responsi-          (2) a CV; (3) statements of research and teaching         invites applications for a tenure-track position in
                                                                  bilities will include hydrogeology, an upper division      interests; (4) names and contact information of four      Geology at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin in
                                                                  course in one’s expertise, the gateway course for          references; and (5) copies of three relevant publi-       either January 2016 or August 2016 with an emphasis
                                                                  the major (GEOS 201), and topical lower division           cations. Direct questions to the Search Committee         in either Structural Geology or Neotectonics.
                                                                  geoscience courses. Participation in extended field        Chair, Dr. Daniel Bain,, +1-412-              A Ph.D. (or ABD) in Geology or a closely related
                                                                  trip experiences, the general education program, and       624-8766. The University of Pittsburgh is an Affir-       field is required at time of appointment. Require-
                                                                  mentoring senior capstone research projects is also        mative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and              ments include a commitment to undergraduate-
                                                                  expected. Ph.D. in Geology or closely related field is     values equality of opportunity, human dignity and         and Master’s-level teaching as well as research exper-
                                                                  required. ABD will be considered, but Ph.D. must be        diversity. The University of Pittsburgh is the fifth      tise and interest at a level appropriate to supervise
                                                                  in hand by September 1, 2016.                              largest recipient of federally sponsored research         Master’s-level thesis projects. The successful appli-
                                                                                                                             funding among U.S. universities and has $900              cant will teach an undergraduate course in structural
                                                                     PLU is a comprehensive university of 3500               million in annual research and development expen-         geology and one or more upper-level courses in his
                                                                  students offering a curriculum integrating the             ditures. Located in an urban setting, the University      or her specialty. Additionally, the individual will also
                                                                  liberal arts and professional programs. Located in a       campus offers easy access to potential research,          teach introductory-level geology courses, and partic-
                                                                  uniquely scenic region of the Pacific Northwest, the       teaching and outreach venues including the Carnegie       ipate in department-level field trips. Post-doctoral
                                                                  university’s campus is 40 miles south of Seattle and       Museum of Natural History, the Carnegie Science           research experience and evidence of teaching effec-
                                                                  40 miles west of Mount Rainier near Tacoma, Wash-          Center, several urban watersheds, and proximity to        tiveness would be advantageous. Applicants must
                                                                  ington. AA/EOE.                                            long-term experimental catchments (Fernow, West           be able to demonstrate knowledge of and the ability
                                                                                                                             Virginia). Pittsburgh is experiencing a “green renais-    to work in an environment that encourages an
                                                                     Submit application at http://employment.plu             sance” and is consistently ranked among the top           understanding of, respect for, and development
                                                                  .edu/. Required materials: cover letter, c.v., state-      places to live, work, and visit in the U.S.               of skills to engage with those of other cultures or
                                                                  ment of teaching philosophy, unofficial undergrad-                                                                   diverse backgrounds.
                                                                  uate and graduate transcripts, and potential research                    ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                            The Department grants undergraduate degrees in
                                                                  plans with undergraduates. Three confidential letters            MINERALOGY-PETROLOGY-EARTH                          Geology, Geography, Planning, Geospatial Science,
                                                                  of recommendation will also be requested by PLU                                                                      and Earth Science Education and an M.S. in Geospa-
                                                                  upon application. Review of applications will begin                              MATERIALS                           tial Science in Geography, Geology and Planning.
                                                                  October 1, 2015, but the position will remain open                   WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY                        The successful applicant would be expected to teach
                                                                  until filled. For questions or more information,           The Dept. of Geology and Geography at West                and advise in the undergraduate program in Geology
                                                                  please contact Dr. Peter Davis, Search Committee           Virginia University seeks to hire a tenure track Assis-   and in the department’s graduate program.
                                                                  Chair at +1-253-538-5770 or               tant Professor specializing in Earth Materials. This         Qualified applicants should apply online at
                                                                                                                             could include expertise in Igneous, Metamorphic, and upload a single
                                                                                      TENURE-TRACK                           Sedimentary or Organic Petrology, Mineralogy,             PDF that includes a letter of application, current
                                                                  GEOSCIENCE AND WATER SUSTAINABILITY                        Geomicrobiology or related fields. The successful         curriculum vitae, detailed research plan, statement
                                                                                                                             candidate will be expected to develop a vigorous          of teaching philosophy, and contact information
                                                                            UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH                         externally-funded research program, to teach core         for 3–5 professional references. The evaluation of
                                                                  The Dept. of Geology and Environmental Science             undergraduate classes covering the origins of rocks       applications will begin September 15, 2015, and
                                                                  seeks to expand its expertise related to water sustain-    and minerals as well as graduate courses in the area of   will continue until a successful candidate is found.
                                                                  ability in a changing climate and invites applica-         his/her expertise, and to mentor graduate students.       Further information can be obtained at +1-417-
                                                                  tions for a tenure-track assistant professor pending          Requirements include a Ph.D. or equivalent             836-5800 or visit our web site at http://geosciences.
                                                                  budgetary approval. Given the recent, profound             doctoral degree in Earth Science or a closely related The University is dedicated to the
                                                                  shifts in water balance and those anticipated in           field by the start date, evidence of potential to estab-  goal of building a culturally diverse and inclusive
                                                                  the near future, the Department seeks to develop           lish a strong externally-funded research program, to      faculty and staff committed to teaching and working
                                                                  capacity to understand these issues of regional,           publish in peer-reviewed journals, and to excel in        in a multicultural environment and strongly encour-
                                                                  national and global importance. We are seeking a           teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels.        ages applications from women, persons from under-
                                                                  geoscientist with expertise in characterizing hydro-          Qualified applicants should: (1) submit a single       represented ethnic and racial groups, individuals
                                                                  logic changes associated with climatic shifts and          PDF file including a statement of research interests, a   with disabilities and covered veterans. Employment
                                                                  developing adaptation strategies allowing society to       statement of teaching philosophy, and a curriculum        will require a criminal background check at Univer-
                                                                  sustainably adjust to these shifts. Our goal is to hire a  vitae; (2) submit PDF files of up to 3 publications;      sity expense. Missouri State University is an Equal
                                                                  colleague who uses a combination of field measure-         and (3) arrange for three letters of reference to be      Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Minority/Female/
                                                                  ments and observations, remote sensing, and/               sent. All documents should go to earthmaterials@          Veterans/Disability employer and institution.
                                                                  or modeling to better understand water-climate-  
                                                                  human interactions in the critical zone. Specific             Review of applications will begin Sept. 30, 2015                         TWO POSITIONS:
                                                                  areas of interest could include, but are not limited       and continue until the position is filled. The antici-          STRATIGRAPHY/SEDIMENTOLOGY
                                                                  to: catchment hydrology in urban, managed, and             pated start date is August of 2016.                         AND GEOMORPHOLOGY/CLIMATOLOGY
                                                                  natural systems; land-atmosphere interactions; soil           For additional information, please see http://
                                                                  moisture analysis; the interacting roles of climate or contact                              DENISON UNIVERSITY
                                                                  variability and land use change on hydrologic              the search chair: Jaime Toro at earthmaterials@           Denison University invites applications for two
                                                                  processes; or physical models of ecohydrologic and                                                                   tenure track positions in the Department of
                                                                  hydropedologic processes from the plot to the global
                                                                  scale. The successful candidate will complement

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